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These wonderful people have signed my humble guestbook. They be special to me!

12/15/98 20:14:26
Name: richard accardi My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: School work
What's your favoirte book?: The cay Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo Are you a hobbit?: Yes
Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: yes

The outlinig of the whole page is neat and intresting. But it could be improved if you made an outline of the way Bilbo changed, both physicaly and emotionally(spell chek). From, Richard Accardi Duluth,Ga Hull Middle

12/14/98 22:03:03
My URL: Visit Me What's your favoirte book?: i dont like to read
Who's your favorite hobbit?: the young ones are pretty tasty Are you a hobbit?: that is a very dumb question
Are you from Middle Earth?: no

what the he is your problem. grow up and face reality.

12/14/98 07:28:48
Name: DominO
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find me?: A Lil' Hobbit told me!

Hello! Lil'Hobbitina!

12/11/98 20:42:57
Name: Anti-Hobbit Protester My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: I found you! What's your favoirte book?: Guess! Who's your favorite hobbit?: A prisoned one
Are you a hobbit?: Think about it! Are you from Middle Earth?: No! Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No!

Fellow Hobbit Haters! Protest all Hobbits! ALL HOBBITS MUST BE IMPRISONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/11/98 20:38:05
Name: Hobbit Killer My Email: Email Me How did you find me?: I kill all hobbits
What's your favoirte book?: I have no favorite books Who's your favorite hobbit?: Any dead ones Are you a hobbit?: No, but I scalp them
Are you from Middle Earth?: No Have you been to other Xanth sites?: Hate all hobbits, must kill them

Die, Hobbits, die! I will sever thine heads and rip thine scalps from thy puny heads. I will rip you apart and use your arms for furniture. No hobbit is safe from my wrath!

12/11/98 20:31:08
Name: senoir My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: em dogpile
What's your favoirte book?: bible Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo Are you a hobbit?: yes
Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no

I need help on a project about the growth of development of Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit.

12/11/98 16:15:57
Name: Jenni Kloek My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: xanth serch
What's your favoirte book?: demons dont dream Are you a hobbit?: no Are you from Middle Earth?: yes
Have you been to other Xanth sites?: yes

I really enjoy all the xanth books

12/10/98 18:21:33
Name: Spawn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: Magician Humpfrey told me What's your favoirte book?: Roc and a Hard Place Who's your favorite hobbit?: My Johnson
Are you a hobbit?: Only on Weekends Are you from Middle Earth?: North Earth(North Phily) Have you been to other Xanth sites?: Only in me dreams!!!


Come and visit

Don'y be shy come and see me

12/10/98 14:05:15
Name: wyndal boothe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: hatbot, What's your favoirte book?: no book but a magzine Who's your favorite hobbit?: me
Are you a hobbit?: no I'm a very active person Are you from Middle Earth?: no but I go there all the time Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no

I'm open for fun

12/09/98 13:58:55
Name: Ian Parish My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: i have my ways What's your favoirte book?: don't read Who's your favorite hobbit?: me
Are you a hobbit?: yes Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: yes

hobbits rule

12/08/98 21:16:52
Name: Martol Underhill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: Search in yahoo What's your favoirte book?: Fellowship of the Ring Who's your favorite hobbit?: Frodo Baggins
Are you a hobbit?: Yes Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No

If a Hobbit is from Bree, would they be a Hafeling or Hobbit?

12/08/98 02:22:05
Name: jeff scroggins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: just look'en What's your favoirte book?: the hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: pippen
Are you a hobbit?: weeel "YES" Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no


12/07/98 19:54:24
Name: ERICK ???? My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: YAHOO What's your favoirte book?: HOBBIT Who's your favorite hobbit?: FRODO
Are you a hobbit?: NO IM GANDALFS BROTHER Are you from Middle Earth?: YES


12/07/98 14:43:38
Name: Collin Russell My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: Just surfing
What's your favoirte book?: The Hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo Baggins Are you a hobbit?: Yes
Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: Yes


12/07/98 14:38:27
Name: Carly Rucker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: Assignment Search What's your favoirte book?: I know what you did last summer Who's your favorite hobbit?: Beladonna Took
Are you a hobbit?: no Are you from Middle Earth?: no Have you been to other Xanth sites?: yes

I love the book The Hobbit because of Bilbo's wonderful adventures and his personality.

