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Expedition to Darien 

[ Meteti - Yaviza - MOGUE RIVER]

Expedition Leader: Hernán Araúz

587 kms / June 1999


[Without Hernán's help, this expedition would have not been possible - thanks for the knowledge and good times!]


bulletJeff, Adrienne, Carrie and Ena Caston  - Blue Defender 110
bulletFelipe Acebedo, Tatiana Zapata - Green Discovery 
bulletJan Stichweh,  María Victoria Delgado  - Green Discovery
bulletHernán, Luz and Luisa Araúz  - Red Defender 110
bulletAlejandro, Julie and Amanda Díaz - Green Discovery
bulletEduardo Stanziola, Angie Jaén  - Red Discovery
bulletRobbie Calvo and TC - White Defender 90

DARIEN Expedition Information:

bulletTraveled a total of 587 kilometers in 2 days with 3 Defenders and 4 Discovery's
bulletTotal driving time:12 hours and 30 minutes
bulletAverage Speed: 47 k.p.h.
bulletLearned first hand about the Emberá Indian culture
bulletLand Rover Club Panama helped give donations that included medicines, food, school supplies and toys to the Emberá tribe for a total of $1,200
bulletWe saw first hand the the widespread deforestation of the area
bulletWe visited the ruins of the historic Spanish fort San Jerónimo de Yaviza, that is being lost to the Chucunaque River
bulletWe traveled through the Tuira River (Panama's biggest river)
bulletTraveled trough the Gulf of San Miguel (where the Pacific Ocean was discovered)


Click below for Pictures

Meteti and Yaviza         Embera Indian tribe

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