The Phantom 

I Shades
Down in the fathomless despair
Where destiny has locked me in,
Where light nor joy descends and where
(Sole lodgers of nights dreary inn)

An artist god has set apart
In mockery, I paint the murk;
where like a ghoulish cook at work
boiling and munching on my heart-

At moments gleams and grows apace
A phantom languorous and  bright
A dream of oriental Grace. 

When it attains its utmost height,
I know at last the lovely thing;
Its she ! girl dark yet glimmering.

II The perfume

Hast thou inhaled ---- O reader, say !--
with zest and lazy greed, the old
Incense that chapel arches hold
Or the stale musk of sachet?

O magic spell, O ecstasy !
To make the present yield the past!
Its thus on a beloved breast 
Love culls the flowers of memory.

The tresses long about her face
--A living censer, left the place 
With strange wild odours all astir,

And in her velvet muslin, lace
Candid and girlish, over her
Hovered a perfume, Faint of fur. 

III The frame

A fine frame to picutre brings 
(Through from a brush illustrious)
A charm strange and mysterious,
Secluding it from other things.

Thus  jewels, metals, gold became
Adpated to her beauty bright;
nothing obscured its perfect light, 
All things about her seemed a frame.

Often one might have said she found
Her garments loved her, for she drowned 
her naked body in embraces.

 Of voluptuous silks and laces;
a monkeys childlike grace she gave 
To every movement gay or grave.

IV The portrait 

Death disease make ashes of 
the flames that wrapped our youth around.
Of her soft eyes, ablaze with love
Her mouth, wherein my heart was drowned 

Of her long kisses magic spell,
Her passion sharp as Phoebus dart 
what have I now? O woeful heart ! 
naught but a faded old pastel.

Dying like me in solitude,
Paling each day in every part 
beneath times tireless pinions rude....

Dark murderer of life and art,
Never shalt thou in me destroy
her who was once my frame my joy!

		Lewis Piaget Shanks
