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Middle Lifestyle

Shadowrun the Official Rulebook defines a Middle Lifestyle as...The Middle lifestyle is not the best of everything, but is far from the worst. If offers a nice house or condo with lots of comforts. So characters eat some nutrisoy as well as natural food, but at least the autocook has a full suite of flavor faucets. Characters also have a commuter car or first-class tube pass. This is the lifestyle of ordinary successful wage-earners or criminals.

The Unofficial Definition of the Middle Lifestyle is...The Middle lifestyle is a comfortable middle ground for a runner character. He is comfortably secure within his small house, or condo. People are not likely to bother his property. It is also possible that the character may have a single car garage or an issued parking spot. Some technology keeps the runner comfortable, including a telecom and small vid-screen with basic service. Utility rationing exists, even at this lifestyle, but tends to be only one missed day per month in some of the apartment complexes.

Allocated Nuyen

This the working man's class. He hasn't made it yet, but he's got the taste of success. His credit is adequate. He's got a first class tube pass, or takes a taxi often. Some characters that maitain this residence under his SIN can even finance a commuter car or a small home in a moderately safe neightborhood.. This character leads a humdrum lifestyle, but his bills are paid. He can even take in a Combat Biker game every now and then. A casual bar tab is also absorbed.

Social Acceptance

Social acceptance? Ha! This lifestyle comprises most of society. This lifestyle is the heart of the nation. Most of the laborers in the nations compromise this class. It would have to be stated that this is the most widely accepted lifestyle of all. The streeters and squatters don't differentiate them from the Low Class, and the High and Luxury classes depend on them to run their businesses and serve them. If mediocre is what you like, then here you are - YOU ARE AVERAGE!

Middle Lifestyle as a Hideout

This is a superior hide-out. It offers some security and is generally roomy enough for several characters to live comfortably for a while. Riggers enjoy this lifestyle to keep extra vehicle, drones, and even a repair shop or facility. Depending on the neighborhood, the area is patrolled and semi-gang free and runners tend to stay clear of these neighborhoods. You'll probably be the only runner on your street, so be careful where you park your GMC Bulldog with the missle launcher rack. Some neighbors tend to be a bit pickey about those kinds of things. This lifestyle works very well if the character needs to lay-low for periods of time without drawing attention to themselves. It can also be used as a safe-house to store people until they can be properly delivered to whomever they need to be delivered to. Some security firms and law enforcment agencies use the Middle Lifestyle for their safe-houses.


The middle lifestyle generally requires a character to have a SIN. It doesn't have to be his own, but to maintain his condo, or home, a credit background had to have been done on him, especially if he's financing a vehicle and home. Many of the perks obtained by having a SIN are taken into account with this lifestyle.

Food and Nourishment

Food isn't bad. A character tends to live on the occasional nutrisoy, yet maintains an adequate supply of real food. Fresh fruit and vegetables are still rare, but the canned stuff isn't too bad. With the quality of the flavoring dispenser in your house, you can be ensured of a quality nutrisoy meal. Dining out is not uncommon, but you tend to stick to fast food or even a low to middle class restaurant (unless you've got a celebration). You may even keep some beer or wine in your apartment.

Employment Opportunities

This lifestyle harbors the majority of quasi-successful runners. Mr. Johnson knows you by your rep, or from previous runs. When he needs a job done and doesn't want to plan it, he calls you to pull off the job. He repects your planning and has faith that you've got a 50% chance to succeed. The money is better than average and the danger the same. The types of runs that generally fall on your shoulders are the "Snatch and Grabs" or "Merchandise Recovery". The odds of pulling off some of those jobs are long, but the rewards are good enough to maintain the lifestyle you're used to.

Additional Options

People in the middle know people too, thus I give them three additional contacts. These contacts I scrutinize a bit before allowing them to have them. I may not allow them to know a Mafia Don, unless there is debt involved.


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