
Wellcome to Climbing Brazil


This is some general information about this Web site. If you are looking form information about rock climbing in Brazil, I recommend you to read these two pages:


Centro Excursionista Universitário


CEU is a non-profit organization dedicated to outdoor sports and recreation, in which I take part. If you happen to be in São Paulo, you are wellcome to our weekly meetings. Our headquarter is in the University of São Paulo. We have a meeting every Wednesday evening in USP Teacher's Club (Clube dos Professores da USP - see the map).

About Me


I am a computer specialized journalist living in São Paulo, Brazil. I am also an outdoor sports enthusiast. I practice rock climbing, backpacking, caving and mountain biking. My e-mail address is

About Climbing


WARNING!: Rock climbing is a potentially hazardous activity. This compilation of climbing material is not intended to be the only source of information for those wishing to pursue the sport of rock climbing. Prior and competent knowledge in the use of various rock climbing safety devices is assumed. By use of the provided information, the reader hereby releases the authors and providers of said information from liability for any injury, including death, that might result. You have been warned!

[Climbing Brazil - English]

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© Maurício Grego, São Paulo, Brazil, March 1999