Guardians of the Millenium:

Into the Fire

Chapter Seven:

"Oh Starry Night"

Author's Notes:

Here it is!! The end of Raye/Rei's tale, and that means..(Drum roll and thunder crash) ..the beginning of Lita's. ;). At least I don't mess her name up!

2. Sora = Sarah sigh...I have trouble with dubbing even my *own* character's names.. have pity on a poor overly stressed student and kindly ignore it?!

3. My posting problems continued last week 4-6-5 showed up out of order...hope you weren't too confused.

At the end of this Chapter you should see "END OF CHAPTER" Again, I apologize for the poorly edited state of this. Enjoy!!!

Mezmermized by the dancing flames and the heat of the fire, Jaedite sat, losing track of time. A servant's call broke his concentration "Lord Warrior, Sir, you are required in the War Chamber. We've searched everywhere for you. Hurry Sir."

When he entered, Malachite sent him an annoyed look "Where were you? We summoned you hours ago" His violet-blue eyes were almost slitted in his anger.

"Sorry...I was praying..." Jaedite said buttoning his uniform... "What's happened?"

Malachite turned to Zoicite, and gave a barely perceptible nod of his head.

Zoicite nodded in return, snapped his hand and magically a report appeared. He began to drone on about which villages had been attacked. Jaedite tuned out--such details of war didn't interest him. He wasn't the tactical least, not any more.

Jaedite tried to supress the feeling of irritation and jealousy that Zoicite stirred in him. Though two years younger, Zoicite was already a a better magic user than Jaedite. As such, he'd unofficaly become Malachite's second in command, unseating even the more seasoned Neflite. As a result, Jaedite was treated as the most junior officer ...and it irked him.

"Jaedite, you listening?" Zoicite asked him, visibly annoyed... "I asked you a question..."

" mind was elsewhere." Jaedite said. "What did you ask?"

"I asked whether you break your allegiance to Beryl and swear to Endymion? Will you fight against her? "

"What? Why?"

"Did you not listen?!"Zoicite exclaimed "She's joined the enemy..."

"She's attacked the Earth Kingdom villages..." Neflite added "And sacrificed our own people."

Jaedite looked up at Endymion's hollow eyes for guidance. He found none.

"I got my engagement to Beryl is broken, at the price of War...." Endymion said bitterly.

"Endymion..." Jaedite replied. He had never seen his friend look so grim. What could he say?

"I renounce the claim of Beryl's rule... and join my fate with that of Earth and Endymion!!" Malachite stated. He struck his hand down bringing it up in a fist across his heart, then pointed up "By Earth-Mineral Power, I swear fealty to none but Endymion!"

All the Generals nodded and joined hands in a square around the table. They each repeated Malachite's words.

"Beryl's dishonor ends her claim on us...We have pledged eternal allegiance to you Endymion." Malachite said.

Endymion jerked out of his frozen trance. "STOP IT. I don't deserve it... I'm the one who's dishonorable...I broke the engagement, and pushed Beryl too far. It's all my fault" He dissappeared in a blaze of his cloak.

Malachite slammed the table with his fist. Zoicite flinched, more sensitive than the others to the strong display of emotion from the High General. "Find him, Zoicite. That fool...he didn't utter the rest of the spell necessary to bind us to him." Zoicite nodded, and vannished in a flurry of petals. Jaedite couldn't help but think the petals were an unnecessary embellisment..."Show off." He thought.

He turned his irritation to Malachite. "Dare you call our prince a fool?" Jaedite accused the older General.

"I dare when truth aids my cause. He is one. And so are you, if you do not understand the gravity of the situation. Stop thinking about romancing that girl, and prepare for war." Malachite disappeared with a flash.

Neflite placed a hand on Jaedite's shoulder. "Malachite said that harshly, but Jaedite, the situation is grave. We started a spell--and unless Endymion accepts our eternal allegeiance, Beryl has the power to claim our services..."

"What do you mean?" Jaedite asked.

"Magic was never your strong point, was it? Since he did not claim us, Beryl will."

"How can she do that? By What right?" Jaedite demanded.

