HK Stuff

Thanks for visiting my HK and Japanese stuff page. Did I tell you that I was BORN and RAISED in Hong Kong and I just came to Calgary, Canada five years ago? Well, I am not a FOB (Fresh Off the Boat), but I have certainly maintained a strong connection with HK news and the updates of the most "IN" stuff. Here are some of the best HK related sites. Enjoy!

Go to Japanese section

Wanna see my self portrait?

News and Magazines

Next Magazine

Apple Daily News

StarZine Interactive - a complete magazine with info. from current news to games.

YES! Magazine

Hong Kong Bridge - an HK Entertainment site, in English though.


HK Pop Online




Philip's Audio Network - would you like to listen to the newest HK and English hits? - This is the site!

Japanese Stuff

Well, this is ME!