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  • Thursday May 5th, 2005
    wtf is going on?

    wtf is funnyjunk.com? why is it hitting my site so much? what are you looking for? somebody contact me. wabut at yahoo dot com

    I'd like to know why I got 82 uniques on tuesday and 80 on wednesday, for a total of 202 hits on tues and 184 wednesday. What are you people doing on my damn web site? Why does extreme tracker log it, but not geocities built in stats?

    The hits easily eclipse any day/month I've ever had in terms of hits, but they're probably all bull shit. Somebody tell me what you're doing on my site!
    These 4 are taking turns hitting this site up and throwing screwed up referral urls at me as well (email.funnyjunk.com)
    I'm confused. somebody email me. wabut at yahoo.
    Thursday April 28th, 2005
    Doom 3 is not a bad game at all.

    It's not a 5 star game, but it's alright. Definitely scary at times.

    I played through the first 6-7 levels with Bump Maps and ANti Aliasing off. I thought my box wouldn't be able to handle it since there was some stuttering during the first cut scene. I turned those settings on today just to test, and not only does it run at the same speed, but the game is 20x scarier and 5000x prettier. It actually looks like the screenshots.

    The Week now has a real web page where you can practically read the whole issue. Nice.

    Unfortunately, they haven't cleared their test data. haha. I don't think these are real articles. C'mon guys. Test Server->Production Server!

    see ya later
    Wednesday, April 20th 2005
    First Post from new Computer! April 20th!

    The new box came with 6 months of free AOL and 6 months of free Earthlink, but no Windows CD, and a 4 gig hidden unaccesible backup drive(????). I'm going to jump to Earthlink soon, but I think my isp has already charged me for the next month, so I shall wait it out.

    Also on this new computer is mcAfee Virus Scan. and mcAfee Personal Firewall. and some other mcAfee worthless piece of shit software. I'm going to leave this on here until my subscription runs out because I couldn't get myself to waste stuff. And I need something to complain about.

    But once that subscription is over, It is being uninstalled so fucking fast, they're going to have to invent a new time frame equivalent to 1/1000000th a second and call it the "UninstallingMCafeeSecond"

    What kind of application actually runs it's updates through a Internet Explorer Window running an ActiveX component? what the hell? How does this make sense at all? what kind of executive made that great decision?

    I enjoy PopCap's Heavy Weapon Deluxe. I'm on Mission 9. I get to the boss and somehow always die when he's at about 1/6th his life bar. Bah

    I discovered this site before you

    whatevia. I'm out.

    Tuesday April 19th, 2005

    This is so significant that I must post it. In the last 7 years this has never happenned ever. EVER. This really is unbelievable.

    Winamp crashed

    Winamp! fucking winamp! I have never had winamp crash on me. Ever. I can't remember a single time when I've ever had a problem with winamp crashing. This is 5.03, and I'm at work, so I can still say it has never crashed at home or in 2.XX. Winamp!

    I think there's actually something wrong with my computer at work. bad memory or something. not cool.

    Out like world records.
    Monday April 18th, 2005
    It's true. I got a new computer. Let's compare and contrast. (these are the current stats of my old box. original stats in parenthesis)

    old new comment
    P2-233mhz p4-3.0ghz You know you've upgraded when you don't even use the same unit of measurement to describe the object. I think the p2-233 was the 2nd worst p2 ever created (p2-200 being the slowest). Same goes for the p4-3ghz, which is 2nd to the p4-2.8ghz i believe.
    3gig+6gig(4gig) HD 80gig SATA HD Really. x20!
    288MB PC66 (64MB PC66) ram 512MB PC4200 533MHZ ram 512 is practically bare minimum now.
    3dfx voodoo3 3500 AGP 16MB (Matrox millenium PCI 2 MB) ATI x300 pci-e 128MB All of these cards don't even fit in the same slot. wtf technology
    NEC 15In CRT Dell 19In Flat Panel I have to tilt my head to see the whole screen. It's weird
    That's the brunt of it. I find it weird how I've jumped to a new computer right at the bottom of the barrel both times. Right when agp was starting and ram was going SD, I got the p2. And now things are going pci-e and 64bit, and I've once again got the lowest common denominator. I should've waited a couple more months and gone BTX. I would be extra l33t.

    The reason I wanted to post here though was because I just found out that ASP 500 errors go in to the IIS log file. I had no idea. I thought those log files were pure stats. Granted, the errors aren't huge and useful like Tomcat, or even PHP, but it helps when all you've got is a "something is wrong" email from a client. I wonder if .net stuff goes there too.

