(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Generalmajor Otto Beutler
Born: 16 Mar 1894 in Chemnitz, Saxony (Sachsen)
Died: 21 Jul 1944 in Brody Pocket by L'vov (Lemberg)
Charakter als Fähnrich (18 Mar 1913); Fähnrich (03 Nov 1913); Leutnant (12 Aug 1914); Oberleutnant (08 Apr 1924); Rittmeister (01 Feb 1929); Major (01 Feb 1935); Oberstleutnant (01 Oct 1937); Oberst (16 Mar 1940); Generalmajor (01 Oct 1943)
Entered Army Service (18 Mar 1913)
Fähnrich in the 19th Hussar-Regiment (18 Mar 1913-12 Aug 1914)
Detached to the War School Anklam (06 Dec 1913-01 Aug 1914)
Squadron-Officer in the 19th Hussar-Regiment (12 Aug 1914-09 Feb 1915)
Platoon-Leader in the 133rd Infantry-Regiment (09 Feb 1915-02 May 1915)
Squadron-Officer in the 19th Hussar-Regiment (02 May 1915-03 Feb 1917)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 219th Infantry-Division (03 Feb 1917-31 Jul 1918)
Squadron-Officer in the 19th Hussar-Regiment (31 Jul 1918-21 Oct 1918)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 47th Replacement-Brigade (21 Oct 1918-11 Dec 1918)
Squadron-Officer in the 19th Hussar-Regiment (11 Dec 1918-10 Mar 1919)
Transferred into the 2nd Border-Mounted-Squadron (10 Mar 1919-01 Sep 1919)
Squadron-Officer in the 19th Cavalry-Regiment (01 Sep 1919-01 May 1920)
Squadron-Officer in the 12th Mounted-Regiment (01 May 1920-03 Nov 1920)
Leader of the MG-Platoon of the 12th Mounted-Regiment (03 Nov 1920-01 Oct 1926)
Detached to Subsidiary-Leadership-Training with the Staff of the 4th Division (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1926)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 12th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1926-01 Oct 1929)
With the Staff of the 3rd Cavalry-Division (01 Oct 1929-01 Oct 1931)
Detached to the RWM/Department T2 (01 Oct 1930-01 Feb 1931)
Transferred into the RWM (01 Feb 1931-01 Apr 1933)
Squadron-Chief in the 3rd Mounted-Regiment (01 Apr 1933-01 Aug 1934)
Advisor in the RWM (01 Aug 1934-21 May 1935)
Advisor in the RKM, Economics-Staff (21 May 1935-12 Oct 1937)
Chief of Operations (Ia) with the Staff of 14th Division (12 Oct 1937-01 May 1939)
Chief of Operations (Ia) with the General-Staff of the IV. Army-Corps (01 May 1939-23 Oct 1939)
Chief of the General Staff of the IV. Army-Corps (23 Oct 1939-20 Jun 1942)
Führer-Reserve OKH (20 Jun 1942-01 Aug 1942)
Chief of Staff of the Economics-Office, OKH (01 Aug 1942-24 Sep 1943)
As a result of Denunciation, Führer-Reserve (24 Sep 1943-16 Jun 1944)
War Court Trial, Acquitted (10 Dec 1943)
Detached to Army-Group North Ukraine (10 May 1944-16 Jun 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 340th Infantry-Division (16 Jun 1944-01 Jul 1944)
Commander of the 340th Infantry-Division (01 Jul 1944-21 Jul 1944)
Killed-in-Action (21 Jul 1944)

Awards & Decorations:
- Deutsches Kreuz in Gold : am 03.03.1942 als Oberst i. G. und Chef des Generalstabs des IV Armeekorps
- 1939 EK I –S-
- 1939 EK II –S-
- 1914 EK I
- 1914 EK II
- Ritterkreuz II Klasse des kgl. Sächs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”

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