(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Admiral Otto Ciliax
Born: 30 Oct 1891 in Neudietendorf, Thuringia (Thüringen)
Died: 12 Dec 1964 in Lübeck
Fähnrich zur See (15 Apr 1911); Leutnant zur See (27 Sep 1913); Oberleutnant zur See (22 Mar 1916); Kapitänleutnant (29 Jun 1920); Korvettenkapitän (01 Oct 1928); Fregattenkapitän (01 Oct 1933); Kapitän zur See (01 Jul 1935); Konteradmiral (01 Nov 1939); Vizeadmiral (01 Jun 1941); Admiral (01 Feb 1943)
Entered the Navy as a Seekadett, Attended Basic-Training and on Board the Heavy Cruiser ‘Victoria Louise’ (01 Apr 1910-31 Mar 1911)
Attended Naval-School and Special-Briefings (01 Apr 1911-30 Sep 1912)
On Board the Liner ‘Hannover’ (01 Oct 1912-30 Nov 1915)
Submarine-Training (01 Dec 1915-31 Dec 1915)
Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘T 37’, Submarine-Acceptance-Command (02 Jan 1916-20 Feb 1916)
Construction-Indoctrination ‘U 52’, Submarine-Battalion (21 Feb 1916-15 Mar 1916)
Watch-Officer on the Submarine ‘U 52’ (16 Mar 1916-14 Oct 1917)
Placed to the Disposal of the II. Submarine-Flotilla (15 Oct 1917-11 Nov 1917)
Detached to the Submarine-School (12 Nov 1917-05 Dec 1917)
Placed to the Disposal of the II. Submarine-Flotilla (06 Dec 1917-23 Jun 1918)
Commandant of the Submarine ‘UB 96’ (24 Jun 1918-22 Jul 1918)
Placed to the Disposal of the Submarine-Acceptance-Command (25 Jul 1918-10 Aug 1918)
Placed to the Disposal of the Submarine-School (11 Aug 1918-24 Aug 1918)
2nd Adjutant of the Inspection of Submarines (25 Aug 1918-23 Sep 1918)
Commandant of the Submarine ‘UC 27’ (24 Sep 1918-20 Jan 1919)
Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Submarine Affairs (21 Jan 1919-14 Mar 1919)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boats ‘T 92’ and ‘T 107’ (15 Mar 1919-30 Nov 1919)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘T 181’ (01 Dec 1919-18 Jan 1920)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boats ‘T 140’ and ‘T 145’ (19 Jan 1920-31 Dec 1920)
Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (01 Jan 1921-11 Jul 1921)
Detached to the Naval-Archives (12 Jul 1921-24 Mar 1922)
Advisor in the Reichs Naval Service Office Hamburg (25 Mar 1922-31 Jan 1923)
Advisor in the Reichs Naval Service Office Bremen (15 Feb 1923-20 Mar 1923)
Company-Leader and Teacher at the Naval-School Mürwik (21 Mar 1923-30 Sep 1923)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Ship ‘G 8’, I. Torpedo-Boat-Flotilla (01 Oct 1923-23 Mar 1924)
Taken Sick and Granted Leave (24 Mar 1924-10 Aug 1924)
With the Welfare-Department of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (11 Aug 1924-29 Mar 1925)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 18’, I. Torpedo-Boat-Flotilla (30 Mar 1925-22 Sep 1926)
Chief of the I. Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (23 Sep 1926-26 Sep 1928)
Advisor in the Fleet-Department, Naval-Command (01 Oct 1928-23 May 1929)
1st Admiral-Staff-Officer in the Staff of the Commander of the Sea-Force of the Baltic Sea (24 May 1929-31 Dec 1929)
1st Admiral-Staff-Officer in the Staff of the Commander of the Reconnaissance-Force (01 Jan 1930-23 Sep 1931)
Advisor in the Training-Department of the Naval-Command (25 Sep 1931-30 Sep 1932)
Advisor in the Fleet-Department of the Naval-Command (01 Oct 1932-28 Sep 1934)
Chief of the Fleet then Operations Department of the Naval Command (from 11/01/1936, OKM) (29 Sep 1934-21 Sep 1936)
Commandant of the Armoured-Ship ‘Admiral Scheer’ (22 Sep 1936-30 Oct 1938)
At the same time, Temporary Commander of the Sea-Force at Spain (22 Mar 1938-26 Jun 1938)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commander of Armoured-Ships (01 Nov 1938-06 Jan 1939)
Commandant of the Battleship ‘Scharnhorst’ (07 Jan 1939-28 Sep 1939)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commanding Admiral of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (29 Sep 1939-04 Dec 1939)
Chief Of Staff of Naval-Group-Command West (05 Dec 1939-05 Jun 1941)
Commander of Battleships (16 Jun 1941-02 Jun 1942)
At the same time, Commander of the Baltic Fleet (21 Sep 1941-21 Oct 1941)
Inspector of Torpedo Affairs (26 Jun 1942-21 Mar 1943)
Commander-in-Chief of the Naval-High-Command Norway (04 Mar 1943-25 Apr 1945)
In Captivity (25 Apr 1945-24 Feb 1946)
Released (24 Feb 1946)

Decorations & Awards:
- Ritterkreuz (105): am 21.03.1942 als Vizeadmiral und Befehlshaber der Schlachtschiffe
- Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: am 20.11.1941 als Vizeadmiral und Befehlshaber der Schlachtschiffe
- 1914 EK I: 03.11.1916
- 1914 EK II: 13.06.1916
- RK II. Klasse des Herzogl. Sachsen-Ernestinischen Hausordens mit Schwertern
- k.u.k. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 25.03.1917
- U-Bootskriegsabzeichen, 1918
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer : 20.10.1934
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse: 02.10.1936
- Komturkreuz des Kgl. Spanisch-Marrokanisches Mehdauia-Orden: 05.03.1938
- Komturkreuz des Kgl. Ungar. Verdienstorden: 20.08.1938
- Silberne Plakette des Deutschen Auslandsinstitutes: 00.00.1939
- Medalla de la Campaña de España
- Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Schwertern: 06.06.1939
- Kgl. Spanisches Marineverdienstkreuz III. Klasse in Weiss: 21.08.1939
- Kgl. Spanisches Marineverdienstkreuz III. Klasse in Gold: 21.08.1939
- Spange zum EK I: 00.04.1940
- Spange zum EK II: 00.01.1940
- Komturkreuz des Kgl. Italien. Ordens der Krone: 11.03.1941
- Flottenkriegsabzeichen: 00.00.1941
- Wehrmachtbericht: 13.02.1942

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