Philosophy Page for the Theory of Options

What are the great philosophical puzzles of our age? What did Wittgenstein, Descartes, and Kant really say? What is the fitness basis of ethics and morals? Is there a single, correct theory of knowledge? Are there any truths we can discover through reason alone? Does the way the brain evolved explain the way we think?

Wittgenstein, Russell, Hume, Locke, Descartes, Kant, linguistic philosophy, analytical, synthetical, tautology, theory, fact, logic, intuition, proposition, equation, hyper-geometry, mathematics, Einstein, Mach, Big Bang, cosmology, psychology, behavior, genes, evolution.

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Analytical Philosophy

Theory of Knowledge

Cause and Effect

Ethics and Morality

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Analytical Philosophy: The human brain was formed by evolution, it was adapted for biological fitness in a struggle for survival on the primitive African Savanna. Yet that brain can think "analytical thoughts" which are context-free and non-empirical. (They are apparently true regardless of how or why the human brain evolved.) The theory investigates how the existence of these context-free thoughts maximizes human options. (See 1.4 Facts, Theories, and Options)

Theory of Knowledge: Traditionally, the theory of knowledge sought a path to absolute, or higher truths independent of experience, but analytical philosophy already demonstrated the futility of that. Utilitarian philosophies tried to give knowledge a practical value, but truths always have a content free value, we should not relate to utility. The new theory teaches that the purpose of knowledge is to increase human options, while true propositions delineate the choices in the most unambiguous way.

Cause and Effect: The only way we know a thing with certainty, is when a particular cause always yields a predictable effect. But we worry that if we knew every cause-and-effect in the universe, we would not ourselves be free to make choices. The new theory demonstrates that it is not possible to know every cause and effect anyway, but the more we do know about predictable events, the better the quality of our decision making, over our remaining unconstrained choices.

Ethics and Morality: Ethics and morality has always been difficult to explain throughout history. Moreover, any modern explanation must include evolution and the fitness needs of pre-history. But all attempts to explain ethics and morality this way have so far been unconvincing. The new theory provides explanation of what the problem appears to be, although the total theory is complex to explain in summary. (See a brief outline in 0.1 Introduction.)

Note: If you want PDF versions of the above e-mail me. I have given up keeping these updated, but will do so on request.

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Revised: 18 Jan 2001