And The Winner Is...

Just one reason the All Star version of the Swing Dancing Gap commercial was shelved.

From the mind of Kallisto
September 21, 1998

The Runners Up

...And pandemonium has broken out in the ring tonight with all four wrestlers in the ring at the same time!!

E F Snorkle | September 24, 1998

No, you put your RIGHT foot in...wait, I said turn *yourself* around, not me....oh, forget it. This is the LAST time I try to teach anyone how to do the Hokey Pokey!!

Stephanie Martinez | September 22, 1998

The "swing-craze" bug has bitten Mulder and Herc, and they get down to the groovy sounds of the "Cherry Poppin' Daddies" however they are beginning to regret letting Scully and Xena set them up on blind dates...

damfino | September 22, 1998

The Contenders
(in chronological order)

Hercules and Partner...and Mulder and Partner...vie it out to the bitter end, for the prestigious "Widow Twanky BallRoom Dancing Marathon" Trophy.

mingo | September 20, 1998

Break my back, fine- but please, careful with the Armani...

Em | September 20, 1998

Mulder: Scully, Scully, is that you?

Alien: Pucker up, Loverboy!

Hercules: Hey! Save some for me! This one's already dried up!

Rita | September 20, 1998

Background music: "...Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight. *bum bum* Get down tonight."

Sally Smith | September 20, 1998

The new Gap "Jump, Jive and Wail" clothes campaign

Terry | September 20, 1998

Mulder: Scully you really know how to throw a Par-Tay.

Tarnekep Portree | September 20, 1998

"Mulder thought that perhaps he'd skip this particular dance club next Saturday night."

Sara A. Laipis | September 21, 1998

Saving the world didn't leave much time for a social life on either Mulder's or Herc's part, so come Swing Dance night at the local Georgetown club, they had to take what partners they could get.

OnmiOwn3 | September 21, 1998

Mulder: Ok, this is officially the weirdest slash pairing ever.

Woodinat | September 22, 1998

Announcer: As tag-team wrestling night continues, chaos reigns with everyone in the ring at the same time! Hercules has an alien in a post-hole maneuver but Mulder is at a disadvantage, caught in a painful back-breaker hold.

Barbara | September 22, 1998

"Mmm Herc, I really don't think this is how you do the Hookey Pookey."

Becci | September 23, 1998

Mulder: You know, Herc, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I said we could impress Scully and Xena by taking dancing lessons...

The Purple Rhino | September 23, 1998

Mulder: 'You just had to starch my suit, didn't you, Scully?!!'

Starwood* | September 23, 1998

Mulder and the aliens always look forward to Hercules' swing lessons.

Sandy Bruchmann | September 24, 1998

ALIEN HOLDING MULDER: Argh! This Lambada really hurts my back!

HERCULES: That's why I'm going with the Macarena instead.

Simone | September 25, 1998

Alien: Ha ha! I'm kicking Mulder around!

Mulder: Help me, Scuuuulieeee!

Hercules: Shut up, Spooky, you'll disturb my transparent guy balancing act.

Mulder: This is what happens when The X-Files writers run out of ideas.

Heather Mahoney | September 25, 1998

Alien- Why in all this earth did I chose to kidnap such a Damn heavy guy I am gonna fall here......This guy must have eaten a ton crap

Mulder- Correction I ate a ton of Scully's secret Cassorole it makes me puffy and by the way crap doesn't taste to good

Hercules- This guy has something in his stomach I have to remove it but where's the opening...Its got to be here somewhere

Fireman guy- ehhhhhhhhhhh

Alien- These humans are soooo DUMB!?

MulderLestatBlack | September 26, 1998

Studio 54 or Area 51?

Tarnekep Portree | September 26, 1998

Action Caption | Alien Ice Picktures | Week 4 Winners