(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Admiral Erich Förste
Born: 11 Feb 1892 in Magdeburg
Died: 10 Jul 1963 in Kiel
Fähnrich zur See (15 Apr 1911); Leutnant zur See (27 Sep 1913); Oberleutnant zur See (22 Mar 1916); Kapitänleutnant (01 Jan 1921); Korvettenkapitän (01 Nov 1928); Fregattenkapitän (01 Oct 1933); Kapitän zur See (01 Sep 1935); Konteradmiral (01 Nov 1939); Vizeadmiral (01 Sep 1941); Admiral (01 Mar 1943)
Entered the Navy as a Seekadett and Attended Basic-Training and on Board the Heavy-Cruiser ‘Hertha’ (01 Apr 1910-31 Mar 1911)
Attended Naval-School and Special-Briefings (01 Apr 1911-30 Sep 1912)
Watch-Officer and Adjutant on the Liner ‘Friedrich der Große’ (01 Oct 1912-08 Aug 1916)
Submarine-Training, Submarine-School (09 Aug 1916-31 Dec 1916)
Watch-Officer on the Submarine ‘U 86’ (01 Jan 1917-31 Jan 1918)
Commandant of the Submarine ‘UB 34’ (00 Mar 1918-31 Aug 1918)
Commandant of the Submarine ‘UB 99’ (04 Sep 1918-09 Nov 1918)
Processing with the I. Submarine-Flotilla (10 Nov 1918-28 Feb 1919)
Company-Leader in the III. Naval-Brigade and Ship’s-Cadre-Detachment Of The Baltic Sea (01 Mar 1919-30 Sep 1920)
Company-Leader, II. Battalion of the Ship’s-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (01 Oct 1920-30 Jun 1922)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘T 143’, 2nd Half-Flotilla (01 Jul 1922-01 Mar 1925)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘T 141’, 2nd Half-Flotilla (02 Mar 1925-27 Sep 1925)
2nd Admiral-Staff-Officer, Staff of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (28 Sep 1925-19 Apr 1927)
At the same time, Acting 1st Admiral-Staff-Officer (21 Dec 1925-30 Jan 1916)
At the same time, Acting Port-Captain of Kiel (09 Jul 1926-14 Aug 1926)
At the same time, Acting 1st Admiral-Staff-Officer (08 Feb 1927-02 Mar 1927)
Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (20 Apr 1927-05 Oct 1927)
Subsidiary-Leadership-Training (06 Oct 1927-25 Feb 1929)
Construction-Indoctrination, Cruiser ‘Königsberg’ (26 Feb 1929-14 Mar 1929)
Leader of the Crew-Cadre of the Cruiser ‘Königsberg’ (15 Mar 1929-16 Apr 1929)
First Officer on the Cruiser ‘Königsberg’ (17 Apr 1929-25 Sep 1931)
Advisor in the Naval-Household-Department, Naval-Command (01 Oct 1931-24 Sep 1934)
Chief of the Naval-Household-Department, Naval-Command (25 Sep 1934-10 Jan 1936)
Chief of the Naval-Household-Department, OKM (10 Jan 1936-01 Sep 1937)
Commandant of the Cruiser ‘Karlsruhe’ (29 Sep 1937-20 May 1938)
Commandant of the Battleship ‘Gneisenau’ (21 May 1938-25 Nov 1939)
Chief of the Central-Department, Kriegsmarine-Shipyard Kiel (06 Dec 1939-03 Feb 1941)
Chief Of Staff, Kriegsmarine-Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (04 Feb 1941-21 Sep 1941)
Admiral Aegean (27 Sep 1941-31 Jan 1943)
Commanding Admiral Aegean (01 Feb 1943-22 Feb 1943)
Commanding Admiral of the Naval-Station Of The North Sea (01 Mar 1943-21 Jun 1943)
Commander-in-Chief of Naval-High-Command North Sea (22 Jun 1943-10 Jul 1945)
In Captivity (10 Jul 1945-20 Jan 1947)
Released (20 Jan 1947)

Decorations & Awards:
- Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: am 25.05.1943 als Vizeadmiral und Kommandierender Admiral Ägäis
- 1914 EK I
- 1914 EK II
- RK II. Klasse des Kgl. Sächs. Albrechts-Ordens mit Schwertern
- U-Bootskriegsabzeichen, 1918
- Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz (Marine)
- Schlesischer Adler-Orden II. Stufe
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
- Spange zum EK I
- Spange zum EK II

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