Aggressive Drivers

From the Florida Highway Patrol

They are high risk drivers who climb into the anonymity of an autombile and take out their frustrations on anybody at any time.

Their frustration levels are high and levels of concern for fellow motorists are low.

They run stop signs and red lights, speed, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, pass on the right, make improper and unsafe lane changes, make hand and facial gestures, scream, honk their horns, and flash their headlights.

They drive at speeds far in excss of the norm which causes them to: follow to closely, change lanes often and abruptly without notice, pass on the shoulder or unpaved portions of the roadway, leer at, and/or threaten (verbally or by gestures) motorists who are in front of or next to them.

What to do when confronted by an aggressive driver

First and foremost, make every attempt to get out of the way.

Put your pride in the back seat. Do not challenge an aggressive driver by speeding up or attempting to hold your own in your travel lane.

Wear your safety belt. It will hold you in your seat and behind the wheel in case you need to make an abrupt driving maneuver. It will protect you in a crash.

Avoid eye contact.

Ignore gestures and refuse to return them.

If you have a cellular phone, and can do it safely, dial *FHP to report aggressive drivers.

If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther down the road, stop a safe distance from the crash scene, wait for the police to arrive, and report the driving behavior you witnessed.

Avoid the challenges of confronting an aggressive driver. Support law enforcment's effort to rid the streets and highways of this menace.

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