The Heraldry and Coat of Arms Web Ring

Thank you for visiting the HERALDRY & COAT OF ARMS WEB RING page.

This ring was created to gather the internet sites which deal primarily with Heraldry and Arms of all countries.

If you like heraldry this Ring will bring you plenty of information, pleasure and recreation.

Like all Web Rings, the main purpose of the Heraldry & Coat of Arms Ring is to enable visitors to quickly visit a number of Heraldry related sites without having to use a search engine or know each individual sites' URL.

Sites having valid information on Heraldry and Coat of Arms are eligible to join the ring. Commercial sites, even those dealing with Heraldry are strongly discouraged from applying for membership, unless they offer significant & relevant information and follow the generally accepted traditions relating to heraldry.

If you wish to apply for membership to the HERALDRY & COAT OF ARMS WEB RING, Go to the web page which you want considered for admission: COPY the entire url (your website's location on the internet) and prepare to paste it in the form at the following site
Click Here

Sites submitted with INCORRECT Web Page addresses or E-mail addresses will not be considered for admission. You will have to re-apply for consideration for admission to this webring.
The site you submit should deal with heraldry and not be a page devoted to a collection of various webrings - we want heraldry enjoyable to our vistiors

Below you will find:

A sample of the graphics that will identify your site as belonging to the Webring.
A place where members can edit their site listings.
A list of the Ring member pages (so you can see an example).
A link to our own page.

site is owned by

J. Stewart LeForte & J. V. de Braganza

Want to join the Heraldry & Coat of Arms Webring?
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If you have any questions, please feel free to E-Mail me.

Editing your site

Once you are a member of the Ring,
you can edit the Ring's information about your page.

Site ID No:



Ring Member Pages
Click here to see a list of Ring web sites
Click here to see statistics for the Ring.

Go to our own site The Cyber Journal of Heraldic Bookplates

Heraldry & Coat of Arms Webring made possible by the Webring .

Sources: background, graphics and animation kindly provided by:

SiteInspector Approved

© 1998, 1999, by J. Vicente de Braganza (Portugal)