    Out like Pentium 2's in 2005.

    Monday April 11, 2004
    an excerpt from my upcoming auto-biography : Getting from Point A to Point B in 815 easy steps.

    It was bright out on that day. A beautiful day to go outside. A beautiful day to stare outside and admire the sun; the trees; the grass.

    The extra long grass. The grass that was aching to grow another inch in the beaming sun. I wasn't going to let it grow. Not today. Not on this beautiful day.

    Moments passed, the sun fell a couple feet in the sky, but me and my lawnmower were ready no matter the time of day.

    The closer I got to each strand of grass, the more it would sway. As if tje grass was afraid. As if it felt fear.

    A little bit closer, a little bit more movement. Left. Right. Then left again. Completely oblivious to their own roots secured in the ground below. Closer and closer.
    Until they succumbed at my feet. There was no remorse. My eye would be on the next strand before the previous had even breathed it's last breath.
    The grass was being cut. And I was doing the cutting.

    And then I was sure. Sure of one thing. It was at that moment I realized it. I would kill somebody someday. Their ass would be grass. And I'd be the lawnmower.


    and in other news, it's snowing in hell, pigs are flying and I have bought a new computer.


    Friday March 25th, 2005
    Well they did it. The one feature I was looking for has been added, and now my interest level is practically peaking.

    Ruby on rails now has built-in paging support

    I know. I bet you are excited too! I'm glad to have shared this information with you all.

    This doesn't mean I'm jumping ship to a new language. It's not like I can't get the same features from pear. But for someone like me, the grass is always greener. All it means is that the one feature I really wanted (and i'm sure thousands wanted as well) is now in place and there's nothing stopping me from trying it out.

    Except for not actually having time to try it and not actually having an apache server other than localhost. ehhh.

    It also has "AJAX" support. wtf is with that name. We all must learn to like it, sicne it looks it's a buzz word now. xmlhttprequest wasn't exactly a easy name anyway.

    I also read .net 2.0 is going to have a built in interface for xmlhttprequest as well, and they've got their own other name for it too. Of course, JPSpan has had it for months now, but the hype machine isn't big enough (sadface)

    end idiot web developer information transfer.

    Friday March 11th, 2005
    huh. I made a post here yesterday, and now it's gone. I swear it was here. I saved it too. Geocities ate it. damn them

    It was about 1) how I'm posting here more often. 2) my plans for my next project. 3) a client from work. 4) me commiting suicide because of that client.

    but now it's gone. waaaaahhhh

    Tuesday March 8th, 2004
    Are you from Russia? If so, please contact me at wabut at yahoo doot com.

    Lately, I've been getting a lot of hits from Russia. More specifically, x4-host145.obit.ru. I don't know what it is, but it's also leaving a bunch of wacked out urls as the referer, like http://www.m-02-07-300.com , http://www.test.com and http://www.m-04-01.com. None of those are real urls, which leads me to believe that some wacko russian software likes my website. huh.

    Are you from Russia? Why are you visiting my web site? I would like to know. email me wabut at yahoo pls.

    out for tuesday.

    hello google. pls reindex this site datafox i don't like how it comes up when it searches for my screen name :(
    Friday March 4th, 2004
    first post from Lindows 4.5.

    wtf am i doing

    Thursday March 3rd, 2004
    just to archive a bunch of links i have. check em out if you haven't already. http://www.zefrank.com/punc/


    Monday February 28th, 2004
    I spelled February Wrong last time. Manually updating is great.

    The point of this post is to historically mark the day that I think my computer is finally going to die.

    Over the last 5-6 days, my bootup time has been atrocious. I mean 15+ minutes. Now most of you are probably thinking, p2-233, 15 minutes sounds reasonable, but the truth is that it only takes 3-5 minutes typically.

    At first I thought it was Windows Update. But I've now narrowed it down to a hard drive problem. The 3 gig harddrive that runs WinXP on my box seems like it's seek time is somewhere around 5 seconds.

    I also blue screened last night trying to disconnect from the internet. Cool right?

    I don't expect my computer to boot up tonight. I don't expect it to run for much longer. We shall see. Now where the hell is my outrageous dell deal!!!!

    Zend has tricked me. I downloaded their beta for Zend Studio 4 under the impression that it expirerd on 5/3/2005. I was wrong. That's a Foreign date. It's actually March 5th, not May 3rd. Those bastards.

