Mahalo e Mona!

This page is included here as a tribute to our Shelties' breeder, Mona, as well as to inspire prospective breeders to emulate her professionalism. She is a Breeder. The following was written in response to a post that appeared on the Sheltie-Net List, which inquired about show prospect costs:

January 1999


I don't have show prospect costs, as all of our "kids" are companion Shelties, but I thought I'd share the thoughts of two "consumers" on fees.

I have a huge respect for our Shelties' breeder and this being the West Coast, her fees are higher than those posted for other regions of the country. Her fees do not deserve any negative aspersions, especially by those who might envy the DESERVED fees her Shelties command. Yet, I do see an opportunity to express the satisfaction of happy buyers that should be the norm, given this wonderful breed.

Our satisfaction has ALL to do with the sound and professional practices of our Sheltie's reputable breeder. Any prospective breeder would do well to emulate her ethical practices, so fair fees can be commanded and paid willingly without the teeny-tiniest tinge of buyer's remorse.

Because our Shelties' breeder is A+ quality herself, she in turn breeds for A+ quality and temperament, i.e., "beauty, brains, intelligence" and "lots of personality". Her kennel is clean, well-kept, and up-to-date. A few years ago, for the love of her Shelties and their breeding, she relocated to the country, 200+ miles away from us, and her Shelties have runs in an expansive, pastoral setting.

She won't let go of her puppies until they are at least 8 weeks old. And while future owners patiently wait, she socializes them well with lots of cuddles and in-house time.

She goes the extra mile every time. She patiently answers any and all questions, and provides well-prepared handouts on crating and house-breaking. She encourages the new owners to call if any questions arise, and she stays in touch by e-mail. She doesn't over-breed. In short, she has always done more than paid for!

So you bet, we think she has given us the best deals ever.

13 and 12 years ago, we paid fair fees for Hau`oli and Laki, respectively. Over the years, we have often commented that the fees paid were mere pittances, given these years of our Shelties' priceless love and companionship, delight and devotion.

This year, we again paid a fair fee for `Oli, and we willingly drove the 400+ miles, to and back, to pick her up. The quoted fee was the same for "Freddie" Freedom, who we came to us two months later.

Their breeder then personally delivered "Freddy" to us, as she was down here for a show. Not only did she save us the 400+ mile trip, she then sat down with us and patiently taught us how to "do" ears. Not only did she do `Oli's ears, she then proceeded to trim the crimpy hair behind her ears and clipped her nails. Then, upon learning that we didn't have a crate, she loaned us hers until Freddy was house-broken.

All of these "extras" at no additional charge, and then (!) to top it off: she reduces the quoted fee by a substantial amount, saying that "Freddy" is after all our second purchase in two months. Mind you, we were in no way balking at the quoted fee. She gives us a super-deal on her own volition, and out of her own generosity. By her actions and not mere words, she demonstrates her love for the breed. She is definitely not in it "just for the money"!

Not surprisingly, this being the West Coast, where its large population can support purebreds, the demand for her Shelties exceed her supply. Surprisingly, to us, this being the West Coast, where EVERYTHING is more expensive and given all her "extras" and the confidence and reputation that accompanies every breeding of hers, her fees are... LOW!

Wouldn't every breeder love to hear such glowing words from their buyers? It's possible.

Every word I've written here is proof-positive that it is possible.

Me ke aloha, Lei and Sheltie-Kids:
Laki, Hau`oli, `Oli & "Freddy" Noa
(Lucky,forever12)(Happy,13)(Joy,10mos)(Freedom,6mos) *


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