More about the author

The only recorded picture of the Nemesis

Well folks it was one tumultous ride getting this monstrocity up but

here it is. I hope that you enjoy the images and all the other goodies I put

up. For those of you wishing to know a little bit more about me personally. I

am a third generation citizen of one of the most beautiful cities on earth. I

have lived in San francisco and the surrounding Bay area my whole life. It

is an excellent place to live and be.I currently attend San Francisco State

university. I'm a double major in Film emphasizing film direction and script

writing, and a Psychology major specializing in the analysis of abnormal

and violent behavior in criminals. My passion however is making films

which is what I ultimately intend to do with my life. Right now however I'm

doing jobs as a freelance Computer Graphic Animator. If space allows I will

examples of my work on this page for you all to check out. My second

greatest passion is writing. I'm currently trying to get my novels published

which I of course will happen soon, but I'm in no rush. There are two things

which of myself I will not reveal, The first my real name, The second What I

really look like. For those of my friends on the Janet list and FOJ chat room

who were hoping to learn that about me here......Sorry!!. Those things you

only learn through getting to know me better, for those of you who do know

both these things shhhhhhh. Thanks very for visiting my page I hope you

found it interesting and creative and I would love to hear what you have to

say. I hope you had as much fun with it as I had making it. Remeber things

will be changing here and new things will be added so do come back.