    I liked Constantine. I almost want to get some of the comic books, but I'm not gonna right now. Maybe in the future.

    peace out ttt t ttt tt t tt.
    Wednesday Febbruary 23rd, 2004
    Woah. Webber has been traded. Internet Alerted!

    And for Kenny THomas, Brain Skinner and Corliss Williamson? what?

    I'm not sure how I feel about this trade. On one hand, The kings get rid of webber and his cringeworthy basketball skills. We don't ever have to see somebody try to dribble who can't and try to shoot jumpers, but can't. But We do lose a changed Webber. One who was much more agressive this year. And for what? not contract relief. And not great players. Role players at best.
    huh. ANyway.

    Today I was the closest I have ever been to finally buying a new computer. this deal from dell is about as hot as they've been lately. $499 from that link, my config was p4-3ghz, 512MB ram, 80gig HD, 17" ultra flat for $570. Not bad right? In a couple years I will look at that and say "what a rip off." THen I will go back to playing gameboy DS emulators at 4fps on my p2. The reason I didn't buy it was because, um, because I'm me? hahah. All it takes is one person to ruin a great thing.

    Music time bitches

    Interpol - Antics : B+ : Evil is such an awesome song. The album is good all over.

    The Killers - Hot Fuss : B+ : I don't know why I didn't jump on this album earlier. Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told me are huge radio hits that I enjoyed, but I didn't even bother with the album until a couple weeks ago. Overall, those 2 tracks are some of the best, but their are a few (On Top, Smile Like You mean it) that give the album good polish.

    Yes Dear : What are the chances that I'd like the music from a band composed of 2/5 of ozma? Yes Dear sounds like ozma, but more rock and roll part 3 ozma, then spending time ozma. And that's a good thing. I guess. Pick up "Prove It" and "Orion" from their web site. Then please explain to me why Orion is pronouned ore-e-on and not O-ryan.
    The other non-ozma lead singer, Nate, wrote both of those songs (and probably is singing them too, but I can't tell. I couldn't tell Ryan from Daniel in ozma either.) Nate was formely of a band called Arlo. So as a mental note to myself, pick up some Arlo in the future. thanks me.

    Future Review :
    QUeens of the Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze. Well, the album title is pretty hot, right?

    I don't know why, but I'm writing my <br>'s as xhtml correct <br/%gt;. Why do I bother?

    I'm out like webber.
    Friday February 18th, 2004

    Eating greasy food in the morning makes me feel like sleeping. or is it, not sleeping and getting up early makes me feel like sleeping. huh

    Changes are a foot. later.

    Wednesday February 9, 2005
    It probably wasn't a good sign that I completely forgot Alias and left it off my list. Stick it in the 3rd tier.
    I watched American Idol today instead.
    Until march. out.
    Wednesday February 2nd, 2005
    TV Time bitches!

    Shows that are worth watching no matter what.

    - Survivor: It is freaking survivor. A show on TV that is actually compelling week to week with longevity? Last season was excellent. Eliza never shutting up, Ami's man hating, Rory's flip from most hated to most liked, and Probst hooking up with a contestant. Survivor just does not stop.

    - Lost: I admit defeat. Lost is excellent. Smallville was my wednesday 8pm show, but once they started showing Saturday Losts and smallville went rerun, I jumped ship. Even with Alicia (from season 3's best episode "Obsession") doing a 2 part run, I still watched Lost instead. Lost is just plain good television. Every episode attempts to give you a "OH SO THATS WHY X WAS Y" feeling at the very end. Good stuff.

    Shows that are worth watching, but aren't as awesome.
    - The Apprentice:
    Trump: "You're the project manager of the losing team, explain to me why you lost"
    Project Manager: "Well, blah blah..."
    Trump: "You're fired!"
    Project Manager: "WTF"

    - Smallville: This season has been weird. Every episode has clark or somebody half naked making out. it hasn't been that great story wise, and hasn't been that great in the smallville mythology wise. And Lost is on against it.
    - The Amazing Race : it's good.
    - Fear Factor : yeah
    - Bernie Mac : FUNNY AS HELL. Needs more support. Bernie Mac has got to be one of the best comedies on tv. Jordan is great.
    - Scrubs : Losing it. but call turk was cool
    - American Idol: Yep.

    3rd tier. Watch em, but don't expect miracles
    - Desperate Housewives : Surprising decent.
    - Extreme Makeover Home Edition: wut
    - Arrested Development : Funny. But could be more awesome and less .

