Marxjour List
February, 1998 - Digest

Date: Sat; 07 Feb 1998 01:27:48 +0100
From: "Jorge Figueiredo" ( )
Subject: (MARX) new link - Avante
I propose a link for newspaper ''Avante'' weekly of Portuguese Communist Party. URL is: << http://www.pcp.pc/avante > In PCP home page is available for download the ''Communist Manifesto'' formats PDF and HTML. Kind regards of Jorge JORGE FIDELINO GALVAO DE FIGUEIREDO Rua da Beneficencia 42 - 1o. Esq. - 1600 Lisboa - Portugal Tel.: 351(1)797 6778 E' melhor estar aproximadamente certo do que errar com exactidao

From: lo-
Subject: (MARX) recent additions to ICU website
Date: Thu; 12 Feb 1998 02:11:32 GMT
------------ Announcement ------------ Recent additions to the Internationalist Communist Union's web site: (e-mail: ---------- In English ---------- Class Struggle (quarterly - The Spark - USA) - #18 - nov/dec 1997: United States *Million Marches *The Attack on Carey: A "Wake-Up Call" for Labor *Mexico - Under the Volcano: The Reform Process in Mexico *Spain - The Basque problem -- the poisoned legacy of Francoism *Viet Nam - Has Viet Nam returned to the camp of imperialism? Class Struggle (bi-monthly - Workers' Fight - Britain) - #18 - jan/feb 1998: Britain *The "New NHS": superhighway to cost-cutting *Blair's attacks against the poor - Labour's respectful "rebels" *France - Blairite policies in Socialist party wrapping *Japan - The world's second imperialism hit by the financial crisis *Africa - After the latest coup in Congo-Brazzaville the changing forms of imperialist domination and rivalries Internationalist Communist Forum Series (Worker's Fight - Britain) - #33 - jun 1997: *The Labour governments of the 1970s and the working class Internationalist Communist Forum Series (Worker's Fight - Britain) - #34 - oct 1997: *1917-1997 - The relevance of the October revolution for the battles of the future ---------- In French ---------- Lutte de Classe (mensuel - Lutte Ouvrière) - #32 - Janvier-Février 1998: *Extrême-Orient- Le Japon second impérialisme mondial frappé par la crise financière *Russie - Quand la bureaucratie "privatise" son propre État *Italie - Un olivier aux fruits amers *Guadeloupe - Les nationalistes à la recherche d'un second souffle *Tribune - Algérie : le front social le seul qui puisse briser l'étau du terrorisme islamiste et des brigades de la mort du régime militaire Lutte de Classe (mensuel - Lutte Ouvrière) - #31 - Décembre 1997: *Grande-Bretagne - Les travaillistes les dirigeants syndicaux et l'offensive patronale contre les salaires Textes présentés à la Conférence Nationale de Lutte Ouvrière *Les Etats-Unis l'Europe et la guerre économique mondiale *Les relations entre l'impérialisme français et sa zone d'influence africaine *Proche-Orient *La situation intérieure *Pour une politique de front uni sur un programme de mesures d'urgence et un plan de combat pour les travailleurs. Texte du meeting d'Arlette Laguiller du 7 novembre à la Mutualité: *L'actualité du communisme face à la mondialisation capitaliste ---------- In Spanish ---------- Artículos y documentos en idioma español - #10 - Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 1997: *El problema vasco hoy: E.T.A. y la herencia envenenada del franquismo *La crisis de izquierda unida y la unidad de la izquierda *Francia - Primer balance de la gestión del gobierno socialista Artículos y documentos en idioma español - #09 - Junio julio agosto 1997: *España - Un nuevo ataque a los trabajadores : la nueva reforma laboral Francia *Después de las legislativas francesas : la derecha ha sido desaprobada pero... *Documentos : Lutte Ouvrière en la campaña oficial (Declaraciones de Arlette Laguiller en las emisiones de radio y televisión) *¿ Luchar contra el Front national o desfilar ante él ? *Albania - De la pobreza a la explosión social ---------- In Italian ---------- da "Lutte de Classe" #30 - novembre 1997): *I voltafaccia del partito della rifondazione comunista da Lutte de Classe #29 - ottobre 1997: *Francia - i primi mesi del governo socialista