"By the right of the treaty signed by our fathers. Mineral and Earth fought over and for possession of our lands. That war ended with Beryl and Endymion's engagement--and with our Father's renouncing their kingdom's to Beryl, and their son's to Endymion's service."

"And *that* is a spell?" Jaedite him magic was more physical and immediate than this....contract.

"Yes...a subtle one...a destiny spell if you will...The stars shifted with this treaty." Neflite said. "Our fate and our lives are not our own...just as your Lady Rei owes fealty to Queen Serenity...just as Endymion cannot help but love Princess Serena"

"So if Endymion does not claim us we just by default belong to Beryl?"Jaedite asked angrily. "How can we be divided just like property-- a piece of land, a sack of grain? We can serve who we want..Our will is our own!"

"No. I'm afraid it is not..and that is why Malachite acted as he did...Magic works in mysterious ways...what you want will change. You cannot think it will, but ..."Neflite paused. "If I had told you before you went to Mars that you, of all people, would fall in love--would you have believed me?"

Jaedite narowed his eyes. "No...but you didn't know..I didn't know."

Neflite shook his head. "I knew. I read the stars. Remember the box I gave you before your trip to Mars? It has a false bottom--go open it. I must go prepare my troops." He vannished leaving Jaedite alone.

Jaedite hastily teleported to his own chambers, and began to toss his belongings around as he searched for the box. He finally found it, burried under some books and drawings.

Running his hand under the star-shaped contraption, he felt a sudden click as the mechanisim caught. He'd had this thing a year, and had never noticed the secret chamber, so clever the workmanship.

He didn't marvel at that long--he could see something inside. He drew it out--an envelope. Jaedite slipped open the small paper--it was dated a year ago, and looked a little faded and well worn. A letter of silvery gilt marked with the seal of the Monarch of the Moon Kingdom lay inside.

"Lord Warrior Neflite,

We are indebted to you for your service to our Kingdom. We realize the request was awkward, and appreciate your delicate handling of the matter.

As We promised, We grant you one favor. Though we think it an odd request, the Royal House of the Moon Kingdom, graciously and formally consents to a marriage between Princess Mars and Lord Warrior Jaedites, should the girl wish it. If We had any doubt about your talents, your mentioning her dispersed them. We have not yet officially chosen her to serve as Our Princess' Inner Guardian, having only recently selected the Outer Guardians. Again, We can only take your knowledge as further proof of your abilities.

We pray that which is invetible leaves room for your happiness, as well that of all the children of Our two Kingdoms. We believe your service will go a long way to insuring that such may be.

  The blessings of the Moon be with you,

                        Queen Serenity

Jaedite sat down heavily, and reread the letter. He was amazed of course, that Neflite knew a year ago that Jaedite would pledge for Rei, but more shocked at this "Serivce..." He felt a little offended that his friend had hidden such a secret from him as this communication--a request by the mysterious Monarch of the Moon.

He wanted to ask him what favor she'd requested? How did he know these things anyway? Did the stars really reveal so much? How was that possible? He swore...he could do simple magic, but these things were beyond him. He shook his head...he still had to see to his troops. He didn't have time to ponder the intricacies of the Universe.

The fuzzy cloud covered half-full moon only partially lit the night. Rei, or rather SailorMars, smiled coldly at that. Perfect cover for criminals or superheroines she thought. As she hurried down Sendai Hill, and towards the wharf and wharehouse district, she wondered again whether she should have given the police the address and left everything to them. Why was she risking herself on something that, as Chad had said, should not have concerned the Sailors? Then again, Mina had fought ordinary criminals once, before she knew the true alien enemies. Weren't they all wasting their powers in a way by not going after the petty evil that besieged cities like Tokyo? Even if she didn't have a personal reason, perhaps she should try to fight the wickedness of the criminal element.

She shook her head. After the defeat of Galaxia, they'd all returned to living "normal" lives as they'd always wanted to do. Like most vacations, the freedom becomes a jail. She'd missed this rush of power and danger. Turning a corner, she found herself on the street outside the wharehouses numbered in the 530's. Using a map, she'd narrowed it down to Grainfort street. One of these wharehouses had to be the one. Relying on her extrasensory perception, she let the feeling guide her towards Sora. 535. That was the one. She fingered the door. "Probably not good to go in attracting attention." She thought. She looked up, considering the possibility of entering through the second story windows. Breathing in heavily, she steadied herself.

