Josephine and Jonah
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This page is dedicated to Josephine for Mother's Day, 2003...
...because she is a shining example of dedicated motherhood,
as is Jonah the perfect example of the protective father.
These two geese really put us humans all to shame!
Geese in a Heart
Josephine and Jonah are a twosome who have been coming to a shopping center in my town for at least five years. Like all Canada Geese, they are lifetime partners, faithful to the end. Jonah is very protective over Josephine, and stood guard over her the whole time that she was in her nest up in the tree planter in front of the Penneys store - sometimes on the sidewalk in front of her, sometimes on the roof above her. There Josephine sat in her nest of down, which she had made from plucking out her own feathers. I was lucky enough to be there the day the two proud parents took the new baby goslings on the long journey to the lake, though I'm sorry to say that I missed the hatching day. A group of people escorted the happy family to the lake, dutifully stopping traffic on two roads to let them cross safely, and then helping the babies to get up the curb onto the grassy area as they followed their parents. Jonah was always in the lead, then Josephine, and then the five goslings - single file all the way to the lake. Soon I hope to have some video on this page, of the journey. I do not yet have pictures of these geese in the water.

Listen to the geese
Click on this link to hear a field of geese.

Geese Links

    Canada Goose
  • The Canada Goose

  • Environmental Canada's Canada Goose

  • Habitat for Canadian Geese

  • Birds of Utah Lake

  • EEK's Canada Goose Page

  • Nest Structures for Ducks and Geese

    Mom and Pop

  • Bird Biographies: Canada Goose
    Canada Geese are one of the few bird species that are monogamous, having a single life-long mate. Should one of the pair die, the remaining goose may take another mate but more generally will remain alone. Four to eight large white eggs are laid in a nest, a depression lined with sticks and vegetation and an inner lining of down that the birds pluck from their own breasts.

  • Canada Goose
    Chaffee Zoological Gardens of Fresno
    "BEHAVIOR: Down is plucked by the hen for lining the nest. Tufts of down, and then sticks are pulled over the eggs whenever the hen leaves the nest. This helps to keep the eggs warm while she is gone, and it camouflages the nest also."

    Goose clipart

    (Branta canadensis)
    Canada geese form pair bonds and mate for life, but when separated by death, the survivor will seek a new mate. Canada geese have a long life span, documented at over 30 years old.">

  • The City Naturalist - Canada Goose
    The goose incubates five or six creamy eggs for 28 to 30 days. The gander (male) constantly guards her, and never is his strength and fidelity more in evidence. We have seen one gander fiercely chase other geese away from the nest..."

    "On the water, the gander usually leads, the goslings string out in single file with the female bringing up the rear..."

    Geese fly in formation

  • Saving Fuel Cost with Formation Flying
    "For millions of years, birds have taken advantage of the aerodynamic benefits obtained by flying in formation. The traditional "V" formation, flown by many species of birds including gulls, pelicans, and geese, allows each of the trailing birds to fly in the upwash flowfield that exists just outboard of the bird immediately ahead in the formation. The result for the individual birds is a lower induced drag allowing a reduction in the energy required to maintain a given speed. For migratory birds, formation flight extends the range of the system of birds past the range of birds flying solo. The Autonomous Formation Flight (AFF) Project is seeking to apply this symbiotic relationship to aircraft."

  • Geese Might Help NASA Get Off The Ground
    "Ever wonder why geese fly in tight v-formation? NASA researcher Steve Smith did, as a child, and figured it out. "Birds fly in that formation because it reduces drag resistance," Smith said. In other words, by flying slightly behind another bird's wing, a goose can take advantage of the "vortex," or air swirling behind it. The spiraling flow dips under the bird, and gives it lift..."

  • NASA Mimics Geese
    "Taking a cue from the world of geese, scientists are developing a system that will allow airplanes to fly autonomously in tight V-formations over long distances."

    Plane Formation

  • To Save Fuel, Fly In Formation, Say UCLA Researchers

  • Rising Fuel Costs:
    UCLA Engineers Turn to Nature to Solve Human Problem

  • Eagles Soar, but Geese Fly Farther!
    by Loreena Thiessen, a Winnipeg teacher and children's author
    "When a goose gets sick or is wounded while flying, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then they join another flock or catch up with their own..."

    Operation Migration

  • Operation Migration - Our Story
    "As a young boy, William Lishman joined the Cadets because he wanted to fly. But a mandatory eye test revealed he was colour blind and dyslexic, stopping him from becoming a conventional pilot. So, he decided to become an unconventional one. He used his ultralight-piloting skills in 1988 to lead a flock of 12 Canada geese on local flights. In doing so, he made ornithological and aviation history. Then, in 1994, he and partner Joseph Duff together led the first aircraft migration of 18 geese from Ontario to Virginia..."
    Books and Videos

  • Fly Away Home
    • Rated: PG
    • Studio: Columbia/Tristar Studios
    • Video Release Date: December 28, 1999
    • Comment:
      "Fly Away Home was inspired by the true story of Bill Lishman, a Canadian artist who, with Joe Duff and Dr. William Sladen, proved that wild fowl can be taught new, safer migration routes..." In the movie, the characters are fiction, but the story is based on Operation Migration.
    • Synopsis:
      "The soaring adventure of a 13-year-old girl and her estranged father who learn what family is all about when they adopt an orphaned flock of geese and teach them to fly! Starring Jeff Daniels, Anna Paquin and Dana Delaney."

  • Fly Away Home Game

  • Aleutian Canada Goose

    Lifetime Partners

  • Life Histories of North American Birds
    "The period of incubation varies from 28 to 30 days; probably the former is the usual time under favorable circumstances. The gander never sits on the nest, but while the goose is incubating he is constantly in attendance, except when obliged to leave in search of food. He is a staunch defender of the home and is no mean antagonist. Audubon (1840) relates the following:"

    Gander "It is during the breeding season that the gander displays his courage and strength to the greatest advantage. I knew one that appeared larger than usual, and of which all the lower parts were of a rich cream color. It returned three years in succession to a large pond a few miles from the mouth of Green River, in Kentucky, and whenever I visited the nest it seemed to look upon me with utter contempt. It would stand in a stately attitude until I reached within a few yards of the nest, when suddenly lowering its head and shaking it as if it were dislocated from the neck, it would open its wings and launch into the air, flying directly at me. So daring was this fine fellow that in two instances he struck me a blow with one of his wings on the right arm, which for an instant I thought was broken. I observed that immediately after such an effort to defend his nest and mate he would run swiftly toward them, pass his head and neck several times over and around the female, and again assume his attitude of defiance."

  • These Wonderful Geese
    "The next time you see a Canada Goose -- remember..."

  • Geese Links

  • Bird Clipart

  • Canada Goose Printout

Listen to the geese
Click on this link to hear a field of geese.

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