Subject: (MARX) Imperialist bullying in Iraq
Date: Fri; 13 Feb 98 12:36:45 +0000
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site February 13th 1998 -Imperialist bullying and the crisis in the Middle East US and British imperialism are preparing their war and propaganda machines for a bombing of Iraq. This article exposes the real reasons behind the threat of force and all the lies and double standards of imperialism in relation to chemical weapons UN resolutions and "defence of democracy". It also analyses the possible consequences of an intervention in the fate of the Middle Eastern reactionary regimes. Ted Grant and Alan Woods January 13 1998. Republication of this article is strongly encouraged as long as the authors and the web site are credited. Because of the importance of the subject the article (52k) is also available to be sent by email on request (send a message to if you want it). We will also try to produce the article in other languages (Spanish Italian Greek Swedish Flemish German etc) any help in translation work will be appreciated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Subject: (MARX) 150 aniversario del Manifiesto Comunista
Date: Tue; 17 Feb 98 16:00:05 +0000
From: ( )
150 aniversario del Manifiesto Comunista Febrero de 1998 marca el 150 aniversario de la publicacion del Manifiesto Comunista. Este es una contecimiento muy importante ya que el Manifiesto es sin duda uno de los libros mas actuales que existen y describe de manera brillante muchos de los fenomenos que vemos a nuestro alrededor ('globablizacion' 'liberalizacion' concentracion de capital crisis del capitalismo ...) Mientras muchos de los dirigentes oficiales del movimiento obrero siguen hablando del 'libre mercado' los primeros temblores de la crisis del capitalismo ya se dejaron sentir en el Sudeste asiatico. Para nosotros el Manifiesto sigue siendo una guia para el movimiento obrero de nuestros dias. Por esto hemos decidido marcar este aniversario con la publicacion de este sitio web conmemorativo. La pagina (cuyo idioma principal es el ingles) contiene el propio Manifiesto Comunista en diferentes idiomas (castellano portugues sueco danes aleman frances euskara y pronto catalan). Ademas hay vinculos a biografias de Marx y Engels archivo de fotografias vinculos a otros sitios marxistas una seccion de actos conmemorativos del 150 aniversario en diferentes partes del mundo ... Somos conscientes de que la pagina esta solo en su etapa inicial y que hay muchos huecos que llenar. Por eso necesitamos su colaboracion. Dadnos vuestra opinion sobre el sitio y sus contenidos. Conoces ediciones del Manifiesto en otros idiomas? Conoces biografias de Marx y Engels o fotografias en la red que no mencionemos? Tienes comentarios que hacer sobre el Manifiesto o sobre el marxismo? Estais organizando actos? Envianos la informacion a: El 150 aniversario del Manifiesto Comunista es una ocasion importante a celebrar. Ayudanos a que la pagina este a la altura de la ocasion. Un saludo compannero Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Thu; 19 Feb 1998 10:35:29 -0600
From: Jim Davis ( )
Subject: (MARX) Web site update: League of Revolutionaries for a New America
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America has revamped its website. Included on the web site are: Current issues of the League's newspapers People's Tribune Tribuno del Pueblo and Rally Comrades! Selected articles documents etc. on various topics including globalization the police state spirtuality and revolution and more. Selected texts from the League including the new pamphlet _Moving Onward: >From Racial Division to Class Unity_. Links to other revolutionary resources on the Internet. Check out the site at Jim Davis for the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Date: Sat; 21 Feb 1998 07:12:21 -0500