    4th tier. shows that are losing it.
    - Gilmore Girls : "Best Season Ever!". what a load of crock. I just don't care now.
    - Malcolm in the Middle : huh.

    Yeah. Really. TV isn't that great.
    What is great, is Zelda Classic. It's a zelda engine that freelance gamers create zelda-esque quests for. I tried playing zelda 1 on it, but got stuck. I tried 2 custom quests, 1 didn't work. the 2nd sucked monkey nuts.
    But then I downloaded another custom quest. And it was great.
    Links Birthday was absolutely awesome. Nearly rivaling any Nintendo Zelda quest, and at least as good as Ocarina of ages/seasons on gbc. Anybody who has ever liked a zelda game in their life needs to play Link's Birthday. It really was brilliant. Although it was hard in parts, never do you feel like the game is cheating you or that it is impossible to move on. There's also a Link's Birthday Deluxe that I shall tackle soon enough. Why wait for Zelda DS?

    A couple extra things that I've had on my chest for a long time. I need to write them so that I forget them
    That girl that does the traffic on Channel 58 during Armstrong & Getty in the morning : I swear she looks like she's cross-eyed sometimes. But sometimes not. Weird.
    PEAR and it's modules are great
    Interpol - Antics : I don't think it's an A+ album, but i can not stop listening to it. (Slow Hands, Evil = THe WIN)
    Jimmy Eat World - Futures : A : Greatness.
    Eminem - Encore : B : It feels like eminem half assed this record. Maybe he spent a month or so making beats, but some of the tracks sound like he spent 5 minutes making up retarded lyrics. There are great tracks though like Yellow Brick Road and Toy Soliders and Puke.
    I read Frank Miller's 300. meh. Not that good.
    I read Frank Miller's Ronin. meh. Not that good.
    I read Robert Kirkman's Invincible #12-#18. Excellent. Great. Wonderful. An unbelievably great comic book. Issue #1 is readable online.
    I also would like to sadly decline my nomination for president of IRAQ. It is great that you all voted for me, but I can not run a country full of people with purple fingers. PEACE OUT O FIVE BITCHES

    Friday January 14, 2004
    6 years? IMPOSSIBLE

    I want to do my top tv listing, but I've been slacking on this web site. ka poop

    Speaking of other web sites, does anybody feel like MAMBO? AHAAHHHHHHHHH

    Mambo rules. I've never used it. But It rules.

    And you knew it was about to happen some day. And today is the day!!!


    It all makes sense. It's like I see the light. Now I just have to figure out how to implement it in a language I don't know and application I don't know either. huh.

    6 years of this crap. later

    Tuesday January 5, 2005
    HOLY CRAP 2005!

    I just got off the phone with a customer. I asked her what browser she was using and she said "FireFox".

    At that moment I nearly pissed all over myself

    That was the most unexpected thing ever. Firefox? Somebody is going to call someday and say they're having problems with Opera, and then somebody with lynx, and then KMeleon. Then I can happily kill myself.


    Still in shock


    I was completely in shambles. I had no idea what to say next.


    pizza out 2005.
    Friday December 17, 2004
    Merry Holidays

    The shack has done something pretty cool with their site. They've removed all the img tags from their site and redid it using only CSS + sprites.

    check this article for more information.

    Yes, I'm talking about web stuff again.

    This whole sprite thing is absolutely fascinating. when I first saw CSSzengarden long ago, I thought it was really impressive. The way you can just cut out the stylesheet and get cross-platform cross-browser data is brilliant.

    and now the shack takes it 1 step further by eliminating multi-requests from a page by loading the image once(!) and just display parts of it. brilliant!

    And this happens the day after I read this article about IE's cache problem reloading the same images over and over again in a style sheet.

    I think the shack server is patched so that ie can't ownerz it, but just as a precaution, be careful if you think spriting will solve the number of requests your server takes.

    Merry Holidays. Until next year.
    Saturday December 10, 2004
    Tomorrow's the survivor finale.

    Tomorrow is spelled with one m.

    A month or so ago, I logged in to friendster. I don't remember why, but I did and I noticed something different. Instead of every page ending in *.jsp, they were now *.php. *And* the site wasn't timing out on me every 5 seconds.

    My first conclusion was php rocks your socks. And then I deleted it from memory and went back to not caring

    Until today when I found out that one of the people (maybe the person?) responsible for the switch got canned for announcing the switch. What? Fired for blogging that her compnay switched source to php and increased speed by 7billion percent? Now that is dumb. You don't think that all the pages now being *.PHP doesn't give it away???

