Enchanted Games

I only have one game here right now, but will add more as time permits.

"Honk, Honk"

A set of index cards or flash cards that have only the letters A a E e I i O o U u have approximately two or three cards for each letter and then have four cards that have an * on them.

The object of this game is for your child to correctly pronounce the short vowel sounds of each of the letters.
You shuffle the cards and place them face down in a "draw pile"
The first person picks a card and makes the short vowel sound of the letter shown on the card.
If the sound is pronounced correctly the person keeps the card, if it is incorrect they place the card back on the bottom of the stack. If the * is drawn then the person pinches their nose and says "Honk, Honk"
The game is over when all of the cards in the draw pile are gone. The person with the most cards wins.

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