A World of Horses

Lindy and Rock-L

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Back at the Ranch

I feel fortunate and blessed to have lived on a beautiful ranch,
with many stately oak trees and to raise four children
and all the barnyard critters that went along with it.
In residence you would have found,
a pet goat, a pet pig that chased the kids on their bicycles,
exotic chickens, ducks, a pet pigeon who thought he was a duck,
Black Angus cattle, bunny rabbits, chuckers, and tumbling pigeons.
Ever see the pigeons tumble? It is like watching the Blue Angels perform.

But my first love was raising and showing the beautiful quarter horse.
My horses were my all consuming passion for many years.
There were horse shows to prepare for, trail ride events and daily exercise of the horses.
And yes, I do become nostalgic with the lack of the presence of a horse in my life today.
Nothing will ever match the dream come true of becoming one melded  unit...
woman and beast...lady and horse.


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Miss Noche
My First Show Horse
Lindy and Miss Noche at Del Mar Show

Noche worked on hand  signals alone, much like a trained dog might do.
There was nothing could match her in the pleasure ring,
trail classes,  gymcana or barrel racing.
This mare taught me how to ride and how to sit a good strong horse.



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Springtime Deb & Lindy

This mare was full of ACTION!

Look at the musceling in that hip!

Springtime Deb was my very favorite horse of all time.
She had the spirit, dance and disposition of the Arabian horse's heart,
contained within the muscling and coupling in confirmation of the Quarter Horse.
This combination  won us many halter shows and pleasure and trail show events.
Her gallop was smooth, her intelligence was superior and her heart was always willing.
I would have slept with this mare if it would have been possible.


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Allow me to introduce you to:

Cow Savy...Cutting horse supreme!
Poetry in Motion!

Forever Spring..The name fits her personality & spirit!
More beautiful than a spring flower!

I could go on  forever and rock your mind  with  "my feelings"...
along with the accomplishments of these two  fillies, but
I won't.


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K.T. for short.

Kathy's Toots

KT in the pasture

Pic taken on a trail ride

K.T.  was another of my most   favorite horses.
She had a classy look, which allowed for showing her under English saddle.
She was all around gentle enough for the kids to ride and to use for trail ride events.
Her spirit was mellow and most of the time she was a willing and easy to handle mare.



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Teddy, Oscar, & Mr. Jones..with Lindy and friends on a trail ride.



Pictured above are a few of the general all around ranch horses.
Top picture is of me and friends on a Ladies Trial Ride.
Teddy (the horse out front) was the only horse to ever buck me off. :-(
Mr. Jones was the family pet.  All around good ropin' horse and kids horse too. :-)
Apache was a small paint horse who was a bit of a "jug head".  LOL
Oscar was an "oldie but goodie" who didn't know "stop". *g*
See more of these general working ranch and kids horses on Page Two.



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Tribute to a Horseback Ride

My spirit soars when galloping over hill and dale.
I feel the exhilarating power beneath me and melt into a bond of union
with this four legged creature called horse.

I pull back on the reins, slow to a walk,
and allow calm and tranquility to envelope my environment.
I hear the birds sing and listen to the squirrels chat.
I gaze upon bouquets of wild flowers in hues of yellow and purple
against a background of green.

My soul is soothed.
I am at peace with my higher power,
with nature and all creatures, great and small.
Thank you dear lovely horse
for taking me out of the realm of reality
and into a renewal of spirituality.

Lindy Jo Jones


Top embossed photo is Rock-L and Lindy.

Midi playing is QUIET by Dave Mathis
A quiet midi for a quiet equine spirit.

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A World of Horses     Page Two

A World of Horses (Lex)

Wild Horses
   (a poem)


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Index Guide for Lindy's World of Feeling








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My very first two horses.

Lindy's World of Feelings

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Entrance to Lindy's World




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