Hawai`i Aloha ![]() Pronunciation Guide O ne of the most beloved songs written by The Reverend Lorenzo Lyons, 1807-1886, also known as Makua Laiana, was taken from an old hymn "I Left It All With Jesus" composed by James McGranahan (1840-1907).A local classic, it is sung together as a closing song at Hawaiian gatherings with the holding of hands with those adjacent, swaying with the music, and holding hands up high at the end. E Hawai`i, e ku`u one hânau e, O Hawai`i, o my sands-birth, Ku`u home kulaiwi nei. My home-native here. `Oli nô au i nâ pono lani ou. Rejoice indeed I in the hope-heavenly-your. E Hawai`i, aloha e! O Hawai'i , greetings of love! [HUI] E hau`oli e nâ `ôpio o Hawai`i nei. Be happy o the youths of Hawai`i here. `Oli e! `Oli e! Rejoice! Rejoice! Mai nâ aheahe makani e pâ mai nei, From the gentle winds blowing here, Mau ke aloha no Hawai`i. Always the love for Hawai`i. [Hana hou i ka hui.] E ha`i mai kou mau kini lani e, Kou mau kupa aloha e Hawai`i. Your citizens-beloved o Hawai`i. Nâ mea `ôlino kamaha`o no luna mai, The things-radiant-wonderful from above come, E Hawai`i, aloha e! O Hawai`i, greetings of love! * Na ke Akua e mâlama mai iâ `oe, Kou mau kualono aloha nei. Your ridges-beloved here. Kou mau kahawai `ôlinolino mau, Your streams-sparkling/glistening-ever. Kou mau mâla pua nani e, Your gardens-flower beautiful. |
[The above is a literal, word-for-word translation] |
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