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New item in the Merchandise section 12-07!
Preview KarmaCat's new fanfic 11-24!
Brand New fanfic by Staci Faulkenberry 11-19!
New Russian translations added 11-09!
The Talespin Webring is now ready to join 10-01!
Pictorial tribute to each character 09-07
THEIR FEARFUL SYMMETRY read the best fanfic around!!!
Sign the Talespin petition
Come see a picture of Jymn Magon!!! You can only get to it from here
My mom who has been a devoted fan of all my web sites now has her own site. She has spent as much time on her site in the last month as I have spent on my site in the last six :). It's a really great site! She has some holiday pages, family stories (no there are none about how bad I was as a least not yet) and a little about the fun things she likes to do. I'm sure she would love for you to come visit her and sign her guest book. Here is the link: Carols Page
I have been updating the merchandise pages, if you run into a broken link I apologize. I should have all the links fixed withing a day or two. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm working on a pictorial tribute for all the main characters. So far I have Rebecca, Mad Dog, Kit Cloudkicker,WildCat, Don Karnage and the Shere Khan shrine. I hope to have the rest of the characters added in the next couple of weeks, so keep checking back for your favorite character. Still working on it!
If you would like to contribute to this site or want to comment on something already here just drop me an e-mail. If you like my Talespin site please recommend it to a friend by clicking on the white button to the left.


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