(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Ministerialdirigent Dipl.Ing. Hans Methling
Born: 02 Jan 1872 in Stettin
Died: 07 Mar 1943 in Berlin-Steglitz
Marinebauführer (27 Sep 1895); Marinebaumeister (28 Aug 1899); Marinebaurat (27 May 1907); Marineoberbaurat und Maschinenbetriebsdirektor (10 Jan 1914); Ministerialrat (15 Jun 1924); Ministerialdirigent (07 Nov 1939)
Entered the Navy with the Machine-Construction-Department, Imperial Shipyard Kiel (02 Sep 1895-28 Feb 1907)
Advisor then Department-Head for Technical Questions of Gun Construction, Weapons-Department, Reichsmarineamt (01 Mar 1907-30 Sep 1919)
Advisor for Technical Questions in the Weapons-Department (BW) of the General Naval Office, Admiralty (01 Oct 1919-14 Sep 1920)
Weapon-Construction-Technical Advisor in the Weapons-Department (BW) of the General Naval Office, Naval Command (15 Sep 1920-30 Sep 1934)
Chief of the Weapons Technical Department (MWa II), Naval Weapons Office, Naval Command (01 Oct 1934-11 Jan 1936)
Chief of the Weapon-Construction-Technical Department (MWa II), Naval-Weapons-Office, OKM (11 Jan 1936-30 Sep 1939) Transferred to Reserve while maintaining position (01 Oct 1937)
Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval-Weapons-Office (01 Oct 1939-06 Nov 1939)
Reactivated under Transfer to Ministerialdirigenten (07 Nov 1939)
Chief-Engineer with the Head-Office of Naval-Weapons-Offices, OKM (07 Nov 1939-04 Dec 1942)
Granted Leave (04 Dec 1942-07 Mar 1943)
Died (07 Mar 1943)

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