    On a slightly related thing, I've been coding my php with the extension .x. No reason, just looks cooler.

    The real point I want to make here is that the reason friendster is faster is not entirely due to switching languages. It is because the application was rewritten! If you have any sense at all, you should know that the 2nd time you do anything that huge, you're going to learn from the first time and do it better. Writing a hierarchal rdbms is hard. ReWriting that same app? More frustrating (who wants to reinvent the wheel?), but easier.

    google is now doing xmlhttprequest's, which really means that I give it 6 months before you see it on every web page on earth. I haven't had time to do xmlhttprequest's but you can really do cool shit with it. updating content on a static page without rerendering the entire page! can you imagine pushing "save" on a form and not having to wait for a new page to reload? you push a button and a post request is sent to the server and then a command comes back that disables form submissions and throws a new layer on the page that says "form saved" and BREATH MAN BREATH and and then the form's XXXX_id = the comand from the request which auto turns the form in to a edit form instead of a create form and and and and anandd nanadnn nanadndn nananddndndnan andn and

    pizza out. 05 here we come
    Monday November 29th, 2004
    olo @ me.

    I was seriously going to send stowetel.com an email (ALL IN CAPSLOCK TOO) about how i couldn't get online all of yesterday and was pissed off.

    Turns out stowetel stopped taking discover card and couldn't bill me. I got the invoice last week but I didn't even look at it. It looked exactly the same as all other invoices they sent me where they did successfully charge my monies.

    so now I'm stuck paying my dial up fees with a credit card that has 0.00 in cashback bonus awards accumulated. I am sad.

    of course, I did all that before researching a new isp. I like to jump the gun.

    $4.95 a month compared to my outrageous $5 month! that's 5 cents bitch! and it takes discover.

    I've just got to remind myself to switch at the end of this billing cycle. because stowetel.com has been way too awesome for me and I need an isp where I don't get 5k consistant downloads.

    pizza out.
    Sunday November 7th, 2004
    warning : this post is uncoherent and rambles on and on
    Politcally, I'm not sure what I've written on this web site or If I've ever written anything. And to be honest, I don't want to write anything political. I hate having to talk politics. It's always a hard argument. It's like trying to talk about why one sports team is better than the other. You'll never convince a Kings fan that the Lakers are better, and vice versa. Same goes with politics.

    Unless you're the select few. And I don't mean wishywashy undecideds. An undecided is "Somebody who is too lazy to do their own research and are waiting to influenced." There are a few people out there that really get it. They can see the views on both side. The good and the bad. These people probably don't exist in high numbers, but people routinely think about themsleves that they are the exception.

    P Diddy is not the exception. Michael Moore is not the exception.

    I can't find the quote now, but PDiddy at least came out and said next time instead of trying to push the democrat candidate on to kids, he would just try to promote voting solely. Cool. Respect + 1.

    Pdiddy blamed by kerry campaign insiders for loss. hmm.

    Bill CLinton to Democrats : Stop Whining. Respect + 1

    an article about how Kerry parading around with celebs only hurt his chances. Agreed.

    seriously, what did they expect to happen with these celebs? that people would vote for a candidate just because Springsteen and Affleck likes him? If they thought yes, they are loony.

    paul graham wrote an article about why the exit polls all had kerry winning, but the final results were the opposite. The link is dead now. It's been dead since right after I read it. I don't know why he took it down, but it was a great article, and I just so happen to have a copy of it.
    I think I know why the exit polls were wrong: the Bradley Effect. This term was invented after Tom Bradley, the black mayor of Los Angeles, lost an election for governor of California despite a comfortable lead in the polls. The theory is that voters were afraid to say they planned to vote against Bradley, lest they seem racist.

    I think something similar explains why the exit polls were so wrong this year. In theory exit polls ought to be very accurate. You're not asking people what they would do. You're asking what they just did.

    How can you get errors asking that? Because some people don't respond. To get a truly random sample, pollsters ask, say, every 20th person leaving the polling place who they voted for. But not everyone wants to answer. And the pollsters can't simply ignore those who won't, or their sample isn't random anymore. So what they do, apparently, is note down the age and race and sex of the person, and guess from that who they voted for.

    This works so long as there is no correlation between who people vote for and whether they're willing to talk about it. But I think this year there was. I think a variant of the Bradley Effect was operating this year: a significant number of those who voted for Bush didn't want to say so.

