(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Konteradmiral Kurt Weyher
Born: 30 Aug 1901 in Graudenz
Died: 17 Dec 1991 in Wilhelmshaven
Fähnrich zur See (21 Feb 1920); Oberfähnrich zur See (01 Apr 1921); Leutnant zur See (01 Apr 1922); Oberleutnant zur See (01 Apr 1925); Kapitänleutnant (01 Dec 1932); Korvettenkapitän (01 Oct 1936); Fregattenkapitän (01 Apr 1940); Kapitän zur See (01 Jun 1942); Konteradmiral (01 Jan 1945)
Entered Naval Service as a War Volunteer with Aspiring Office Service (Seekadett), Attended Basic-Training at the Naval-School Mürwik (02 Apr 1918-03 Jul 1918)
On Board the Heavy Cruiser 'Freya' (04 Jul 1918-27 Sep 1918)
On Board the Small Cruiser 'Regensburg' (28 Sep 1918-20 Dec 1918)
Granred Leave (21 Dec 1918-19 Jan 1919)
With the 11th Grenadier-Regiment (20 Jan 1919-10 Jan 1920)
With the Assault-Battalion v. Arnauld of the III. Naval-Brigade (11 Jan 1920-30 Jun 1920)
With the Ships-Cadre-Detachment of the Baltic Sea then Ships-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (01 Jul 1920-10 Sep 1920)
Attended Naval-School Mürwik (11 Sep 1920-31 Mar 1921)
On Board the Sailing-Tender 'Niobe' (01 Apr 1921-31 May 1921)
On Board the Minesweeper 'M 90' (02 Jun 1921-09 Jun 1921)
Attended Naval-School Mürwik (10 Jun 1921-28 Aug 1921)
On Board the Minesweeper 'M 90' (29 Aug 1921-01 Sep 1921)
Attended Naval-School Mürwik (02 Sep 1921-15 Mar 1922)
Course with the Coastal-Defence-Battalion II (16 Mar 1922-15 Apr 1922)
Course with the Coastal-Defence-Battalion VI (16 Apr 1922-31 May 1922)
Courses with the Barrier-Test-Command and Torpedo-School (01 Jun 1922-31 Dec 1922)
Watch-Officer on Board the Torpedo-Boat 'G 10' of the 1st Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (01 Jan 1923-30 Sep 1925)
Company-Officer in the II. Battalion of the Ships-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (01 Oct 1925-24 Apr 1927)
Detached for Service to the Staff of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (25 Apr 1927-14 Jun 1927)
Watch-Officer on the Survey-Ship 'Meteor' (15 Jun 1927-02 Oct 1927)
Watch-Officer on the Sailing-School-Ship 'Niobe' (03 Oct 1927-18 Apr 1929)
Roll-Officer on the Cruiser 'Königsberg' (19 Apr 1929-28 Sep 1930)
Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat 'G 11' of the 1st Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (29 Sep 1930-26 Sep 1932)
Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Training-Affairs of the Navy (27 Sep 1932-31 May 1933)
At the same time, Company-Leader in the Naval-School Mürwik and Sailing-Officer on the Sail-Yacht 'Asta' and 'Jutta' (28 Sep 1932-13 Feb 1933)
Construction-Indoctrination 'Gorch Fock' at the Shipyard Blohm & Voss (01 Jun 1933-26 Jun 1933)
First Officer on the Sailing-School-Ship 'Gorch Fock' (27 Jun 1933-23 Dec 1934)
Company-Leader in the II. Battalion of the Ships-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (24 Dec 1934-11 Oct 1936)
Navigations-Officer on the Cruiser 'Nürnberg' (12 Oct 1936-04 Nov 1938)
Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Training-Affairs of the Navy (15 Nov 1938-27 Jan 1939)
Commandant of the Sailing-School-Ship 'Horst Wessel' (28 Jan 1939-05 Sep 1939)
Detached to the Kriegsmarine-Service-Office Hamburg (05 Sep 1939-08 Dec 1939)
Commandant of the Auxiliary-Cruiser 'Orion' (Ship 36) (09 Dec 1939-24 Aug 1941)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commanding Admiral of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (25 Aug 1941-20 Nov 1941)
1st Admiral-Staff-Officer in the Staff of the Admiral Aegean (21 Nov 1941-11 Apr 1942)
1t Admiral-Staff-Officer with the Staff of Naval-Group-Command South (12 Apr 1942-11 Jan 1944)
Chief of German Naval-Command Constanta and Chief of the 10th Security-Division and Escort-Chief Black Sea (12 Jan 1944-21 Jun 1944)
Commandant of Sea-Fortifications Crete (22 Jun 1944-10 Oct 1944)
Commandant of Sea-Fortifications East Frisia (Ostfriesland) (02 Nov 1944-22 Jul 1945)
In Captivity (22 Jul 1945-06 Jun 1947)
Released (06 Jun 1947)

Decorations & Awards:
- Ritterkreuz (82): am 21.08.1941 als Fregattenkapitän und Kommandant des Hilfskreuzer „Orion“ (HSK 1)
- Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: am 18.05.1944 als Kapitän zur See und Chef des Deutschen Marinekommandos Konstanza und zugleich Chef der 10. Sicherungs-Division
- Schlesischer Adler-Orden I. und II. Stufe
- Freikorps-Abzeichen III. Marine-Brigade
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914/1918: 00.00.1935
- Österr. Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille mit Schwertern
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis II. Klasse
- Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen II. Klasse: 21.12.1936
- Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 01.10.1938
- Deutsche Spanienkreuz in Silber ohne Schwertern: 06.06.1939
- 1939 EK II. Klasse: 09.07.1940
- 1939 EK I. Klasse: 30.08.1940
- Kriegsabzeichen für Hilfskreuzer: 23.08.1941
- Kgl. Bulgarischer unseres Ordens vom Heiligen Alexander mit Schwertern: 26.10.1942
- Kroatisches Orden der Krone des Königs Zvonimir I. Stufe mit Eichenlaub: 05.02.1944
- Abzeichen der Kroatischen Freiwilligen Marinelegion: 20.03.1944
- Komturkreuz des Kgl. Ungarischen Ordens der Heiligen Krone mit Schwertern: 17.04.1944
- Kommandeurkreuz des Kgl. Ordens der Stern von Rumänien mit Schwertern am Tapferkeitsbande der militärischen Tugend
- Kgl. Rumänischer Orden „Michael der Tapfere“ III. Klasse
- Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: 29.04.1977

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