
Here is some of the artwork that I have collected over the last few months, as well as some of my own sketches.
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By Mystidreams

This beautiful painting was a gift from Mystidreams, the person who helped me fix my site and bring it to its present glory (if I may say so myself).

This is one of my own pieces, done in Microsoft Paint, and converted to a .gif in Visioneer Paperport; rather a nice silhouette, I think!

This is Edgar, my very first mascot, drawn by myself in pen and ink, then scanned, then resized and cleaned up in Microsoft Paint (I've got to get a better graphics editor!)

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This is my first attempt at painting with a mouse,
using a free trial version of Corel Photo Paint. I think it came out fairly well;
the black "vignette" effect hides quite a few mistakes.

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This looks like a painting, but it is actually a retouch of an old photo illustration from a very old encyclopedia, scanned into paperport and then manipulated in PSP 5. I'm thinking of using it as a page mark.

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The Scriptorium

This is actually a woodcut dating from the 16th century; on the main page, I erroneously stated that it was an 18th-century line drawing. I scanned the image from a xerox copy, then manipulated (colored, cropped, and added blurs or sharpening where needed) the image in PSP 5.0 . I just love PSP...

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That's all the pictures I have for now! Check back soon to see what else I come up with!

---M.W. Bailey

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