Noiselessy, she dropped inside and tried to focus in the dim light. In the middle of the room, a young girl sat tied up in a chair. A single bulb of light lit her features revealing that she was somehow uncomfortably asleep. Mars whispered "Sora" to herself. A man sat across from her, bleary eyed, and playing solitaire on a laptop by a phone. His gun lay on the table. Suddenly the phone rang. "Yeah." He answered tersely. "Stop panicking. I knew about that already. These unseen complications were why you hired me, isn't it? The project is secure,and the police are off the trail."He cursed loudly. "Kill her? Oh no, that wasn't the deal. Let's renegotiate. Tell HIM I'm doubling the price.." A pause. Mars inched closer. "He can afford least "your client" can't afford not to now... I'm Expendable? Oh Really? You may have hired some idiots, but I'm not one. I'm not going to be left on the hook." There was a pause. "Oh yeah...see I know all about who your boss is--I have quite an interesting file on him and the Stanton heir dissappearance. I wouldn't dream of blackmail, but insurance is different, just like murder."

The man swore again, as Mars moved unseen behind him. "Don't believe me? Here, I just sent you a copy of the file. Check your electronic mail.....your private one...Don't get so angry... it's secure. Sure I'm sure. You came to me because I'm the best,so don't be surprised. The girl? She's in a safe place. Right here with me actually--more insurance. I wouldn't try anything --it's Stanton wharehouse property... " He laughed then, a dry laugh. "I thought that was appropriate don't you? You have an hour to meet my demands." He hung up.

He looked at Sora. "Seems the client is getting nervous. That's not good for you....I'll see if I can hold him off."

Mars considered. She couldn't let lose with a fire ball-- that would cause too much damage. For the first time ever in a battle she wished she had the powers of the other scouts. With Mercury's bubbles, she could have simply stolen Sora from under their noses. Venus, with her chain and beams would have been able to stun the man. Even Moon's tiara would have knocked him silly...She had to do this alone. Squaring her stance, she took a deep breath. She rushed forward, knocking the gun away and slaming the man down. He went down easily. She scurried over to Sora and began to untie her. This was going so well. She thought to herself--She'd always thought she'd enjoy working alone. That's when she heard the click. The man hadn't been unconcious, he'd just pretended.

"Ah...the legendary SailorMars. Thought you were a myth." He laughed. "Try anything and, you won't exist." He leveled the gun at her. Shocked she realized who the man was. "Wolf Malder?" She whispered.

He raised an eyebrow. "Funny, I wouldn't have thought you'd heard of me..."

"I've heard more than you realize...why are you doing this?" She asked. "Kidnapping? Kind of below you isn't it? I thought you were an expert on paranormal activity and law enforcement."

"You'd be surprised at what I stoop to doing these days.. Now move."

"Let us go--you don't have to do this." She said.

"But I do...If you're here, for once this job isn't below me...I was right about Stanton Industries.." He said, his eyes odly lighted by his excitement.

She wondered if there was anyway that a bullet wouldn't hurt her--but she wasn't about to risk it. She was trained to fight magical attacks, not guns. She needed help.

"SailorMars--you know, I could let your friend there go, now that I have you..." He smiled. "But I'm afraid I don't know enough about your capabilites to trust that I could handle you...she's your vulnerability."

"We can't stay like this." She said.

"Don't have to do that--" he motioned with his hand. Suddenly three men appeared. Mars recognized them as the thugs that had attacked her earlier. "They should be in jail!" She exclaimed.

"Er...yes...but a few records deleted, and" Malder shook his head. "The legal system is thorougly corrupt. It's one more reason I got disenchanted with it in the first place..." He leaned over and began hitting keys on the computer. "I'll find another safe place for my new prize...I"m going to unravel all your secrets SailorMars... Starting with your connection to this case..."

"You're crazy!" Mars said, noticing the wild look in his eyes.