    Why not? Because people in the US are more conservative than they're willing to admit. The values of the elite in this country, at least at the moment, are NPR values. The average person, as I think both Republicans and Democrats would agree, is more socially conservative. But while some openly flaunt the fact that they don't share the opinions of the elite, others feel a little nervous about it, as if they had bad table manners.
    That's only about 1/3 of the essay. If Paul Graham doesn't put it back up, I have a copy for those who want to read it.

    I agree with Paul Graham. (In fact, I agree with him on most of his essays. I recommend reading it if you're a fellow programmer.)

    But if you really want to know why Kerry lost, it's simple. Teresa Heinz is a fucking moron. She's a 60 year old paris hilton!

    Saturday October 23rd, 2004
    wtf ads!
    Wednesday October 20th, 2004
    cool is reading an article about security holes in applications and thinking "Where have i seen this before? ... oh crap. on an app I've worked on!" hahahaha. dumbass!
    sad is looking for the hole on other sites this team created (this was inherited code. i didn't write it) and not finding that same hole.

    I was actually reading about sql injection attacks, but how he mentioned this particular attack reminded me of how this particular site processes other files through the query string. so you could attack the site by asking for index.jsp?app=index which would cause the sucker to infinite loop and hit up 100% cpu. pretty sweet.

    i've fixed it on this particular site, but be on the look out in the future. You to can cause DOS attacks!

    Thursday October 14th, 2004

    that is all.
    Friday October 1, 2004
    HAHA. My october update will be done on the first day! haha!

    Me to client : i see that there are about 13 picture attachments refered to on the spread sheet. i don't need them all, i just need b, e and g. thanks. (olo at me subliminally asking for the attachments that spell beg)
    client : sure. what is your fax number
    me : (gives fax number) client sends fax. i get a coversheet + 14(!) pictures. eats about a gallon of ink
    me : what is the 14th attachment? it is not referenced on the spreadsheet.
    client : oh. my mistake. printer error.

    /me commits suicide


    Wednesday September 29, 2004
    A quick peak in to my world.

    See ya later (unless I commit suicide because of this project or i go to jail for killing somebody).
    Saturday September 25th, 2004

    The new tv season has started. Basketball season is just about ready to go in to preseason. I'll try to throw in picks and ratings next time. But on the quick side, the only show's season premiere that I thought was awesome was The aprentice. Everything else wasn't as hot.


    Listening to :
    The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow.
    The Hives - Tyrannosaurus Hives
    Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand

    Not Listening to:
    Beastie Boys - To the 5 Bouroughs
    Adam Sandler - Shh Don't Tell (it wears out)
    Velvet Revolver - Contraband
    Switch Foot - i don't remember because it sucked

    Next Up:
    Jimmy Eat World - Futures


    Sin City
    Sin City : A Dame to Kill For
    Sin City : The Big Fat Kill
    Sin City : That Yellow Bastard
    Sin City : The Babe Wore Red
    Sin City : Silent Night
    Sin City : Lost Lonely Lethal
    Sin City : Sex and violence
    Sin City : Just another saturday night

    Going To Read:

    Sin City : Hell and Back

    Not Playing:


    Something I always hate doing, but have to do, is throw out magazines. I'm very much a packrat, and I really like to save magazines just for the chance that I might need information from it some time in the future. TOday I threw out about a 2 feet high stack of magazines. Men's Journal composed about 6 inches of the stack. It's a shitty magazine that I should have thrown out long ago.

    The rest was Sporting News. Considering each issue of Sporting News is about 1/6 of an inch in height, I had an ass load of them. I hate throwing out Sporting News. Especially now that it's almost Basketball season. Once Fantasy Season starts (I don't know if I'll create one this year. I think I'll just join another league ) I really like to reference old ratings and old news about basketball players. So I can have a scoop. I can measure progress. I can pick sleepers and potential Fantasy Studs (last year: baron davis, rashard lewis, mehmet okur in late rounds bitches. year before: caron butler, dajuan wagner, carlos boozer). But this year, all the magazines are gone. Now I am down to the internet and intuition.

    I really want to sell these mags on ebay, but everytime I look, people aren't buying. And I don't want to keep these for 10 years to make 3 bucks.

    Peace out for september.

    Tuesday August 24, 2004
    i accidently broke my self ban today. cold turkey doesn't work.

    the stress got to me. the client for the project i hate emailed me some new issues. That set off the chain reaction. i was already halfway through the process of destroying my left pinky's fingernail, before I caught myself.


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