12/07/98 14:33:00
Name: Lizzie McWilliams My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: Teacher gave me site
What's your favoirte book?: Any fantasy Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo Are you a hobbit?: Yes
Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No

I love the doors, where you can pick where you want to go or what you want top learn about.

12/07/98 14:26:16
Name: Zowie Sampietro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: Assignment Search What's your favoirte book?: The Hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo Baggins
Are you a hobbit?: Not really Are you from Middle Earth?: No Have you been to other Xanth sites?: I am on my way

I absolutely adore your web page, along with J.R.R. TOLKIEN's novel, The Hobbit.

12/06/98 18:46:58
Name: Kicks My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: You had a link on the geo long ago so I bookmarked it for when I have time. What's your favoirte book?: The cronicles of Tomas Covenant the unbeliever / The lord of the rings Who's your favorite hobbit?: Gollum? , Frodo, Bilbo and Leanie
Are you a hobbit?: No i'm only visiting this planet Are you from Middle Earth?: No I am from South Africa same as Tolkien Have you been to other Xanth sites?: Nope

Very nice done with all the pics and changing the site for the season. You are a truly unique home builder, so keep the pipe hot, the kettle boiling, the cookie bin stacked and the toe hairs clean till we return.

12/06/98 07:53:08
Name: {Nebula}
My URL: Visit Me


Merry Christmas!!
Season's Greet
ngs from The Enchanted Hollow

We would like to wish you a very Happy H liday!
{Nebula} & Tink

The Ench nted Hollow

12/05/98 22:21:45
Name: Torgeir Wigum Lindland My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: My mother's guestbook What's your favoirte book?: Lord of the Rings Who's your favorite hobbit?: Pippin
Are you a hobbit?: nope, an ent. Are you from Middle Earth?: I'm sure am. Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no

A nice page you have. I love tolkien's book and middle-earth. I just gave a mini-talk about Tolkien at school and got an A-. Come visit my page later. Torgeir

12/05/98 00:49:37
Name: J.R.R. TOKIEN'S FAN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: surfed on in What's your favoirte book?: the hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo
Are you a hobbit?: no Are you from Middle Earth?: no Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no


12/04/98 19:34:31
Name: Jellie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me?: Wandering around the Web
What's your favoirte book?: The Notebook Who's your favorite hobbit?: Snuggling with TJ... ooops, I guess you didn't mean habit, eh?


I'm just wandering around the web, visiting my geo neighbors and stumbled onto your home in the process. Thanks for the warm welcome and lovely home... I enjoyed my visit!
~ Jellie ~

12/04/98 19:05:05
Name: Emma Prowse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: A little Hobbit told me What's your favoirte book?: It has to be the Hobbit, Well is there anything better Who's your favorite hobbit?: Well I am a Hobbit so I don't really have a favourite but I do admire Bilbo
Are you a hobbit?: Yes! I sure am. But the Question is Are you? Are you from Middle Earth?: Yep Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No but I might just now you've mentioned it

When I first began looking I didn't think I would come across a page like this. It is totally fab!! I am a fan of JRR Tolkein and also of Piers Anthony. They are great authors and have really inspired me. Where did you get all your information from? And where do you find the time to come up with a page as good as this? By the way I am in the middle of w iting my own fantasy story and I wondered if you'd like to read it. It would be good if we could get in touch!!!! We seem to have the same things in common. Continue to update this page as It is really helpful. Hope to hear from you soon

12/04/98 18:50:53
Name: Emma My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: Don't know
What's your favoirte book?: Dune Who's your favorite hobbit?: Frodo Are you a hobbit?: Yes
Are you from Middle Earth?: Yep Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No

Extremly good! Just what I had been looking for. One thing you could do is try and get other people to help you update even more.

