A special time to reflect

The Blue and Gold Banquet is a special time for special ceremonies. Collected here are seven ceremonies that can be used to open and close your event. They all share a common spirit of Scouting, friendship, family, and spirituality.

The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook

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Print For God And Country
An Opening Ceremony
Print Story Of Cub Scout Colors
An Opening Ceremony
Print Scouting Around The World
An Opening Ceremony
Print Cub Scout Spirit
A Closing Ceremony
Print The Blue And Gold
A Closing Ceremony
Print Closing Thought
Reflections of Baden-Powell
Print A Cub Scout Parent's Prayer
For those little guys we love!
Print Advancement Ceremony Ideas
Some ideas to prime-the-pump!


(Opening Ceremony)

Arrangement. Den chief and Cub Scouts, in uniform, carry small U.S. flags and line up on stage. Each speaks his part.

DEN CHIEF. Two hundred years ago, God gave us a nation; a land of wealth and bounty, choice among His creations. We must protect its freedom and defend its worthy cause, and support our Constitution, which is based upon God's laws. We must pledge to be loyal throughout each coming year, and with God's help, we will know no doubt nor fear. When we keep our promise to do our best each day, God will bless our country and us in every way. Please stand and join us in singing, "God Bless America." (After audience is seated, Cub Scouts continue.)

FIRST CUB SCOUT. We're glad you came to our banquet! We have many things to say about our love for America as we celebrate today.

SECOND CUB SCOUT. Independence is a big word, and hard for me to say. But I know it means a lot to all Americans today.

THIRD CUB SCOUT. Our national bird is the eagle. Have you ever wondered why? It may be because it soars above all birds to reach the sky.

FOURTH CUB SCOUT. The Liberty Bell is ringing, though its sound we do not hear. Freedom of speech and worship, freedom from want and fear.

FIFTH CUB SCOUT. Without our flag of red, white and blue, things would be different for me and you. It's a symbol of pride in the American way, so we should be loyal and true each day.

SIXTH CUB SCOUT. Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  


(Opening Ceremony)

Arrangement. As curtain opens, three boys dressed in Indian costume are seated around artificial campfire. One wears a chief's headdress; the other two are braves. Hanging on a tripod over the fire is a kettle which has a small can of dry ice and a blue and gold Cub Scout neckerchief concealed in it.

NARRATOR (Cub Scout or den chief): Many, many moons ago, the great chief Akela called a council to see what could be done to make his tribe the best of all tribes.

He told the first Indian brave to climb the mountain and tell the eagle to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sun. (One brave exits.)

He told the second brave to go into the forest and tell the sparrow to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sky. (Second brave exits.)

After a while, both braves returned. (Both braves enter One carries a bottle of blue water,- the other a bottle of gold water. They hold up bottles to show everyone.)

NARRATOR: Akela told one brave to pour some of the beauty of the sun into the council mixing pot. (The brave pours some of the gold water into the can in the pot, causing smoke.)

NARRATOR: Then he told the other brave to pour some of the beauty of the sky into the council mixing pot. (The brave pours blue water into the can, causing smoke. Akela, the chief raises hands toward the sky.)

NARRATOR: Akela says that from this day forward, blue will stand for truth and loyalty and the sky above. Gold will stand for warm sunlight, happiness, and good cheer. (Akela reaches into pot and pulls out Cub Scout neckerchief)

NARRATOR: And that's why the Cub Scouts colors are blue and gold.  


(Opening Ceremony)

Arrangement. A world globe sets on the head table.

NARRATOR: (Pointing to United States on globe): This evening we are holding our blue and gold banquet here. But did you know that all over this world (spins globe) Cub Scouts just like us are taking part in Scouting activities too? Well, it's true. The Scouting movement exists in 115 countries - almost every nation of the free world. Those Cub Scouts are much like us. They have similar ideals, a similar promise, and the same brotherhood of service. So let's think of our brother Cub Scouts around the world as we join in the Cub Scout Promise. (Leads Promise with everyone standing.)  


(Closing Ceremony)

Arrangement. Head table holds candelabra with three candles and one larger candle in separate holder.

NARRATOR: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the (number) birthday party of Cub Scouting and the (number) birthday of our own pack. As Cub Scouts and leaders, we are following the trail left by millions of other boys and leaders who have been involved in Cub Scouting since it began in 1930.

