Omicron Persei 8

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The Series Has Landed:

The new crew of Planet Express meet the employees. There's Hermes, the Jamaican bureaucrat, rich intern Amy Wong and, of course, Dr. Zoidberg. Their first assignment is to deliver a shipment of soft toys to the Moon. Fry is very excited, and is surprised to find that the moon is mostly an enormous amusement park - the happiest place orbiting Earth. Fry tires of the theme park and wants to see the 'real moon'. He forces a go-kart off a track and explores with a reluctant Leela. The cart breaks down and they end up working on a farm. Bender comes along , and an incident involving him and the farmer's robot daughter, the Crushinator, gets them chased off. Fry and Leela find the original moon landing site, and Amy picks them all up with the ship's magnet, causing Bender's circuits to scramble and making him sing country music.


(Fry and Leela shut Bender out of the moon lander)
Bender: Fine, I'll make my own lunar lander! With blackjack, and fact forget the lunar lander and the blackjack!...ah, screw the whole thing.

Leela: Fry, we have a crate to deliver.
Fry: Why don't we just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it?
Bender: Nah, too much work. Let's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer.

Seen Around the Future

Slogans on the moon amusement park include 'I'm with Stupid on the Moon' and 'My Other Car is a Porsche on the Moon'.

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