12/04/98 11:19:27
Name: Britt Arnhild Lindland My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: viewing another guestbook What's your favoirte book?: There are so many, I like "The Hobbit" alot, though Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo
Are you a hobbit?: No Are you from Middle Earth?: No Have you been to other Xanth sites?: No

I loved to visit your pages. My oldest son is a great fan of Tolkien, and has alot about him in his pages. You can find links to his sites if you go to my Library page, or click on Torgeir on my front page. He also gives awards to good Tolkien pages :-)Britt Arnhild

12/03/98 17:20:38
Name: Luke Stahle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: i thougt this was a site for the novel called the hobbit but it ended up being a christian site so i just read on. What's your favoirte book?: the princess bride Who's your favorite hobbit?: i don't have one
Are you a hobbit?: i don't think so... Are you from Middle Earth?: whats that? Have you been to other Xanth sites?: never been...

I thought this was a site were i could learn about the novel but I didnot learn to much so bye......

12/03/98 14:36:44
My Email: Email Me How did you find me?: YAHOO SEARCH
What's your favoirte book?: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING Who's your favorite hobbit?: SAM


12/02/98 21:02:12
Name: Natale Williams My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me?: LOTH

You have an interesting page. Its something to be very proud of. Thank you for creating such a lovely page and have a happy holidays.

12/01/98 07:20:19
Name: Fina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find me?: Banners


11/30/98 04:37:21
Name: DominO
My URL: Visit Me


11/30/98 04:27:53
Name: Rich My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: net search What's your favoirte book?: Hitchhikers guide/ Hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: BullRoarer
Are you a hobbit?: no Are you from Middle Earth?: no Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no

just looking around

11/29/98 17:46:30
Name: Diarmuid My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: The Xanthread told me... What's your favoirte book?: The Fionavar Tapestry and all Xanth books of course!!! Who's your favorite hobbit?: I'm afraid I don't know many, but you seem pretty nice
Are you a hobbit?: Sorry, I'm a lowly mundane... Are you from Middle Earth?: Mundania, middle earth...wherever... Have you been to other Xanth sites?: As many as I can find, but they're a secretive bunch!!!

Hi!!! Just thought I'd sign your little book and to say keep up the good work!!! Xanth is quite possibly the best place to be, and since I can't get there by conventional methods, I can at least grab a little piece of the magic from your site. After all, ho wants to live in the world when you can live in your head?!!!

11/29/98 01:32:07
Name: Fool The Foolish My URL: Visit Me How did you find me?: I have my Ways
What's your favoirte book?: Mad MAgazine Who's your favorite hobbit?: That fat one Are you a hobbit?: no they smell
Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: nope


11/28/98 16:30:44
Name: Fairy NightStar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: A little hobbit told me ;-) What's your favoirte book?: oh, to many to pick one!! Who's your favorite hobbit?: Frodo
Are you a hobbit?: nope I'm a fairy ;-) Are you from Middle Earth?: yeap Have you been to other Xanth sites?: nope


Hello Hobbitina,

I thought I would drop by and give you my own little dusting(hehe) you know us fairies, can't keep from dusting Well I'm off to see the rest of your page didn't want to pass this guestbook up wile I saw it hehe

.:*:.SPRINKLE.:*:. .:*:.SPRINKLE.:*:.

Take this gift that I give to you, I give it with love for all the things you do. For all the spirit you show and all the spirit you have yet to show the world. Take it and know a Fairy has been to your Realm and found pleasure in your words, your wit, an your wisdom.


Here's a list of helpfull links if you need them!
DRealm of Dfairies
Dchat rooms

If you can not see the gift I am giving you Plese go to:
My Gift to YOU

.:*:.SPRINKLE.:*:. .:*:.SPRINKLE.:*:.

11/28/98 14:07:25
Name: Carol Lincoln
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Great Site! Thanks for the visit, come check out my page!

11/25/98 22:59:37
Name: Gloin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: Searching What's your favoirte book?: The Hobbit Who's your favorite hobbit?: Bilbo
Are you a hobbit?: no I'm a Dwarf Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Have you been to other Xanth sites?: no

Great site!

11/24/98 18:18:47
Name: baginsfrnd My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find me?: websearch What's your favoirte book?: silmarillion Who's your favorite hobbit?: bilbo
Are you a hobbit?: yes Are you from Middle Earth?: yes


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