Momo, Chibi-Usa and Kyusuke went to the Embassy where Ririka said she lived. The courtyard of the Embassy was very ominous.  The gardens were filled with the yellow flowers that Ririka liked so much.  The three friends knelt down to examine the flowers.
"Wahh!"  A hand touched Chibi-Usa on the shoulder.  It was Ririka. Inside the house, Ririka laughed.  "Me?  A vampire?"  Ririka said she was pale because of her health and that the missing boys, Kuwano and Ishihara, both went home after dropping her off.
"But what about eating flowers?" asked Chibi-Usa.
"Oh, these are sugar-coated flowers," Ririka held up a box of candied flowers.
"Mmm, they're good," said Momo.
Chibi-Usa looked sheepish.  Ririka smiled.
Momo said that after so much excitement, she needed the toilet.
"You are so un-ladylike," criticized Ryusuke.
"It's a part of life," snapped Momo.
Ririka said she would show Momo the way.  As they walked along the hallway, Ririka's shadow suddenly changed into a menacing shape...
Chibi-Usa put down her teacup.  "Kyusuke, don't you think Momo's taking an awfully long time?"
Kyusuke was stuffing his face with candied flowers.  "Well, maybe she's, you know..."
"Dummy!" Chibi-Usa berated him.
Chibi-Usa and Kyusuke ran down the dark, empty hallways of the Embassy looking for Ririka and Momo.
Chibi-Usa peeked into a room...

"What is it?" asked Kyusuke as Chibi-Usa stifled a scream.

  They peeked into the room again and saw Momo and the missing boys lying unconscious, but Ririka was gone.  Chibi-Usa and Kyusuke ran into the room. 
