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Halloween Story.

It’s that time of year again folks: kids are buying ‘Willy the Vampire’ Masks, various decorations are appearing around town (most of which feature heavily on the skulls, spiders and slime motifs) and gangs of heavily disguised individuals armed with ingenious home-made weapons are going door to door and demanding that complete strangers give them food or face the consequences.

Yes, it’s Halloween.

Try that door to door trick at any other time of year and you get arrested. Not tonight though, the loonies are out in force. The guy across the hall from me has had five jolly amusing booby traps through his door so far tonight. And before you all go pointing fingers, I was only responsible for two of them.

Yes sir, tonight’s the night when, according to legend, the devil and his minions walk the earth, witches take to the skies, murderers, psychos, psychics, cannibals, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, vampires, and other assorted beasties walk freely and dark deeds are done. Sounds like Friday night in Redmond.

Being as I am, a Shaman of Poltergeist, the lord of superstition and mens fears, tonight is one night when I definitely couldn’t stay at home. As little as an hour ago, you’d have seen me scaring little kids on the University campus. I didn’t need a costume, it went something like this:

Kids: Trick or treat!
Me: Trick.
(kids produce some kinda home-made slime bomb or their pal jumps out from behind bush in werewolf costume etc)
Me: (Jolly voice) Wow! That was good, aren’t you all clever? Now, before I give you your candy, you wanna see something REALLY scary?
Kids: Yeah!
Me: (cover my face with hands and turn my back to them, speak through hands, slightly muffled) You sure? This is REALLY scary.
Kids: YEAH!
Me: Don’t say I didn’t warn you… (Turn to face kids again, uncover face)
Kids: eeep! (leave at high speed)
Me: (calling after them) You forgot your candy!

Don’t you just love illusion spells? Hehe.

Still, I haven’t had it all my way, and when I figure out who it was who nailed me with the egg & flour bomb routine, I will have my revenge.

But that’s just one picked at random from a whole list of ambushes, booby-traps, double crosses and sneak-attacks that I have witnessed, been the target of or helped set up. Tonight, it seems, anything goes.

Anyone else have any Halloween tales to tell?

Copyright © 2001 Ben Maddox. All rights reserved.

Released: 9th November 2001