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Views on Magic
In character, edited file on magical perspectives.

Halloween Story
Nate tells of how he spent halloween.

Halloween Story - follow on
Ali decides that Nate needs to experience some of his own medicine.

An ambush for Nate
What happens when an ambush is set for Nate.

An ambush for Kat - follow on
What happens when an ambush is set for Kat.

Ace In the Hole

I have pulled out of this PBEM for personal reasons. Character: Scab
The character sheet for scab. This sheet was developed based on the Scab in my Shadowrun fiction area.

Contact: Jess
Jess is a character created by DeckerM who I am borrowing for the purpose of a short story (upcoming).

Contact: Jimmy Bilkey
Jimmy is an old troll who has been around the block more than a few times. He trains people in combat skills.


Last Update: 9th November 2001

Original fiction is Copyright 1999 - 2001 by Shane Riley et al, except where FASA Corporation copyrights supercede. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in these pages is not intended as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.