I searched all over this crazy internet for a web-ring that I could fit my own web-pages into. To my surprise, there were none! So, I figure, hey, I'm pretty smart and creative. I'll just create my own web-ring. So here it is! The Ethereal Pen! A web-ring and discussion group *specifically* for the female fantasy/sci-fi writer, artist, and anything else creative that I can't think of at the moment. All I ask is that it's your's, it fits in the genre, and you have a web-page. The discussion group, does not require a web-site to join.

Every woman is welcome there to talk and offer opinions! See below for details.
Here's the *real* requirements for the web-ring, however, for those of you are interested in knowing what I'll be judging and looking for:

Your web-site must have something creative that you did regarding the fantasy, sci-fi and urban fantasy genre. I'm *not* looking for a "I really like (insert favorite author here)" page. There are plenty of those out on the web without adding to the list. I'm looking for writing, poetry, art, anything that you have done yourself that you would really like to share with the world.

You must be of the female gender. Sorry guys, I don't mean to be sexist, but there are so few of us women actually making a break out there. I gotta help in some small way.

Please *try* to keep it some-what PG-13. This is what I've rated it and I'd really like to keep it that way. I will, of course, peruse the site for any objectional material, and if you have a question, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I can let you know if I think it's acceptable or not before you have to fill out the form. Don't let it worry you, however. I'm not that hard of a task-master.

And last but not least, the stuff I don't care about (but of course, there's still some DON'T's in this stuff, so please read:

I don't care if you have a special page just for your web-ring links. No sense in littering your wonderfully made web pages with my gaudy "I'm a Member of Ethereal Pen" web ring mural. However, you *do* need to have it somewhere on your site along with the HTML codes, otherwise, it doesn't count as being part of my web-ring. So please remember to put in the codes. Note: If you do place your link on a different page than the one submitted, you may get mail from Web-Ring saying that your link is incorrect. Just re-check the HTML frag, and if correct, just disregard the e-mail. I'll send e-mail if there really is a problem.

I also don't mind if your web-page has ads. Sure the banners, pop-up screens and "Search Engine" ads are a bit annoying, but some of us really don't have a choice. Besides, I don't have a problem with a person trying to make an honest buck. *However*, if you put the web-ring link on a site with nothing *but* these annoying inventions to steal our hard-earned money, I'm either going to ask you to move it to a more respectable page on your web-site, or remove you from the list. *NO Exceptions*.

Also, if you have "about me" pages, "Family Photo Galleries", or anything else non-genre related, relax. I think it's pretty nifty to know a little about the person who owns the site!

So, you still want to join? I certainly hope so, cuz if all the criteria are met, you'll have a happy niche in my web-ring! And in case you're curious, yes, I really will look through your web-pages to see what's there.

Click here to join

Once you join, come back here for the HTML fragment you will need to add to the page that you plan on putting the link onto.  *This is a very important step*! Please do not forget to do this part! Also you'll need to "steal" one or both of the images on this page. They will not be in the HTML fragment.
When your web-site is submitted, I'll be around to make sure everything is good, and then, just watch the people flow on in! :) The link should look something like below, but I'll accept anything similar. Be creative! It's what it's all about, after all! :)
For those interested, there is a discussion group for this web-ring at
Onelist.com. This is an open forum for us all to get together and discuss our particular talent, get feedback on our sites, stories, art, or just talk about stuff that's on your mind!

This Ethereal Pen site is owned by Victoria

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Note: You will need to "steal" one of the two pictures on this web-site to use with the link. The HTML code won't come with it. Either picture is acceptable for use.