"So I've been told...who wouldn't be, with the things I've seen, and no one believes? Even when my partner was one believed how... The truth... it's out there and no one cares." His eyes focussed on her. "WE believe lies...because we want to...but not me. You're part of it aren't you? You're one of *them*."

"Them who?" She asked.

"Aliens...What's this girl's connection to you? Is she part of it?"

His rapid fire questions disconcerted her. "The attacks on Tokyo--the ones with inadequate scientific were part of that...are you an alien? Is she? Is that why He wants her?"

"Who?" Mars asked in confusion.

"Stanton Industries is up to its necks in it...I know it. And so is that temple...lots of weird things happen there....I took this job to find out more...I knew when the CEO of Stanton Industries wants something done...its BIG. What does he have against her--and you? And the rest of your group?"

She shook her head. "I don't know who you mean." "The Sailors...who else...Who are you? Why do you protect her? Who is SailorMoon?"He asked then.

"A champion of justice, a righter of wrongs--someone who triumps over evil--and in the name of the moon punnishes bad guys like you!" A familar high pitched voice squealed.

Mars had never been so happy to hear it.

He turned his head briefly, as a small flying object knocked the gun out of his hand, sending it scattering on the ground.

Out of nowhere, like a bolt of lightening, another figure charged and took down two of the men he'd brought with him.

The third started to run towards Sailor Moon, but a sharp rose cut him off. He laughed, startled, but still moved towards the girl. "Little girl, get out of my way!" He menanced. "Sailor Moon Kick" she said, hitting him in the solar plexus with her foot (jumping to do so). He went down with a thud.

Malder, confused looked around. "This can't be!" He said.

In desperation he charged forward to stop Mars from untying Sora. A hand out of nowhere grabbed him, and smashed his face in with a well placed punch. He could have sworn the man who did this was dressed in a cape, and was well, hovering if not flying.

"Who was your client" Mars's voice shouted in his ear, as someone bound *him* to the chair. "You have nothing to gain by hiding that."

"It's" he started to say when a shot rang out, hitting him in the chest. His head slumped forward. Instinctively, Mars and Jaedite jumped back. Tuxedo Mask covered Moon, and Jupiter crouched low, scanning for who the assassin was.

A voice, disembodied in the echoing walls of the wharehouse simply said. "Sorry, but we're afraid we need to keep this information classified. " Almost instantly, the whole place burst into flames with a large crash.

A long limo pulled away. Inside a figure sat, shrouded in darkness. "It's a pity the merger plan has gone astray--but no matter now. I've found something more important..." Smoke filled the interior of the vehicle. "Here" He tossed the Assitant a green vial that glowed luminously in the interior of the car. Agains the glow of light, the Assitant stared at the silouhette of her Boss. He was not a threatening sight, proving that looks can be decieving. The casual observer would see a thin older man, reclining with legs crossed, as he lazily smoked a cigar. He looked more like an art critic or hairstylist than he did the most dangerous person in Tokyo. But that was what he was.

"What Sir? " The Assitant asked her boss through the cloud of smoke.

"All along that idiot Malder was right... Imagine the power they control...if we can find the source of that..." He twisted a strand of his thinning red-blonde hair around his finger, as he contemplated this.

"Sir, You've tried sapping mythological power before-- without success." A sharp look from the boss had the Assistant retracting her words. "Sorry sir. I dishonor you to speak of that."

"You do. I'll ignore it. We may not be able to unravel the merger, but now we've found something bigger..." He smiled. "I think its time for me to return to the Dark Arts. .The rumors say there were more "scouts"... if we can find the others, and take their power, just think of what I can accomplish?"

The car glided through the night, slowing as it approached a huge mansion. At last the man spoke again. " Ruling the electronics industry, that's small. I'll have the world at my feet." He laughed as he added "Where it belongs." When he sobered he ordered " Get me the information file on Project Gate. This time, I won't let any thing go wrong."