All of those boys and leaders have had the Cub Scout spirit, which we symbolize with the flame of this one candle. (Light large candle. Dim room lights.) What is Cub Scout spirit? That's easy. It's the three things we promise to do in the Cub Scout Promise. In the Promise, we say, "I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country." That's the first part. (Light first candle on candelabra.)

The second part is: "To help other people." (Light second candle). And the third part is "to obey the Law of the Pack." (Light third candle.)

Now while these three candles burn as a reminder to us, I will ask all Cub Scouts and all former Cub Scouts to stand, make the Cub Scout sign, and repeat the Promise with me. (Lead Promise.)  


(Closing Ceremony)

Arrangement. Eight, Cub Scouts speak their lines and place the following cards on a large blue flannel board: "Truth, Faith, Loyalty, Sunlight, Good Cheer, Happiness, and a cutout golden sun"

FIRST CUB SCOUT. Back in the good old days, school colors gave people a feeling of school pride and loyalty. Today, the blue and gold of Cub Scouting helps to build this spirit among Cub Scouts.

SECOND CUB SCOUT. (points to blue flannel board): The blue reminds us of the sky above. It stands for truth, spirituality, and steadfast loyalty.

THIRD CUB SCOUT. (places "truth" card in upper left corner of board): Truth means we must always be honest.

FOURTH CUB SCOUT. (places "Faith" card in upper right corner): Faith means a belief in God.

FIFTH CUB SCOUT. (places "Loyally" card across bottom):Loyalty means being faithful and loyal to God, country, and our fellow man.

SIXTH CUB SCOUT. The gold stands for the warm sunlight (He places the sun in center of board and the "sunlight" card across top of the sun).

SEVENTH CUB SCOUT. Gold also stands for good cheer and happiness. We always feel better when the sun is shining and so will those to whom we give good will. (He places "good cheer" and "happiness" cards on each side of sun cutout.)

EIGHTH CUB SCOUT. As we wear our Cub Scout uniforms, may the meaning of the blue and gold colors make us remember our Cub Scout ideals, the Cub Scout Promise, and the Law of the Pack.  



NARRATOR: Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, said: "I often think that when the sun goes down, the world is hidden by a big blanket from the light of heaven, but the stars are little holes pierced in that blanket by those who have done good deeds in this world. The stars are not all the same size; some are big, some are little, and some men have done small deeds, but they have made their hole in the blanket by doing good before they went to heaven. Try and make your hole in the blanket by good work while you are on earth. It is something to be good, but it is far better to do good." Think of Baden-Powell's words when you promise to help other people.  



Look down upon my son, Dear Lord,

This smiling Cub of mine.

Please take his hand along the way

So he may never stray.

Bless my son tonight, Dear Lord,

And help him walk with Thee.

Give him comfort, warmth, and love;

He's all the world to me.

Bless his daily efforts,

And make him strong and true;

For life's a heavy burden,

And we're all in need of YOU.




  • Make a large "birthday book," using an old wallpaper sample book. Cover the book with blue and gold paper. Fasten awards on the left-hand pages, and opposite each award, write the statement to be read as award is presented.

  • Have a den chief, dressed as a delivery boy, deliver to the Cubmaster or awards chairman a package wrapped in blue and gold wrapping paper, containing all awards. After awards are presented, have the same type of package delivered to the Scouting coordinator, containing certificates of appreciation for leaders and den chiefs.

  • Make a large paper mâché birthday cake. Use whipped soapsuds to ice the cake. Before soapsuds harden, insert candles (one for each year). Candles can be lighted before awards presentation and blown out after ceremony.

  • Individual awards can be packaged in small boxes, wrapped in blue paper and tied with gold ribbons. Ask boys to wait until all awards are presented before opening packages. Then, while everyone opens their package, the rest of the pack could sing "Happy Birthday". (For more ceremony ideas, see Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies.)  

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The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook

Important Note:

Some of the information on this page was compiled from the "Cub Scout Leader's Book" (BSA 33221 - Copyright 1997) and the "Cub Scout Leader HOW-TO Book" (BSA 33832 - Copyright 1996.) It is presented here under U.S. Copyright free-use. It is not meant to replace those documents, but rather to supplement them as an educational tool for Cub Scout Leaders.

Copyright © 1999
The Virtual Cub Scout Leader's Handbook
All Rights Reserved

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