From: bookmarks ( )
Subject: (MARX) New from Bookmarks Publications
NEW FROM BOOKMARKS PUBLICATIONS England's turning point Essays on 17th century English history Christopher Hill This is a unique collection of writings by Christopher Hill spanning a 60 year period from 1938. It is full of biting analysis criticism and startling insights into the forces that shaped the most exciting period in English history the English Revolution. Price 12.99 The struggle for workers power Charlie Kimber The heart of Marxism is the belief that the emancipation of the working class must be the act of the working class. Charlie KImber identifies the main faultline in society - class. He shows that class antagonism is built into the society we live in. Through the inevitable struggle this produces workers can begin to feel their power. In the process of struggle workers will begin to change themselves as they change the world. Price 1.00 Can socialism come through Parliament? Pat Stack Pat Stack looks at the rise of Blair and New labour and shows that although Blair is much more right wing than almost all Labour leaders of the past Labour has never delivered the change to a fairer and more just society that Labour voters have craved. The fundamental problem for Labour has been the illusion that real power lies in parliament. it doesn't. Real power lies in the hands of the rich and those who serve their needs. The author shows that there is only one force that can take on that power and change society for the better - the working class. Price 1.00 Alexandra Kollontai on women's liberation Alexandra Kollontai was one of the most important fighters for women's liberation and revolutionary sexual freedom. Bookmarks Publications is proud to make available the only selection of her writings currently in print in English. She takes on bourgeois feminism in terms fully relevant today and places women's oppression firmly within an understanding of capitalist class society. She emphasises the different interests between rich and working class women and the centrality of class struggle in achieving women's liberation. Kollontai deals with sexual relations with great depth detaisl and feeling and with the new morality of revolutionary Russia in relation to marriage the family personal relations and prostitution. These brilliant writings are essential reading for any socialist. Contents: extracts from `The social basis of the woman question'; `Sexual relations and the class struggle'; `Communism and the family' Price 2.00 Socialism and war John Rees We are rushing out a new edition of John Rees' excellent pamphlet. This pamphlet provides the basic Marxist analysis of the causes of war which lie at the heart of the capitalist system. He describes the wretched capitulation of Labour leaders in Britain and elsewhere to the warmongers and explains what attitude socialists should take to imperialist wars wars of oppression and national liberation struggles. Rees ends by explaining how we can ultimately put an end to the threat of war altogether. Vital reading for socialists who wish to arm themselves with the arguments that need to be won if a new Gulf War is launched. Price 1.00 How to order: All prices are in pounds sterling. Please add 15% of cover prices (to a maximum of 3.00) for postage in the UK; 20% outside the UK. You can send a cheque (made out to Bookmarks) to: Bookmarks 1 Bloomsbury= Street London WC1B 3QE If you have a credit card you can phone or fax us with the card number. Our phone number is 0171 637 1848 - fax 0171 637 3416 We don't recommend that you e-mail us your credit card details.

