(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Konteradmiral (W) Richard Jewinski
Born: 05 Apr 1887 in Bremerhaven-Lehe
Died: 28 May 1984 in Kiel
Torpeder (22 Apr 1909); Obertorpeder (26 Nov 1912); Torpederleutnant (15 Mar 1913); Torpederoberleutnant (28 Apr 1916); Torpederkapitänleutnant (28 Jul 1919); Marineingenieur (01 Apr 1920); Marineoberingenieur (1924); Marinestabsingenieur (01 Oct 1932); Kapitänleutnant (W) (01 Jul 1934); Korvettenkapitän (W) (01 Jul 1935); Fregattenkapitän (01 Apr 1938); Kapitän zur See (W) (01 Nov 1939); Konteradmiral (W) (01 Feb 1943)
Entered the Navy as a Torpedermatrose and Attended Training and Employment on Land then on Ships of the High Seas Fleet, lastly with the Mine-Depot Geestemünde (01 Oct 1905-14 Jan 1910)
On Board the Mine-Cruiser ‘Nautilus’ (15 Jan 1910-06 Apr 1911)
On Board the Mine-Cruiser ‘Albatroß’ (07 Apr 1911-30 Sep 1912)
Weapons-Officer with the Mine-Depot Friedrichsort (01 Oct 1912-16 Jul 1914)
Weapons-Officer on the Mine-Cruiser ‘Nautilus’ (17 Jul 1914-01 Aug 1914)
Weapons-Officer on the Auxiliary-Mine-Scattering-Steamer ‘Prinz Waldemar’ (02 Aug 1914-00 Sep 1914)
Weapons-Officer on the Mine-Scattering-Steamer ‘Odin’ (00 Sep 1914-00 May 1917)
Weapons-Officer with the Mine-Depot Friedrichsort (00 May 1917-08 Mar 1920)
Retired (08 Mar 1920)
Entered the Civil Service with the Naval-Barrier-Weapons-Depot Wilhelmshaven then Leader of Branch Swinemünde of Barrier-Weapons-Depot Kiel-Dietrichsdorf (09 Mar 1920-30 Jun 1934)
Reactivated to Naval Service as Director of the Barrier-Equipment-Office Swinemünde, at the same time, Barrier-Weapons-Advisor in the Staff of the Commander of Fortifications of the Pomeranian Coast (01 Jul 1934-14 Nov 1936)
Leader of Group Barrier-Weapons-Management and Barrier-Equipment-Offices, Barrier-Weapons-Inspection (15 Nov 1936-01 May 1942)
Commander of the Barrier-Equipment-Office Swinemünde (12 May 1942-30 Sep 1943)
Arsenal-Commandant of the Barrier-Weapons-Arsenal Swinemünde (01 Oct 1943-05 May 1945)
In Captivity (05 May 1945-22 Feb 1947)
Released (22 Feb 1947)

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