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Iron Cross

Real Name: Helmut Gruler.
Age: 103.
First appearance: Invaders #35.
First Modern Day Appearance: Thunderbolts #37
Legal Status: Deceased.
Known relatives: None.
Previous aliases: None.
Group Affiliation: V - Battalion, previously member of Nazi regime.
Powers: All of Helmut's powers are derived from the Iron Cross armour which keeps him alive.

A German Nationalist who despised Nazis but loved his country. After a fight with the Invaders and Liberty Legion he was sinking into the Atlantic Ocean only to be apparently saved by possibly the Atlanteans or a German U-boat. He has been trying to make up for the actions of his people and has joined the Penance Council. He was 103 years old and his armor caused strain on his body and it was the only thing keeping him alive.

He died heroically in Citizen V and the V-Battalion #3 by saving the world. Arrays of satellites were to release nanoprobes all over Earth so that anyone with a voice modulation program could control everyone on Earth. Time was running out and Gruler didn't have enough power that could override the satellites and shut them down. The Vanguard was too powerful for the job but Gruler did have the right amount of power in that which powers his armor. He used all the power that kept him alive to shut down the satellites. Stopping Baron Von Strucker's plans as well as both Citizen V and Roger Aubrey who had ideas about using the voice modulation program for their own needs.

The armor was not damaged however and the V-Battalion has it in their possession and it remains unknown if anyone else will take up the mantle of Iron Cross.

Bio by: James Hunter & Whirlwind

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