(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Konteradmiral Karl-Otto Gutjahr
Born: 29 Jun 1895 in Voerde, Westphalia (Westfalen)
Died: 21 Jun 1975 in Bielefeld
Fähnrich zur See (23 Dec 1914); Leutnant zur See (13 Jul 1916); Oberleutnant zur See (28 Sep 1920); Kapitänleutnant (01 Apr 1926); Korvettenkäpitan (01 Jul 1933); Fregattenkäpitan (01 Apr 1937); Kapitän zur See (01 Apr 1939); Konteradmiral (01 Apr 1943)
Entered the Navy as a Seekadett and Attended Basic-Training (01 Apr 1914-12 May 1914)
On Board the Heavy Cruiser ‘Victoria Louise’ (13 May 1914-03 Aug 1914)
On Board the Liner ‘Kaiser Wilhelm II’ (04 Aug 1914-09 Aug 1914)
Radio-Officer and Adjutant on the Liner ‘Oldenburg’ (10 Aug 1914-17 Mar 1918)
Submarine-Training at the Submarine-School (18 Mar 1918-11 May 1918)
Watch-Officer on the Submarine ‘U 76’ (12 May 1918-21 May 1918)
Watch-Officer on the Submarine-Cruiser ‘Kapitänleutnant Schwieger’ (‘U 139’) (21 May 1918-24 Nov 1918)
Placed to the Disposal of the Submarine-Cruiser-Formation (25 Nov 1918-09 Dec 1918)
Watch-Officer on ‘U 38’, Submarine-Cruiser-Formation (10 Dec 1918-22 Jan 1919)
Platoon-Officer in the Naval-Assault-Company, I. Guards-Reserve-Regiment (01 Feb 1919-31 Aug 1919)
Platoon-Officer with the Coastal-Defence-Regiment Wilhelmshaven (01 Sep 1919-16 Mar 1920)
Granted Leave (17 Mar 1920-30 May 1920)
Adjutant of the II. Battalion of the Coastal-Defence-Regiment Wilhelmshaven (31 May 1920-31 Oct 1920)
Adjutant of the Coastal-Defence-Regiment VI (01 Nov 1920-02 May 1922)
Company-Officer with the Coastal-Defence-Regiment VI (03 May 1922-30 Sep 1923)
Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘V 5’ with the 3rd Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (01 Oct 1923-15 Mar 1925)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘T 151’ of the 4th Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (16 Mar 1925-28 Sep 1925)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘V 1’ of the 3rd Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (29 Sep 1925-27 Sep 1927)
Company-Chief with the Ship’s-Cadre-Division of the North Sea (28 Sep 1927-30 Sep 1929)
Torpedo-Officer on the Liner ‘Schleswig-Holstein’ (01 Oct 1929-24 Feb 1930)
Torpedo-Officer on the Liner ‘Hannover’ (25 Feb 1930-20 Sep 1931)
Placed to the Disposal of the Torpedo and Signals School (21 Sep 1931-18 Mar 1932)
Leader of the Torpedo-School (19 Mar 1932-26 Sep 1934)
Chief of the 1st Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (27 Sep 1934-30 Sep 1935)
Chief of the I. Torpedo-Boat-Flotilla (01 Oct 1935-11 Aug 1936)
1st Admiral-Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Leader of Torpedo-Boats (12 Aug 1936-01 Oct 1937)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commanding Admiral of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (02 Oct 1937-30 Sep 1938)
Advisor in the Naval Personnel Office, OKM (01/10/1938-06 Nov 1939)
Chief of the Military Department in the Torpedo Weapons Office, Naval Weapons Office, OKM; at the same time, Chief of the Torpedo-Test-Commission Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe in the Ministry for Armaments and War Production (07 Nov 1939-08 Mar 1943)
At the same time, Acting Chief of the Torpedo Weapons Office (24 Jun 1940-07 Aug 1940)
Chief of the Torpedo Weapons Office, Naval Weapons Head Office, OKM (09 Mar 1943-31 May 1945)
In Captivity (31 May 1945-09 Mar 1946)
Released (09 Mar 1946)

Decorations & Awards:
- Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: am 16.04.1945 als Konteradmiral und Chef des Amtes Torpedowaffe / OKM
- 1914 EK I
- 1914 EK II
- Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz II. Klasse
- Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz (Heer)
- Baltenkreuz II. und I. Klasse
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern

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