The Assistant nodded. She carefully deleted the file sent by Malder on the laptop computer in the Limo. Loose ends needed to be squared away. She'd learned that much from her former partner. She wondered where that memory came from, when the rest of her memories were so shadowed? Slowly, she fingered the scar at her temple, that reminded her of the accident that had taken away most of her memories and almost her life. She looked at the man who'd saved her life--essentially brought her back from the dead. She inserted the green vial and let the fluid flow through her giving her energy. Her hand moved higher on her head, to finger the metallic plate that framed the rest of her head. Red hair spilled over it, as natural looking as her original hair, though it was as syntehtic as the computer. If she were still completely human, she thought, perhaps she'd feel sad about killing her former partner. Then again, maybe she wouldn't. If anything, it was Malder's fault she died in the first place.

"If we avoid pulling something from another dimension, we should be safer." The Boss said. "That was my mistake the first time--overestimating unknowns." The part of the Assistant that was still human noted wryly that her death was also the fault of the man who was the reason for her continued existence. He had been an unknown quantity, and she had overestimated him then. One mistake she would never make again.

Rei nervously looked out at the sea of people gathered at the temple. "Are you ready Sora, we should start." She said. Sora nodded, and Rei headed down the aisle, knowing that people were admiring and yet shocked at the tight crimson silk dress she wore. Sora had picked the gown. "You look great in it, and it suits you. Red demands attention." Rei noted that the high slits did as well...she wondered if the dress was entirelly appropriate to a wedding--but if Sora didn't mind, then how could she? They looked as different as night and day, though, and Rei's demanding beauty was quite a contrast to the etheral angellic picture that Sora made walking down the aisle on her father's arm.

What seemed like hours later, Rei sank into a chair. The dancing had started, while dinner was cleared away. She glanced up to see Sora and Chad swaying.

She smiled, hiding her thoughts by lowering her head. She also spied Darrien and Serena, gliding somewhat less gracefully. Rei rolled her eyes. Serena was probably tipsy again. Something inside of her told her she'd done the right thing...but her smile was one of happiness for others rather than herself. Since the wedding had come up so soon, she still hadn't time to sort out her mind.

At the last second before the explosion, Jaedite had saved them all with some sort of shield spell. "Just instinct" He'd said. Luckily Sora had fainted, and they'd been able to deposit her in her house without anyone seeing the Sailors. Jed had said nothing further, except turning to Darrien and asking odly "Do you accept my pledge of eternal allegiance?"

TuxedoMask had been a little disconcerted, but had stumbled from his usual fine speeches. "Uh, sure?" He'd muttered.

Rei still hadn't discussed Jed's alter-ego's behavior that night. She'd been too busy since then. She wasn't sure, as she looked at the dancing crowd, why she even thought of it now. She got up to leave, desiring the quiet of her room. She felt someone suddenly shove her forward, and she careened into someone. "I must have lost my balance." She felt arms steadying herup and into Jed's light blue eyes.

"Excuse me." She said as he continued to hold her, and she started to push past him.

"I will, but only if you dance with me. You haven't all night." Jed said

"I'm not sure my grandfather would approve." She returned.

"If he were here but I'm afraid the poor guy had too much punch and is sleeping it off in his room." Jed smiled wide, a light sparkling in his cerulean blue eyes.

Rei blanched "Grandpa got drunk and passed out?!" Her mind swam with fear at what inappropriate things Gramps might have done until then.

Jed laughed, understanding her fear. "Don't worry...I uh, supplied him with the punch *before* the wedding started--as soon as the ceremony was over, Grandpa's been out like a light" He added..."I thought it best if we avoid having him kiss the bride.."

Rei sighed in relief, and looked up at Jed. Something changed for her in that moment, thought it would be a long time before she'd admit it. "Thank you for that, and the other night."

"So does that mean I may have this dance?" he asked taking her hand. He heard her unspoken thoughts. She was letting down her guard with him, and taking him into the fire that burned in her heart.

"As long as you take all of them, Jed." Rei, smiled up at him.

Behind a pillar Lita smiled as Jed and Rei glided to the dance floor. She watched them for a minute, and then slipped outside. "I knew all they needed was a push in the right direction" She said to no one in particular... "Always said there was nothing like the direct approach." She stared up at the stars...with their light to keep her company, she never felt so alone.


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