Dawson's Creek Sounds
Dawson's Creek Sounds

These are categorized by Episodes, during the first season. The second are in a lump at the bottom of the page, because there havent been that many collected. We also have the newest wavs at the top, preceded only by special showings. At the very bottom, are the LOST wavs. We haven't yet decided where to place these.

Today a poem by Jack McPhee

"On My Own" ~ Sung by Miss Josephine Potter in "Pretty Woman

New Wavs!
Joey: Well, Pacey has bigger biceps.
Dawson: He does not!
Joey: Are you sure? Cuz...I thought he did.

Hey, You And Me
Pacey: Hey, you and me, movies tonight. We are stalking a faculty member.

Joey: Hey puberty. I'm Joey, I live down the creek, and we've never met....ever.

Emotions In Motion

"A Thang"
Joey: (to Dawson) I don't think I'm getting a thang for you.

You Did It Again!
Joey: You did it again! You grabbed my ass.
Pacey: Like you even have one. C'mon.

"Then, What Did You Mean"

Dirty Dancing

Prelude To A Kiss

I Need
Pacey: I need a slavedriver...somebody with a whip, maybe?

Brad Pitt?
Dawson: I didn't know you had a thing for Brad Pitt.
Joey: I don't. It's an analogy.
Dawson: Sandra Bullock?
Joey: Dawson!

Carnal Knowledge

Blown Away

"And You'd Better Clarify"
Jen: (to Dawson) And you'd better clarify yourself, right now, before I rip your head off..." (Blown Away)

Look Who's Talking

The Breakfast Club

Pacey: Surprise! Break out the pinnata..."

"Low IQ"
Joey: You have a low IQ

"I mean, c'mon"
Pacey: I mean, c'mon. My butt, it's like a magnet. Chicks just can't keep their eyes off it."

Pacey: This cannot be happening...

Abby Morgan
Pacey: That sounds like Abby Morgan.
Jen: Who's Abby Morgan?
Pacey: You've never met Abby Morgan?!
Dawson: The girl is from hell...literally.

We Should Play A Game
Abby: We should all play a game.
Pacey: Really. What do you wanna play? Pin-The-Tail on the Hoe-bag?

Escape From New York

"Thank you, Satan"
Joey: (to Pacey)Thank you Satan, for completing this night of horrors by sending one of your disciples to finish me off.(Escape From New York)

"What The Hell"
Jen: (to Billy) What the hell are you doing here?

In The Company Of Men

Modern Romance

"Home, Jeeves"
Joey: Home Jeeves.
Pacey: *amused* Yes, Miss Daisy.

"What The Hell"
Joey: (to Pacey) "What the hell was that for?

Joey: Then what did you mean?
Pacey: Well, lemme put it to you this way.
Joey: Pacey...geez. What the hell was that for?(Modern Romance)

"And No Peeking"
Pacey: And no peeking.
Joey: Yeah, the idea of seeing you in your birthday suit is really my idea of a thrill.
Pacey: You know, a lot of people would consider you a very lucky woman.
Joey: An many people would consider you a very deluded man.("Modern Romance")

"For Right Now"
Pacey: For right now, just change into this.
Joey: A blanket?? You want me to change into that?
Pacey: Yeah, take off your wet clothes and wrap this around you, just like I'm gonna do.
Joey: You want me to get naked?
Pacey: Please. This is not for my enjoyment. It's so you don't get sick. But if you have your heart set on pneumonia, feel free. (Modern Romance)

The Scare

"Pacey's Got The Jeep"
Pacey: Pacey's got the jeep. Can I hear ya say 'yeah'. Can I hear ya say 'oh, yeah'.(The Scare)

Pretty Woman

Breaking Away

"For A Second There"
Joey: (To Pacey)For a second there, I was overcome with this wave of sympathy for you. It'll pass. (Breaking Away)

Season 2
(As of yet, uncategorized)

Andie: Everyone is totally asleep, totally unstudied, totally unprepared and totally screwed. (The All-Nighter, Season 2)

Bronte Sisters
*music plays in background*
Pacey: Which one of the Bronte sisters wrote Wuthering Heights?
Joey: Emily.
Jen: Charlotte.
Dawson: Who's Emma?
Andie: Charlotte.
Chris: Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre.
Jen: Then what did Emily write?
Joey: Wuthering Heights. (The All-Nighter, Season 2)

Pacey: Name three occupations of the travelers in the Canterbury Tales.
Dawson: Knight
Andie: Summoner.
Dawson: Did we say knight? (The All-Nighter, Season 2)

Bad Ass Stud
Pacey: Pacey Witter. Bad-ass-stud, man-about-town. I can score with high-quality chicks.

Pacey: Would you eat them in a box. *laughter* Would you eat them with a fox. *more laughter* Seiuss.
Andie: I so hate you right now. (The All-Nighter, Season 2)

Lost Wavs
"I'll Show"
Dawson: Don't bother. I'll show myself out.

Dawson: Bye!...see ya later...have a nice life

"Sheriff Brody"
The whole JAWS closet scene.

"If You Take One Step"
Joey: If you take one step in this direction, I can almost guarantee you a permanent disability.

"Alright Jo"
Pacey: Alright Jo. Say goodbye to the nice serial rapist man..

Joey: Nice going, Einstein.

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