by Willie Jackson & Steve Lewis
as performed by the composers

I've got a wife, poor me
Me and her can't agree
She's crazy 'bout children, you see 
And that's the reason I'm gonna let my good Mama be.
I told her long ago
I wouldn't stand for that no mo'
But when I look in to her eyes
I know right then and there she's telling me some bad lies.
Cause, when she had the first child, I knowed that she was true
Then she got twins, that made me kind of blue
The gal located triplets I said, "Mama, that will do"
But she keeps it up, keeps it up, dog gone it.
She's got seventeen and still wants mo'
Round our house looks just like Ringling Brothers show
I plead on my soul, she's loosin her pop-eyed min'
Cause she keeps it up, keeps it up all the time!

She got so many kids she gave me the blues
If they don't cry for biscuits 
They cries for shoes.
I plead on my soul, she's loosin her pop-eyed min'
Cause she keeps it up, keeps it up, all the time.

Copright note

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