Welcome to Heather's Page!

As you may have already guessed, my name is indeed Heather. It is not always the name I am called, but it is the one that appears on my birth certificate. When I got my free home page from Geocities, I had no real idea what I would put in it. All the pages I have made in the past have been for other people, classes or organizations so I had no real say in the contents. This one, however, is my very own... Yea!

I'm done!!!!!!!!

After five and one-half years at the University of Northern British Columbia I have a Bachelor of the Arts in Anthropology and a minor in Biochemistry. I am now in the process of applying to grad schools and med school (having successfully written my MCATs). I'm going back to school in the fall of 2000 to pick up physics and a statistics but then my undergrad work will be complete. Yay!


Still waiting, less than patiently some days, to hear from med schools. I've applied to the University of British Columbia, the Univeristy of Calgary and the University of Alberta. The waiting is getting rather stressful. It is difficult to have a entire path of your life based on whether or not a school decides to accept you. If I don't get into medical school, I'm not sure what I will do. Being a doctor is always what I have seen myself doing. I have other options but they aren't really what I want to do. Oh well. Time will tell and updates will arrive here as I have them.
Update 1-Mid March: No more waiting... Everyone, for a variety of fixable reasons, said no. This means med school is not in the works for next year. Thus, on to plan B; more undergrad courses to get my grades up and fulfill all the "1 full year" requirements. This will push back med school to 2003.
Update 2-Mid April: Registered for a year of undergraduate courses. Then, during a spot of tea with Tracy, the idea of doing a graduate degree came up. After doing some checking, I found that UNBC offered a master's degree in Community Health Planning. Not only should this help me out with my attempts to become an MD, it looks damned interesting. And it will get me more letters after my name :) With lots of luck, I might be able to enter for the fall semester; worst case, I won't start until January.
Update 3-Early May: Applied for grad school. Even found references that should say nice things about me. Kept my registration in for undergrad courses until I am accepted to the master's program for sure.
Update 4-


I am accepted into the Community Health Sciences programme at UNBC for the fall semester. With any luck (and lots of hard work) I should be finished by spring of 2003. I am also up for a teaching assistantship. Apparently I will hear from the dean of the college sometime in July as to whether or not there is one for me. More on that as it develops :)
Update 5
I should be finishing my degree this semester. I am also having a fun (haha) time taking 2 organic chem labs that I was informed, in November, that I needed if I wanted any chance of going to med school. The labs shouldn't be too bad, it's just that I haven't done organic chem for 6 years now and the information isn't exactly fresh in my brain...
Update 6
This has been a very full 6 months. I finished off my organic chem labs and passed them with flying colours. I successfully defended my thesis, passing with minor revisions. I graduated with my MSc Community Health and....

I got into med school!!

I will start at UBC's medical school this fall and then continue the rest of my medical education in the North. I will be part of the first class of the Northern Medical Program so it's pretty exciting. When I finish med school, I will be in debt up to my eyeballs, but....
For more information, vital statistics, etc... click here

Things I am interested in...


I love to . My latest trip was to the Dominican Republic. Here are a few pictures to look at if you're interested.

Word of the Day


The SCA (or Society for Creative Anachronisms) recreates the Middle Ages from 640 AD to 1640AD (excluding the Black Plague and the Spanish Inquisition because who would want to recreate that!!!) More simply put, this is a group of people who dress in cool clothes, fight, feast, and generally have a good time. The Known World, which most of you reading this are probably in right now, is divided into Kingdoms. These kingdoms are divided into pricipalities, baronies, shires and so on. For more information, you can email me or visit the SCA home page.


Another interest of mine is Tarot. In my travels around the web, I have found all sorts of interesting sites including this one...

The Cheshire Cat

Here we are, a Lewis Carroll quote that sums up my life more often than not...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

My Time In Hell

I'm sure those of you that are here because you actually know me have heard me bitch, from time to time, about my time spent in Hell (aka Ft. Nelson). For those of you who don't know, here's the RDCV... In the summers I work in treeplanting camps in the kitchen. In this particular camp, the three of us were thrown together after the original cook broke her ankle (you'll soon see how). Anyways, I got a phonecall so off I headed. Little did I know what was in store for me. Click here to learn more about my time in hell and yes, never before seen pictures of hell :)
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