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Halloween Story.

On and on and on he went...

In the weeks leading up to Halloween I thought my head was going to explode from the deluge of stories that Nate spewed forth. It was like continually dealing with a kid in a sweet shop, every time I saw him he'd have another story. They varied to a small extent, but after a while I could categorise them into; how he had surprised someone, how he had tricked someone or how he'd seen someone trick someone else. To his credit the boy never repeated himself, but still.

Now don't get my wrong, I love the boy dearly but his normally endearing enthusiasm grew to almost hysterical heights in the approach to what can only be described in Poltergeists view as a holy day. You could tell he was planning things all the time too. If he wasn't spouting off another story of hi-jinks then he would be vague and unattentive. That was probably worse than the stories, at least with the stories he would notice that I was in the same room as him.

Finally I tired of it and told Nate in no uncertain terms that I wasn't going to take part in his little pranks. I would instead be attending a party where he could meet me when he'd had his fill of the tricks. Then while he was sulking, which he does adorably, I attached a tracer to his favourite jacket.

Come Halloween night I waited for a while, giving him time to get well and truly into the event. Then I turned on my handset and tracked him down. So easy. He was hiding behind some bushes waiting to jump out at a poor couple that were making their way hastily to a local bar. I have to admit, whatever illusion he had cast worked to perfection, I don't think I've ever seen anyone run quite as fast as they did. Nate, of course, was immensely pleased with himself. He was also distracted which was what I'd been waiting for. My elementals, low powered remnants of class related summonings, had been hidden in the area. They simultaneously threw their flower and egg bombs at him then disappeared back to the higher plains. To be honest I got a couple of throws in myself but by the time he thought to check in astral I'd already slipped into the background. Anyway, who is going to find an invisible night one in the dark?

Personally I think I could have hidden behind a bush and he wouldn't have found me. After all Poltergeist loves the attention, even from those of us it hasn't chosen.

Copyright © 2001 Shane Riley. All rights reserved.

Written: 8th November 2001
Released: 9th November 2001