Welcome to the Architectural Drafting Alumni Page!

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The Architectural Drafting Alumni

Where we can share information

The Architectural Drafting Department has been in existence for about 50 years - there are over 2000 graduates scattered across this nation and world. The knowledge and experience accumulated by this group of the years is something that must be more fully utilized by the department.
It is hoped that the creation of this page will give us a faster and easier way to remain in contact with each other - thereby making our relationship stronger, and strengthening the department as a whole.

With technology moving at an ever increasing pace, we are always looking for information like:

  • New Products used by you and your company
  • New Methods used by you and your company
  • Useful information resources that you use
As our alumni work out in the field it is typical for them to find themselves in a position to hire our graduates. When this is true for you:
  • Inform us of the job openings
  • Look at the courses included in the program
  • Let us help you plan a visit to the department
Also, as alumni of our department, we are always interested in knowing about YOU:
  • Where are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • Marriage? Children?
In general ... Keep in touch!
Here is a "GUEST BOOK" that you can sign and also view. Please do so, and come back often to see others that have visited the site. We will try to keep the book organized. Thank you so much!

Sign Guestbook

View Guestbook

Links to other sites on the Web

NDSCS Home Page
North Dakota University System Home Page

Contact Woody Caspers, the NDSCS Alumni Director, by email at wcaspers@plains.nodak.edu -or- by calling 1-800-342-4325.