(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Vizeadmiral (Ing.) Ernst Stieringer
Born: 23 Jun 1891 in Zerbst, Anhalt
Died: 23 Jul 1975 in Hannover
Marineingenieuroberanwärter (01 Apr 1911); Marineingenieurapplikant (01 Oct 1911); Marineingenieuroberapplikant (01 Apr 1913); Marineingenieuraspirant (09 Aug 1914); Marineingenieuroberaspirant (01 Jul 1916); Marineingenieur (17 Jul 1917); Leutnant (Ing.) (18 Oct 1919); Oberleutnant (Ing.) (10 Jan 1921); Kapitänleutnant (Ing.) (01 May 1922); Korvettenkapitän (Ing.) (01 May 1929); Fregattenkapitän (Ing.) (01 Sep 1933); Kapitän zur See (Ing.) (01 Oct 1935); Konteradmiral (Ing.) (01 Jan 1940); Vizeadmiral (Ing.) (01 Apr 1942)
Entered the Navy as a Marineingenieuranwärter and Attended Training, with the II. Shipyard-Division, Attended Engineer and Deck Officer School then Employment of Ships of the Fleet (01 Oct 1910-00 Aug 1914)
Chief Engineer on the Barrier-Traffic-Vehicle ‘A’ (Lister Tief) (00 Aug 1914-00 Oct 1914)
Chief Engineer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 35’ of the IX. Torpedo-Boat-Flotilla (00 Oct 1914-00 Sep 1915)
With the II. Shipyard-Division (00 Sep 1915-00 Sep 1916)
Submarine-Training at the Submarine-School (00 Sep 1916-00 Jan 1917)
Construction-Indoctrination ‘UB 51’ at the Shipyard Blohm & Voss (00 Jan 1917-25 Jul 1917)
Chief Engineer on the Submarine ‘UB 51’ of the II. Submarine-Flotilla Mediterranean (26 Jul 1917-16 Jan 1919)
Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (17 Jan 1919-15 Feb 1919)
Company-Leader in the Pioneer-Battalion of the III. Naval-Brigade (16 Feb 1919-31 May 1920)
Company-Leader in the Coastal-Defence-Battalion III (01 Jun 1920-31 Dec 1920)
Training at the Naval-School Kiel-Wik (01 Jan 1921-31 Dec 1921)
Inspection and Group Officer in the Naval-School Mürwik (03 Jan 1922-29 Mar 1924)
Watch-Engineer on the Cruiser ‘Amazone’ (30 Mar 1924-30 Sep 1925)
Advisor in the Staff of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (01 Oct 1925-25 Sep 1927)
Chief Engineer on the Cruiser ‘Amazone’ (26 Sep 1927-30 Sep 1928)
Construction-Indoctrination ‘Köln’ at the Naval-Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (01 Oct 1928-14 Jan 1930)
Chief Engineer on the Cruiser ‘Köln’ (15 Jan 1930-31 Mar 1932)
Advisor in the Naval-Officer-Personnel-Department, Naval Command (04 Apr 1932-24 Sep 1934)
Director of the Equipment-Department, Naval-Shipyard Wilhelmshaven (25 Sep 1934-04 Oct 1936)
At the same time, Temporary-Station-Engineer of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (18 Sep 1936-04 Oct 1936)
Station-Engineer of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (05 Oct 1936-27 Oct 1938)
Armaments-Inspector XI Hannover (28 Oct 1938-28 Feb 1944)
Placed to the Disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of Naval-High-Command North Sea (01 Mar 1944-31 Dec 1944)
Representative and Plenipotentiary for Motor Vehicle Employment and Collection, OKW (01 Jan 1945-30 Apr 1945)
Retired (30 Apr 1945)

Decorations & Awards:
- Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: am 03.02.1945 als Vizeadmiral (Ing) und Inspekteur der Rüstungsinspektion XI (Hannover), Beauftragter und Bevollmächtigter für Kraftfahrzeugeinsatz- und Erfassung im OKW
- 1914 EK I
- 1914 EK II
- k.u.k. Österr. Goldenes Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone am Bande der Tapferkeitsmedaille
- Türkischer Eiserner Halbmond
- U-Bootskriegsabzeichen, 1918
- Kgl. Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz III. Klasse
- Schlesischer Adler-Orden II. Stufe
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern

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