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      Web-site Guide


Level One: Home Page


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Table of Contents
Web-site Guide
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All About Spiritwalk
Spiritwalk Bulletin Board
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Level Two: Inside the Spiritwalk Web-site

Spiritwalk Newsletter Spiritwalk Library Spiritwalk Archive
Thought for Today Spiritwalk Brochure Newsletter Archive
Meditation Selected Readings Collected Readings
Reading Spiritwalk ReSources Calendar Archive
Writings Bibliography Writings
Calendar Spiritwalk Links Miscellany
Announcements Roger’s Quotes Salutation/Exit
Salutation Spiritwalk Bookstore Spiritwalk Bookstore


Spiritwalk Web-site Basics

A logical guided path through the Spiritwalk Web-site can be followed by using the [Next go to Suggestions] at the bottom of each  page.

Any underlined word or phrase in any color is a hyperlink (except the preceding one this). If you click on it, it will take you to its destination. Also some of the images, such as the geocities logo or book images are hyperlinked and you can click on them as well.


Spiritwalk Tour

There are essentially 3 areas to visit here: Spiritwalk Newsletter, Spiritwalk Library, and Spiritwalk Archive.  These are accessible via convenient hyperlinks found throughout the web-site and also located at the bottom of most pages. 

  1. The current Spiritwalk Newsletter with a Thought for TodayMeditation, Reading, Writings, Calendar, Announcements and Salutation sections. The Spiritwalk Brochure can be accessed from this area.  All new materials will be posted in the newsletter and then moved to the library where they will be temporarily available until archived. We think it would be great if individuals would visit routinely and follow along with the Spiritwalk Exercises in the newsletter. The Spiritwalk Newsletter is posted bi-monthly, hopefully increasing to bi-weekly later in 1998. If you are already familiar with the Spiritwalk Web-site, you can check out recent additions in "What's NEW!"                                                                                                                               
  2. The Spiritwalk Library with main areas of Readings, Bibliography, Spiritwalk ReSources, and Spiritual Links. The Selected Readings section presents relevant selections from a variety of spiritual literature sources. A glossary of terms will be included here. Further, the Spiritwalk Brochure can also be found here and a book of inspirational quotations called Roger’s Quotes. This book is divided into 4 sections that are individually accessible through hyperlinks in the table of contents.  The collected Spiritwalk Thoughts for Today is also available here.  It is titled Spiritwalk Quotes.    The Bibliography [under construction] lists suggested further reading .  A Reference List [under construction] of the original Sources of the materials used here is provided for further study.   A list of Spiritual Links [under construction] will connect you to other similar or associated Internet locations.  All of these areas are currently under construction and will constantly be in development.                                                                                                                               
  3. The Spiritwalk Archive contains everything ever posted on the web-page and some other assorted archival materials for the Spiritwalk Foundation. Look here for Back Issues of The Spiritwalk Newsletter. A Readings Archive collects Readings and Meditation sections from the newsletter, The Thoughts for Today and other miscellaneous materials.  Next is an archive of Past Calendars and Announcements which serves as a diary of the activity of the organization. Included here is a brief list of significant events in the even briefer history of the Spiritwalk Foundation. Also here we have an archive of Writings which stores the writings of Spiritwalk participants and friends.  A Spiritwalk Glossary [under construction] of pertinent terms and concepts can be found here.  The Miscellany area is a compendium of other Spiritwalk materials ~ pertinent communications, memorable guestbook entries, FAQ's, etc. This probably will be like that junk drawer...a little disorganized,  but where you put stuff that doesn't seem to belong elsewhere. The Archive does not’t contain much at this point because we’re new, but will increase as the Spiritwalk Foundation grows and ages.                                                                                                                                                                        
  4. All good things come to an End and so the 4th area is the gateway out, a place to say good-bye with our Salutation, a virtual hug, a blessing and a heartfelt thanks for your time and energy spent visiting here. In fact, this is a most important area because this is where we acknowledge that we individuals can become a community (sangha) of ideas and spirit. This is a very powerful thing. WE WELCOME YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THE SPIRITWALK  COMMUNITY, in Spiritwalk, in the website, in the adjunct activities and in our group as geography permits.  We are working on ways to create an interactive environment to create a virtual spiritual community.    Please take a look at the Spiritwalk Brochure to find out what we are doing here.Find out more about us in "What is Spiritwalk?" We are always interested in your questions and the possibility of dialogue with others about psycho-spiritual topics.  Write us with your questions, comments, suggestions, issues, or???.  You can check out SpiritTalk, a spiritual dialogue e-mail list sponsored by Spiritwalk. An archive of previous postings are available.  If you have something that you would like to post here for Spiritwalk visitors to see, an announcement, a favorite quote, a thought or a comment, leave a message to be placed on the Spiritwalk Bulletin Board.  Also, we would appreciate your feedback about what you think about the Spiritwalk web-site and how this works for you out there in the Universe. We enjoy hearing the good things, but we certainly are looking forward to suggestions on how to improve this program. Moreover,  If you have a web-site which is similar or complementary to this one, consider applying your site for membership in  the Spiritwalk WebRing.  You can connect with us by e-mail, regular mail or phone.  Contact Information is located at the bottom of this page.  You can keep up with us by joining the Spiritwalk List which will subscribe you to the Spiritwalk Newsletter and the Spiritwalk Thought for Today.  Also, you can register this web-site at NetMind! and they will notify you of changes and remind you that it is time to check back to this web-site. You can use this service for your other favorite web-sites as well.   And NEW for April 98~ We now have a Spiritwalk Bookstore:  Beginning this month you can make book, audiobook and music purchases through Spiritwalk.  Spiritwalk Books, etc., in association with Amazon.com, will be making recommendations for spiritual reading and listening.    You can help us by simply buying your books here. Make Spiritwalk your portal to Amazon.com.

Most of all we hope we can somehow contribute to the spiritual awakening and personal happiness of all who pass by here.  The Spiritwalk Foundation hopes to convey to our communities the message of the  essential importance of peace, love, compassion and the human spirit.  We are always anxious and excited to hear from all who come by… especially Spiritwalk friends and members, as it is your love that significantly energizes this work.

A sincere thanks for reading on this far. We welcome you and hope you become a friend, say HI! and visit here regularly. Next, we suggest that you check the Thought for the Day, our Newsletter , then on to the Library, and if you still want more look around the Spiritwalk Archive.

Thanks again. Enjoy!


Roger Ebsen, Director

and webmaster

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Visits since May 22, 1998


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Contact Information

Spiritwalk Foundation

Postal address
P.O. Box 1022
          Thousand Oaks, CA  91358-1022
Electronic mail
General Information: Spiritwalk@spiritwalk.org
Webmaster: Roger@spiritwalk.org 

We look forward to hearing from you.    

Please be sure to include your e-mail address, address,  phone and any other pertinent information when you sign up on our lists.


Send us a message

Let us know about you or your interests.  Tell us what you think about our website.  We are always open to suggestions and help as we are amateurs at this internet thing.


Send a personal message to Roger Ebsen

All messages left here are confidential.

FYI  Roger Ebsen, M.A., M.F.C.C. is also an exceptional psychotherapist and a

Member, Who's Who in Mental Health on the Web




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