(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Vizeadmiral Thilo von Seebach
Born: 30 Jun 1890 in Leipzig
Died: 21 Oct 1966 in Rösrath, North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Fähnrich zur See (12 Apr 1910); Leutnant zur See (19 Sep 1912); Oberleutnant zur See (30 Jan 1920); Charakter als Kapitänleutnant (30 Jan 1920); Kapitänleutnant (07 Jul 1920); Korvettenkapitän (01 Jan 1928); Fregattenkapitän (01 Jan 1933); Kapitän zur See (01 Oct 1934); Konteradmiral (01 Oct 1938); Vizeadmiral (01 Jan 1941)
Entered the Navy as a Seekadett, Attended Basic-Training and on Board the Heavy Cruiser ‘Freya’ (01 Apr 1909-31 Mar 1910)
Naval-School and Special-Briefings (01 Apr 1910-30 Sep 1911)
On Board the Liner ‘Nassau’ (01 Oct 1911-30 Sep 1913)
Company-Officer in the Cadre-Detachment of the Sailor-Artillery-Battalion Kiautschou (01 Oct 1913-20 Apr 1914)
Departed to Tsingtau (21 Apr 1914-10 Jun 1914)
Watch-Officer on the Cannon-Boat ‘Iltis’ (11 Jun 1914-07 Aug 1914)
Commander of Battery VIII of the Territorial-Front Tsingtau, Fortress Tsingtau (08 Aug 1914-07 Nov 1914)
In Captivity (08 Nov 1914-26 Dec 1919)
Returned Home from Captivity in Japan with the ‘Hafuken Maru’ (27 Dec 1919-26 Feb 1920)
Placed to Disposal and Granted Leave (27 Feb 1920-30 May 1920)
Company-Leader in the II. Battalion of the Coastal-Defence-Regiment Wilhelmshaven (31 May 1920-23 Oct 1920)
Company-Leader in the II. Battalion of the Ships-Cadre-Division of the North Sea (24 Oct 1920-11 Apr 1921)
Company-Leader in the I. Battalion of the Ships-Cadre-Division of the North Sea (12 Apr 1921-28 Feb 1922)
3rd Artillery-Officer and Roll Officer on the Liner ‘Braunschweig’ (01 Mar 1922-24 Sep 1923)
Instructor at the Coastal-Artillery-School (25 Sep 1923-02 Oct 1927)
2nd Artillery-Officer on the Liner ‘Schlesien’ (03 Oct 1927-27 Sep 1928)
1st Artillery-Officer on the Liner ‘Schleswig-Holstein’ (28 Sep 1928-24 Feb 1930)
1st Artillery-Officer on the Liner ‘Hannover’ (25 Feb 1930-03 Sep 1930)
Commander of the Coastal-Artillery-School and Director of the Artillery-Test-Command Land (04 Sep 1930-24 Sep 1936)
Commandant of the Liner ‘Schlesien’ (25 Sep 1936-29 Sep 1937)
Commandant of Fortifications of the Pomeranian Coast (30 Sep 1937-29 Mar 1939)
At the same time, Acting-Inspector of Naval-Artillery and President of the Artillery-Test-Command Ships and of the Artillery-Test-Command Land (23 Jan 1939-02 Apr 1939)
Inspector Of Naval-Artillery and President of the Artillery-Test-Command Ships and of Artillery-Test-Command Land (03 Apr 1939-03 Jun 1941)
At the same time, Coastal-Commander of Western Baltic Sea (07 Apr 1940-03 Jun 1941)
Sick Leave (04 Jun 1941-07 Sep 1941)
Inspector Of Naval-Artillery and President of the Artillery-Test-Command Ships and of Artillery-Test-Command Land (08 Sep 1941-31 Mar 1943)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine (01 Apr 1943-31 May 1943)
Retired (31 May 1943)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine (01 Jun 1943-30 Jun 1943)
Artillery-Inspector and Admiral with Special Duties, Naval-High-Command Norway (01 Jul 1943-08 May 1945)
In Captivity (08 May 1945-15 Oct 1947)
Released (15 Oct 1947)

Decorations & Awards:
- Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: am 18.04.1945 als Vizeadmiral und Artillerie-Inspizient und Admiral z.b.V. / Marineoberkommando Norwegen
- 1914 EK II
- Kgl. Preuss. Rettungsmedaille am Bande
- Kolonial-Abzeichen (“Elefantenorden”)
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
- 1939 EK I
- Spange zum EK II
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Kriegsabzeichen der Marineartillerie

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