This page provides links to some of the most popular web tools and plug-ins downloading sites on the net. Browse around. I am sure you can find what you need in here.

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Icons Tools Plug-ins

May I have a banana, please?


Mark Mertens' Icon Vault - a huge achive of small icons classified into different categories.

Barry's Clip Art Gallery - the largest collection of animated GIF images I've ever seen.

Anime and Mango Resources List (Image Galleries) - tons and tons of links to images and pics of Japanese


Steve's Icon Parade - a nice collection of images and animated GIFs with downloadable ZIP files.

The Graphics Gallery - a collection of backgrounds, lines, bullets and animated GIFs.

Net-User - collections of holiday images, backgrounds, dots/arrows, icons, lines, etc.

Iconz' Icons - a huge collection of small icons; also links to pages with neat stuff.

Huh Huh ... Spice Boy RULES!


Tucows - I believe this is the site with the largest collection of web tools on the Internet.

WDVL - teach you everything about internet and homepage designing (with links and samples)

SuperZip - a powerful, easy to use Zip program. (Click here to download)

Wallaby95 - a zip, unzip program with an easy to use interface (Click here to download)

ACDSee - a very fast image viewer which supports almost every format available. (Click here to download)

GIF Construction Set - an easy to use application for creating transparent, animated, normal GIF images. (Click here to download)

Paint Shop Pro - a super powerful image editor. (Click here to download)

If you want more information on web tools, you can visit Stephen Wan's Homepage.


OnLive 3D Chat - this comapany provides stunning 3D realtime chat environments FOR FREE. (Click here to download)

ICQ - The Web Pager Program.

Shockwave - a popular plugin which allows you to view/listen to cool multimedia on many sites.

VivoActive Player - another popular plugin used for viewing multimedia in many official sites.

Real Player - the most popular video/audio player for Internet.

MaPlay - this program allows you to play MPEG2/3 Layer audio (the format for best audio quality).

AWave - a powerful audio and wavetable instrument, file format converter; also an editor and player. (Click here to download)

Quicktime Viewer for Win95 - (Click here to download)

Net Toob - a powerful movie viewer which supports MPEG, .AVI, .MOV and many other formats. (Click here to download)

GetRight - allows you to RECOVER unfinished downloaded files without starting all over again. (Click here to download)

UnionWay - the most popular Chinese Text decoder on Internet.

McAfee Virus Scan

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