X-Factor #149 - "Sorry is the Hardest Word!"

Reviews by Silver the Black King

Writer: Howard Mackie    Pencils: Lee Moder    Inks: Scott Koblish

   This is a great issue! Indiana Jones eat your heart out, it's Havok and Polairs on the run! Mandroids, lame as they may be, prove a fun and amusing choice of opponents and the dialogue between our fueding lovers laughably undercuts the seriousness of the whole situation. This is definetly a rollercoaster ride that keeps getting better as our heroes keep evading Gyrich and taking jabs at one another.

   It's also a relief that the two don't actually get back together in the end. A great couple to be sure, but one that just couldn't possibly hold together. Glad to see Mackie following through with that instead of just making everything go back to normal.

   One thing I'd like to see explained is Valerie Cooper's place in the government compared to Gyrich's. They're both interesting but just which one is higher up? And why don't they ever work together? They must have some mutual goals.

   The art was fairly good too. A little sparse, but the minimalistic touch worked here. Added to that, the coloring had some fantastic moments that you don't normally get on this level of book. I'd recommend this issue to any Havok and Polaris fans out there. You'll be getting a fun issue if you pick it up!

"It's been a short, but interesting life. Too bad it's got to end so... so... so what's going on here? - Havok, X-Factor #148

X-Factor #149

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