(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Ministerialdirigent Dipl.Ing. Paul Küchler
Born: 13 Mar 1885 in Berlin
Died: 09 Jan 1967 in Bissendorf, Wietze
Marinebauführer (16 Jun 1915); Marineschiffbaumeister (25 Jun 1917); Marinebaurat (10 Apr 1922); Marineoberbaurat (19 Jun 1934); Ministerialrat (05 Aug 1938); Ministerialdirigent (20 Apr 1942)
Entered the Navy as Technical Assistant, Inspection of Torpedo-Affairs (1912-31 May 1915)
In the Ship-Construction-Department, Imperial Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (01 Jun 1915-15 Oct 1918)
Construction-Supervision Ship-Construction of the Inspection of Submarine-Affairs with the Atlas-Werken, Bremen (16 Oct 1918-1919)
Retired (1919)
Reactivated with the Ship-Construction-Department, Naval-Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (10 Apr 1922-1925)
Construction-Supervision with the Naval-Arsenal Kiel (1925-1928)
In the Ship-Construction-Department, Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (1928-02 Nov 1934)
Advisor in the Construction-Office, Naval Command (03 Nov 1934-30 Sep 1935)
Advisor for Ships and Aircraft after Testing as well as for the Particulars of the Construction-Officials, Construction-Office, Naval Command (01 Oct 1935-11 Jan 1936)
Advisor for Ships and Aircraft after Testing aswell as for the Particulars of Construction-Officials, Construction-Office, OKM (11 Jan 1936-30 Apr 1936)
Advisor for Aircraft-Carriers and Cruisers, Construction-Office, OKM (01 May 1936-31 Mar 1939)
Advisor for Aircraft-Carriers and Cruisers, Office for Warship-Construction, OKM (01 Apr 1939-30 Sep 1939)
Chief of the Technical Personnel Department (K V P) in the Office-Group for Shipyards, Head-Office for Warship-Construction, OKM (01 Oct 1939-31 Mar 1943)
Chief of the Department for Personnel-Matters (K V P) in the Military Office for Warship-Construction and Shipyards, Head-Office for Warship-Construction, OKM (01 Apr 1943-18 Aug 1943)
Chief of the Department for Personnel-Matters (K III P) in the Military Office for Warship-Construction and Shipyards, Head-Office for Warship-Construction, OKM (18 Aug 1943-30 Apr 1944)
Chief of the Central Personnel Office for Technical Officials (MarRüst/P), Kriegsmarine-Armaments, OKM (01 May 1944-31 Oct 1944)
Granted Leave (31 Oct 1944-31 Mar 1945)
Retired (31 Mar 1945)
Commissionary Director of the Amsterdam Dry-Dock My., Amsterdam (26 Feb 1945-08 May 1945)
In Captivity (08 May 1945-09 Nov 1945)
Released (09 Nov 1945)
In Yugoslav Service at the Shipyard in Rijeka (1949-1951)

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