
Song Playing: Another Brick in the Wall

Young Men

I spent yesterday with a young man I know,

I'll not soon forget the thought.

He looked deep into my eyes and asked, "Tell me of the War you fought."

I caught my breath to bolster up, the words that I must say.

And let them flow from long sealed lips, though often pushed away.

And what he heard he could now see, and begin to understand.

What death has done, what memories linger, the friends of this Infantry man.

He had not expected such a graphic tale, nor I..but that is what came.

And both of us stood in a silent stare,

Knowing new War is the same.

The one wish I hold is for him to see War,

In my words now from long ago.

And spare him now from the experience itself,

So he may never go.

Let me explain why I ask for this prayer, on a day that is just begun.

For my conversation includes a young man,

Who happens to be my Son.

Dave/11bravovet 2-11-1998


Dedicated to John & Lois Adams
And to Jimmie & Wanda Alexander & Family

What did they sacrifice that day, what did they give away?
What was it then they left behind, to haunt my soul this way?
Was it just Pride of an unafraid youth, or the foolish political way,
that men thought right so long ago, but cannot grip today.

I'll tell you what I know it was, a Patriotic heart, that still beats deep inside us all,
What day will yours now start?

Listen to this lesson, from the lips and hearts of men.
The Veterans who will never forget, their wives, their grown children.
And all the friends that understand, the living must go on,
Amist the tears of every Soldier,
Who faces another dawn.

My life is now in dedication, to the hapless fate of man.
And I will take my dying breath,
Doing all I can.


Are you Here?

A bitter man am I..I guess,
the memories are still sore.
Can't get the one I need to say,
" I'm proud you fought your War"
Instead I hear to walk away
can't change a thing my Son
Get over it , and let them be
A new day has begun.

But he was never in my shoes
with faces turning red
with guns still hot and broken dreams
friends and names of dead.

A simple quest of mine to him..
Dad, please say you're proud of me
Dont hang a sign around my neck
for all your friends to see
Just hold me in your arms this once
Let a man of 50 cry
and let me always hold my Brothers
just never ask me why..

I'm sorry Sir..I'm a Vietnam Vet
but I've lived my life in pride.
and All I need is to once again..

Have you standing by my side....

Dave/11bravovet 11-03-98


Listen to me, please just now, that's all I ask of you.
I'm just a man who's tired of emptiness,
Can't you see it's true.

The friends that once were mine in War,
so close but living not now,
I cannot go another day,
I cannot explain just how.

Everything I see at dawn, from the river and the dew,
Was put there for this reason,
was put there just for you.
And every time I try to look, at beauty in natures way,
I look through eyes of fellow soldiers,
Who can't be here and say.

Hold me please, don't let me go,
There's so much I need to do
There's so much I have not done as yet,
Can't leave until it's through.

The Jimmie's and the others, who are holding out their life
Never asked for all the pain they've seen,
Never asked the strife.

But with your help, and maybe more,
I'm stong enough to see
That my mission here is for the "Friends"
That some think I cannot see.


Just Me..?

Who will remember Wolf and Eagle
And Tom, and Jack, and Bill?
Who's tears run wet upon my cheeks
And probably always will.

Who'll hear the screams of young wives still?
With a Captain at their door.
Who brings the message of a nightmare dream
That her lover is no more.

Who'll see in every young child's eyes
A haunting that I know,
Of seeing Fathers bleed to death
Why did they have to go?

Surely there must be more than I
Can't carry all this pain.
Won't you now remember them?
Lay flowers in the rain.

For if we forget those brave young men
Who went to War to die,
Then tears will always run for me...

And young wives again will cry.


The Pilgrimage

Two eagles spiraling in the sky, provide for me the sign.
Of a journey that I will take now soon,
The reflected names of time.

Their call of distant screams on high,
That communicate the past.
Have brought the whisper I need to hear,
A caring thought at last.

There is a feeling inside my heart,
I can no longer ignore.
Can't carry the weight of so much pain,
Placed on me from the War.

For I am a Vietnam Soldier still,
That has not fullfilled his debt.
To stand at the hallowed Memorial Wall,
To honor my Brother Vets.

The scream of Eagle I again will hear,
The strength of the Wolf will cry.
The ground will tremble at my feet,
And tears will fill the sky.

I'll hear them speak my name again,
But this time I know they'll say,

"Go in Peace", My Brother Vet.
We've missed you 'till Today.

Dave/11bravovet 3 25, 1998

The message I received on the morning of March 19th was entered into my guestbook. It is the most single treasure that I have received through the writings and understanding of another. It is quite naturally from a Vietnam Vet. It brought tears to my eyes that most would not understand.
For your pleasure the following: by Roy Minier

Brother Dave

I call you Brother, because I know your life.

I too, share some of the same strife.

We served together, just miles apart.

But it took 30 years for our friendship to start.

But it is now my honor to call you friend. I hope our fellowship never ends.

You'll never know how much you've helped me, but your friend for life, I will always be.

Don't stop writing and sharing with the Bro's, Your love and pain so clearly shows.

And all of us who truely care, Appreciate what you have to share.

Someday we will meet, if God is willing,

And that day will be soul fullfilling.

Until that day,at least know this much, I count on Brothers like you as a crutch.

It's been my pleasure to share love, laughter and tears with you,

Hang in there Brother, we can still see this thing through.

Roy Minier Army/Plieku RVN 68-69
Thank you Roy! Dave/11bravovet


The light is falling from the sky, at the ending of the day.

But darkness does not cloud my sight, I have finally found my way.

I know now there is another morning, and an understanding care.

Unlike any I have known before, just knowing that she is there.

It takes some time to heal the wounds, but a good place here to start.

Compassion in a trusting voice, that holds an open heart.

No one can tell me what I must feel, or when to forget the past.

No one can say it's over now, the memories will last.

Some may push with judgements, but they haven't seen the rage,
that I am strong enough to hold inside a fragile cage.

So unless you've stood beside me in an 11bravo day,

Or you see the man I'm meant to be.

Then please just back away.

Dave/11bravovet 3 11, 1998

Semper Fi

We're just a bunch of tired Soldiers...or so some of them think
But they have never walked with us,
right there onto deaths brink.

There are so many memories..that most can never know
Except for the Brothers in this room,
Except for us that know.

None of the flag totin' hippies
ever lost his Bro
And none of the Politicians had sons
that ever had to go.

My hands are shaking with distraught
it has been so many years
my heart is heavy with the thought
of many silent tears.

So if you meet some person soon
who gives you no respect
Walk away in silence, Bro
they'll make your life a wreck.

And hold your head high as you did once
there's no reason now to cry.
Look only to your Brothers now

stay with them till you Die.

Dave/11bravovet..in chat 11-06-98

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