The Theory of Options

A New Theory of the Evolution of Human Behavior.

News Flash

News Flash! This site is very old and I forgot it even existed! But I will update it one day with the million other things I must do.


At last, my book is published! You should be able to get it on Amazon by clicking the icon. Or you can see the home page at;

However, the important items on this site are free, including the crucial essays that explain the Theory of Options. Please browse through the site. If you have any problems, contact me by email at;

What you will find on this site: (I am still updating this.)

  1. Outline of the Theory of Options.
  2. Introduction to the Theory of Options.
  3. Essay on DNA selfishness (Web Page or pdf file - please use pdf) (Note: This is the most difficult and controversial essay in the book, with several equations and some unproven assumptions. But please read it, if only to get an idea.)
  4. Updated of the final essay in the book (as pdf). (There were complaints that this was not clearly written. The revised version will be free on this site, until it is published.)
  5. Links to subsidiary material on this site. (This is my own material. Some of it might be out of date.)
  6. Links to other sites of interest. (These are other sites if you just want to debate evolution.)

(If just want some general material on evolution debate, visit the "The Talk-Origins" web-site.)


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Some other links:


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Contact Information (This is my private mail.)

To find out more about me, you can visit my personal page.

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Revised:1 Sep 2001