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Sat; 21 Feb 1998 20:01:10 +0000
Subject: (MARX) Nuevo Prensa Obrera
Hola Ya esta en linea el ultimo numero de Prensa Obrera. El conflicto en Irak Bussi y las cuentas en Suiza la situacion politica la huelga pesquera en Mardel Plata el dia internacional de la mujer etc. En Cordialmente Raymond Po Administrador del Web del Partido Obrero

Date: Sun; 22 Feb 1998 00:41:21 +0100
Subject: (MARX) New pages on IBRP site
The content of Revolutionary perspectives 7 (spring 96) is now available on the CWO pages of the Internationalists'site (InternatInternational Bureau for the Revolutionary Party). ************************************************************* Partito Comunista Internazionalista- Battaglia comunista Bureau Internazionale per il Partito Rivoluzionario cas. post. 1753 20101 Milano Italy **************************************************************

Subject: (MARX) In Defence of Marxism site news
Date: Tue; 24 Feb 98 16:23:20 +0000
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site February 24th 1998 We have added thre more chapters to the on-line edition of Ted Grant's book Russia from revolution to counterrevolution - Part Seven: The meaning of perestroika This chapter explains how after becoming an absolute fetter on the development of the economy sections of the Stalinist bureaucracy tried to reform the system in order to be able maintain their rule. That is the meaning of Gorbachov's perestroika. But these attempts to reform the system where to open the floodgates which led to their overthrow. - Part Eight: from foreign policy to the national question This chapter deals with the foreign and national policies of the Stalinist bureaucracy in its last period. Why having abandoned a revolutionary perspective they got involved into a crazy arms race and later developed the idea of 'peaceful co-existence'. It also deals with the development of the crisis of Stalinism in Eastern Europe and also with the distorsion of the policies of October in relation to the national question leading to vicious national oppression under Stalinism. - Part Nine: The collapse of Stalinism Covering from 1989 through the attempted coup in 1991 the storming of the White House in 1993 Ukranian independence and the conflict in Chechnya. If you want information on how to get a hard copy of the book contact wellred books at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Tue; 24 Feb 1998 19:11:19 +0100
From: Luciano Dondero ( )
Subject: (MARX) Announcing the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Online (ETOL)
Dear comrades the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Online (ETOL) is publicly available at: Please visit it keeping in mind it is pretty much at a work in progress stage. A FAQ for the ETOL describing it in detail has been posted to various Marxism mailing lists and to a few newsgroups. It is also available at the site in html format. And if you fail to find it you can just ask me to email it to you. FYI an Italian translation of this FAQ is also available. If you feel that you could contribute to this project with documents articles and comments and anything contributing to develop it we would all be very glad. Fraternally For the curators of this project Luciano Dondero

Date: Thu; 26 Feb 1998 03:49:54 -0500
From: International Viewpoint ( )
Subject: (MARX) International Viewpoint#298 contents
__________________________________________________ International Viewpoint * Inprecor * Inprekorr Address: PECI BP85 75522 Paris cedex 11 France. Fax +33-01 43 79 29 61 URL (1): URL (2): Free electronic subscription __________________________________________________ March 1998. International Viewpoint #298 C O N T E N T S Cover feature: "sex violence and solidarity: the women's movement today" europe 2 Germany's unemployed take to the streets Angela Klein 3 Britain: another blow for the Labour left Ken Coates interview 6 Bloody Sunday F. Stuart Ross asia 7 Asia's four-in-one economic crisis Maxime Durand 8 Philippines: economic meltdown Sonny Melencio and Reihana Mohideen 10 Rebuilding Palestine's left Nassar Ibrahim (PFLP) interview 12 Israel: general strike Sergio Yani 14 No More War Against Iraq! Fourth International declaration feminism today 15 Introduction Penny Duggan 16 Women and sex Nancy Herzig 19 Pornography: ban it or read it? debate 25 women's strike support groups Terry Conway 27 This violent world Estela Retamoso americas 30 Against the Buenos Aires Concensus Ernesto Hererra regular features 34 books 36 Radical press review 36 NetWorking Internet action __________________________________________________ You've read the article: now buy the magazine! International Viewpoint * or Inprecor (in French) Special low rates (for new subscribers only!) USA $35: cheques to International Viewpoint PO Box 1824 New York NY 10009 Canada $40: cheques to Socialist Challenge PO Box 4955 Main PO Vancouver V6B 4A6 Britain 20 GBP: cheques to Outlook International PO Box 1109 London N4 2UU Australia $35: Cheques payable to Solidarity Publications PO Box A105 Sydney South NSW 2000. New Zealand $35 South Africa R80 Sweden 330 SEK Denmark 300 DKK Hong Kong $120 These and other agent addresses available on request __________________________________________________

Date: Fri; 27 Feb 1998 23:45:53 -0800 (PST)
From: Center For Changes ( )
Subject: Re: (MARX) Communist Manifesto 150 anniversary web site
Dear Comrades Re the CM: Have you seen Against the Current's 16 pages on the Communist Manifesto? We have a symposium of scholar/activists on the Manifesto: Johanna Brenner & Bill Resnick Howard Brick Stephanie Coontz David Finkel John Bellamy Foster Nancy Holmstrom Robin D.G. Kelley Staughton Lynd Anwar Shaikh Jane Slaughter Eleni Varikas & Ellenn Meiksins Wood. Our web site is: http: \\ --dianne feeley for the ATC editors

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