Finish Flag THE "KIT-SKIT"
Finish Flag

The BSA Taurus!

Each year at their November Pack meeting, the Pack 215 Pinewood Derby Team delivers Grand Prix Pinewood Derby kits to their Cub Scouts in preparation for the following January's big race.

This year they did it with a very special skit that culminated in an experience that the boys will remember for the rest of their lives!


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"The special edition 1998 BSA Show Car [shown above] celebrates the linking of two great American institutions - NASCAR and the Boy Scouts of America. These eminently respected organizations represent the highest standards of fairness and sportsmanship.

These fine qualities, reflected in the ideals of Scouting have been and are embraced by NASCAR drivers past and present."  

The following skit is indicative of this 'shared spirit:'  


During the course of your November Pack meeting, a great build-up is created between the Cubmaster and the PWD Chairman regarding the late delivery of the Pinewood Derby kits that were promised for this evening.

Just after the closing colors ceremony, a 'secret' signal is sent (via cell phone) out to the parking lot where our very special guest quietly awaits......  



This 'skit' requires: Pinewood Derby car kits (and rules) for all of your Cubs, two cellular phones, flashlights for each leader (if meeting is at night)  



The Cubmaster, the Pinewood Derby (PWD) Chairman, a professional race car driver (in racing gear)  



Near the beginning to the the Pack meeting....

Cubmaster - Well as everyone knows, tonight is the official opening of our Pinewood Derby season. Our Pinewood Derby Chairperson, Mr. [name] has acquired our Pinewood Derby kits and is now ready to hand them out to you. (all cheer) Would the Pinewood Derby Chairperson please step forward?

PWD Chairperson - (Shakes hands with Cubmaster, and says:) Akela, we have a little problem!

Cubmaster - A problem?

PWD Chairperson - YES! The person who was going to deliver our kits isn't here! He was supposed to be here by now, but hasn't arrived yet. Let me try to call him now. (PWD Chairperson produces cellular phone and simulates a call and discussion with someone about the late arrival of the kits.)

PWD Chairperson - (at end of phone call...) Bad news, Akela. The person with the kits is 150 miles away in his car still. I guess he won't make it in time.

Cubmaster - Well, maybe we can call him later and check on his progress. Thanks anyway for trying Mr. [PWD Chairperson]

(Pack meeting continues...)

(...then, just before closing flag ceremony...)

PWD Chairperson - (Runs up to Akela with ringing cell phone.) Akela! This might be him! Let's see...(He answers phone, and simulates another discussion with the late arriving guest. After hanging up phone, the PWD Chairperson sadly says:) Well, he is still 20 miles away. I don't think he'll make it.

All sigh....

Cubmaster - Well Cubs, I'm sorry. I guess we'll have to deliver the kits later. Let's all give Mr. [PWD Chairperson] a big hand for "doing his best" just the same!

(All cheer)

(At this point the flag ceremony preparations begin, and the PWD Chairperson slips outside to make an important, final, phone call to the special guest. The special guest is a professional race car driver sitting is his race car a short distance away from the site of the Pack meeting.)

(When the closing ceremony concludes, the PWD Chairperson tells the driver to COME ON UP!)

Cubmaster - OK all. Thank you for coming tonight, and..... WAIT, WHATS THAT.... (Sign goes up) SIGNS UP!

(Outside of the meeting place is the roar of a thunderous engine!)

PWD Chairperson - (Runs up to Akela and says:) He's here! Our special guest is here!

(At this point, the boys will be uncontrollably drawn out of their seats, and if not tightly supervised by their Den Leaders, will stampede towards the source of the noise!)

(Engine noise ceases, and the special guest enters in helmet, gloves, and racing suit... and carrying two boxes of Pinewood Derby kits. Everyone goes crazy! PWD Chairperson steps forward, asks for calm, and introduces the special guest to Akela and all present.)

Special Guest - Hello Cub Scouts! (Cubs and all reply: HELLO MR. [Driver Name!]) Well, I'm sorry I am so late, the traffic was aweful! I understand that tonight marks the official opening of your Pinewood Derby Racing season. That is GREAT!

(At this point, the driver begins a short talk about professional driving, and sportsmanship, and winning, and losing. Then he opens the floor to questions. After about 5 minutes, Akela steps forward.)

Cubmaster - Let's all give Mr. [Driver] a giant Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos howl! (HOOOWWWLLLLL!) Mr. [Driver] has invited all of you to come outside and sit in his car, or ask more questions. Tonight, we will exit by Den. On your way out each of your parents should pick up one Pinewood Derby kit, and one set of rules. Be careful when opening the kits. They contain small parts like nails and wheels that can be easily lost and dangerous if stepped on.

Exit by Den.




The leaders, parents, and especially the Cub Scouts of Pack 215 would like to take this opportunity to thank our "special guest race car driver," Mr. Larry Dober (a former Scout) and his sponsors Crown Dublin for their kind support of Scouting. This event taught our boys that the values of fairness and sportsmanship expressed in professional driving applies equally, whether you are racing at 170 mph around a track at Laguna Seca, or building and racing a Pinewood Derby car within your community. It created an event that will be with 71 boys (and their families) for the rest of their lives.


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