
Burjaadaj Respublika


Sobiet Batasuna zeneko taula gehiago hemen.
Errusiera eta Buriatera transliteratuak ageri dira hemen (ikus Alphabet Street atala). Zeinu diakritiko bereziak honela ageri dira, ASR sistemarekin adieraziak:
c< s< z< [caron]

Check other tables from the former Soviet Union. Russian and Buryat names appear transliterated from their ciryllic scripts (Check the Alphabet Street section). The following signs are written in ASR system:
c< s< z< [caron]


Buriatia. Errusiako errepublika autonomoa, Siberia hegoaldean, Baikal lakuaren ondoan. Azalera: 351.300 km2. Biztanleak: milioi bat. Hiriburua: Ulan-Ude (315.000 biz.). Etniak: Buriatak (%23), errusiarrak (%72). Errepublikatik kanpo ere badira Buriatak Errusian, guztira 422.000 (1990ean), horietarik %90 hiztunak. Buriaten beste eskualde ezagutu bat Aga-Buriaten distritu autonomoa da. Buriaten hizkuntza mongoleraren ahaide hurbila da. Mongolian ere 47.000 inguru buriat daude (1985). Erlijioa: Buriatak nagusiki budistak dira.


In Russia there are 318,000 mother tongue speakers (90%) of Buryat, out of an ethnic population of 422,000 (1990). Most of them live in the Buryat Republic, in South Siberia around Lake Baykal. This republic of 351,300 sq km has 1 million inhabitants, only 23% of them Buryat, the rest mostly Russians (%72). The Capital is Ulan-Ude. Other Buryat area is the nearby Aga-Buryat Autonomous District. There are also 47,500 in Mongolia (1985). Buryat is a language close to Mongolian, and as their relatives, Buryats are buddhists.

* Errusieraz / * Russian

* Buryat

*Burjatskaja Respublika

*Burjaadaj Respublika

C<ikoj [river]

Süxë gol


Galuuta nuur


Muxar S<ëbër

Munky-Sardyk [mountain]

Münxë Sar'dag xada



Ozero Bajkal [Baikal Lake]

Bajgal nuur

Selenga [river]

Sëlëngë mürën

Ulan Ude [1]

Ulaan Üdë

Ust' Barguzin


[1] Garai sovietarra baino lehenago hiriburuari Verhne Ildinsk zeritzon
[1] Before the Soviet era, the capital was named Verhne Ildinsk in Russian


Laguntzaile / Informer: Thomas Tvegaard
Eguneratua / Updated: 1997-11-23
Loturak / Links: http://www.buriatia.ru

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